
Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System

Ling Yun was the son of a wealthy businessman. But one day, his mother finds out that her husband is having an affair with his secretary. And after that she decided to divorce her husband, but at that time she did not realize that she was pregnant with Ling Yun. After learning about her pregnancy, she decided to move to another city. And since then, their lives have been up and down. Because of the economic crush, and also his mother's health was getting worse. He decided to take the 'Dark' path, which led him to near death. But just as Ling Yun was nearing his end, he heard a little girl's voice asking him. "Do you want to live?" Tags : Drama, Romance, Big Harem, Dual Cultivation, Multi Race and world, Weak to Strong, Slow Plot At Beginning, Kind and Smart MC, Cruel Mc

JosieGan · 東方
1046 Chs

Revealing Her Identity

Hearing the woman's voice, the patriarchs of those Upper Clans rushed out, but they couldn't find anyone.

They then spread their senses but still couldn't find the female owner of the voice, and Chen Wentian asked with a frown. "What happened? Where did that woman go?"

"I don't know." Ling Ming replied with a shake of his head as he kept trying to locate the woman.

Huo Yun then said. "Do you recognize her voice?"

"No." Lei Yuntian shook his head. "However, judging from the pink gas just now, I believe that woman is related to the Hundred Flower Sect, for only that sect uses such a thing."

"I agree with you." Chen Wentian nodded repeatedly. "But what is the purpose of the sect interrupting this meeting?"

The other three shook their heads, then entered the room again, and Lei Yuntian said. "We couldn't find the woman outside, Madam Feng."