Shen Qianshu asked, "How did she die?"
Maxi said, "She was seriously injured. I reckon that she died from an infection. The weather is warm, and we are in the jungle. We only have basic medicine, so she could not get the proper treatment."
Her death was expected.
Monica said, "One less person again."
Suddenly, a bullet hit on the cave wall not far away. It caused countless broken stones to splatter. Shen Qianshu got up horizontally and swept up her own M4. She, Monica, and Maxi had their backs against one another. They had planned to fight.
Minutes went by.
Everything went back to being peaceful.
After one bullet, it was endless peace. Nobody shot again, and nobody came up to check.
Xue Er said, "Did you see them?"
"No!" The girl said. "No one appeared."