
Price of Freedom- Remastered

A young half mink becomes a slave, torn from a family he didn't have and into a new one... Can he get the freedom HE wants?

Monkey_Godking · アニメ·コミックス
103 Chs

Thirteen vs. Crocodile

Thirteen ran through the city, looking around with White on his shoulder doing the same. He jumped from building to building, looking down at the people. He didn't know what Crocodile looked like so he was running blind.

But he didn't know what bounty hunters looked like.

While they were in Rainbase, they were wearing uniforms.

Thirteen wasn't dumb and could tell normal people apart from killers. He lunged at a bounty hunter, grabbing him and dragging him into an alley. He smashed the man into a wall and said "Where is Crocodile."

The man looked at Thirteen and pissed himself when he heard his voice, it was rough and gritty like iron scraping against each other, he stammered "I-I-I-I-I-I don't know!" Thirteen punched his head to mush, letting the body slide to the ground before disappearing.

He went through 30 agents before grabbing one and saying "Where is your boss." the woman trembled in fear and pointed to the giant pyramid with a golden crocodile on the top of it.

Thirteen looked at the building and clenched his hand, separating the woman's head from the rest of her body before he ran to the building.

He powered up his arm to the max and threw a punch at the door, blasting the door, the walls around it, and anyone unfortunate enough to be near the door, to heaven. The rest of the gamblers and degenerates in the casino who survived looked to the door to see Thirteen standing in the debris looking at them.

A bounty hunter shook and aimed a gun at Thirteen, but White jumped off Thirteen's shoulder and kicked the woman in the head, sending her flying into the wall head first. Her head exploded on impact and White put on a fighting stance to the rest of the agents inside, bloodlust leaking from his little body.

The agents were spooked by the tiny rabbit and started shooting at it, unfortunately for them, White was trained by the god of death himself. White bounced around dodging bullets before throwing a punch, smashing a man's teeth in while also kicking to the side and snapping another man's neck.

White landed on the ground and bounced in place, throwing punches in the air before moving again. His skull helmet was already soaked in blood, making him look that much more menacing.

Thirteen walked into the lobby, ignoring the agents that were getting destroyed by White alone. He looked around for an important looking person and saw Ms. All-Sunday sitting down, propping up her chin and watching with a smile, not at all bothered by the blood and flesh flying around.

Thirteen walked over and kicked the table she was leaning on, flying. It flew through a group of agents and slammed them against a wall, there was only blood running down the wall as the table became a permanent decoration.

Thirteen looked at her and she stopped smiling, turning to Thirteen and saying "That's not very nice." Thirteen blinked at her and she added "You had a lot to say last time, this time I get nothing?" he tilted his head and his hand clenched to a fist, she put her hands up and rolled her eyes, saying "Fine, he's upstairs."

Thirteen looked at her and said "Because we're the same, I'm letting you go this time." she smiled and replied "Lucky me~" he nodded and jumped up, punching through the ceiling, disappearing onto the next floor.

She looked up and sighed "There's stairs right over there…" the rest of the customers paled and started running out of the casino, thankful they still had their lives. All-Sunday turned her attention to White, who was looking at the lack of enemies, and smiled "How cute."

Thirteen ran through the hallways, looking around. Obviously this was a place normal people couldn't reach, so the question was; where's Crocodile?

His ear twitched and he dropped to the floor as a sand blade flew through the air, cutting the walls and door it came from, in half. Thirteen turned to see a tall man with a scar cutting across his face, dressed in a suit with a giant golden hook for a hand. The man grinned and said "Looking for me?"

Thirteen pushed back as a spike made of sand shot through the floor where he just was. Crocodile's grin widened and he said "I have to say, you're a pretty nice kid!" Thirteen jumped back and looked at Crocodile, tilting his head.

Crocodile laughed and waved his hook, sending 3 sand blades at Thirteen as he said "You sent me a 600 million belli present! Kuhahahaha" Thirteen jumped over the sand blades and shot towards Crocodile, who just gave him a mocking smile and stood there.

Thirteen clenched his fist and punched Crocodile in the head, blowing it into sand and scattering it everywhere. Thirteen stood there and looked at the headless Crocodile in confusion.

He jumped back and dodged a hook swipe as Crocodile's head reformed itself. He laughed and said "What do you think? In despair yet?" Thirteen tilted his head and kicked Crocodile again, going right through him.

Crocodile laughed "It's usele-" before Thirteen grabbed his hook and threw him through a wall. Crocodile smashed through several walls and flew to the outside. He got up and looked all disheveled, but more importantly he was angry.

Very angry.

Thirteen stood in the hole on the side of the building and looked down at Crocodile before crouching down and jumping off the building, making an even bigger hole.

Crocodile stomped on the ground and sent a sandstorm at Thirteen, who spun in the air, letting his chains swing in the opposite direction of the sandstorm, dispersing it. He flew forward and flipped, slamming his foot down on Crocodile's head, but splitting him instead.

Crocodile pulled his hook up and the ground beneath Thirteen revealed a sand pit, swallowing him. Crocodile smirked until the ground exploded and Thirteen shot out, slapping the hook out of the way as he uppercut Crocodile's chin.

Crocodile's smirk was washed away as he actually felt pain and was sent flying through a building. Thirteen looked at his fist and tilted his head in confusion, it was the same as before so why did he hit him now?

He assumed it was Crocodile's problem and chased after him.

Crocodile got up and spat out some blood, he frowned and a vein bulged on his forehead as he walked towards Thirteen, slashing his hook upward, this time his sand blades were black.

Thirteen rolled out of the way and lunged forward, shooting towards Crocodile and throwing a punch. Crocodile narrowed his eyes and started to take things seriously as he made a hole in his body and closed it around Thirteen's wrist, locking him in place as his hook turned pitch black and stabbed towards Thirteen's stomach.

Thirteen hardened his torso and took the blow, smashing his other fist on Crocodile's torso, exploding it into sand and pulling his other arm back. He ducked under a hand and jumped back up, kneeing Crocodile in the chin.

Crocodile's head exploded and Thirteen stomped on the hook, kicking it away as he jumped back, getting some distance from Crocodile. Thirteen frowned as Crocodile rebuilt himself, before Crocodile could say anything, he charged forward and slashed out with his chains.

Crocodile blocked with his hook and the chains wrapped around it. Thirteen pulled the hook to him but only the hook came and a black sand spike came out of the ground with it. Thirteen twisted his body and threw the hook into the sky before charging at Crocodile again.

Crocodile dodged the punch and swiped his hand, which was ducked under by Thirteen. Crocodile kneed where Thirteen ducked and hit him in the face. Thirteen hardened his face and was sent flying into a building, smashing it to pieces.

Crocodile walked over and looked at the rumble, noticing that the mink was missing. He got a closer look when his face was planted into the ground from behind as Thirteen jumped from another building and stomped on the back of Crocodile's head.

Thirteen punched Crocodile's back only for Crocodile to sink into the floor and disappear. Thirteen dodged to the side and Crocodile snorted "Damn worm." he slapped the ground and the entire area of houses sank into the sand.

Black sand spikes shot up from the ground and formed a barrier before crashing down on top on Thirteen.

Crocodile watched and the sand blasted up, revealing Thirteen. Crocodile felt the vein in his forehead throbbing as his anger rose. He flashed in front of Thirteen and stomped on his chest, sending him flying through an entire neighborhood.

Crocodile held out his palm and a sandstorm kicked up, getting more and more intense as the time went on. Thirteen ran back, Crocodile hid his arm behind his back as he slashed up with his hook.

Sand blades shot at Thirteen, Crocodile stomped, Sand spikes shot out from all around him, Crocodile swung his hook down and under Thirteen a sand pit appeared. Thirteen dodged the blades and stomped on the sand pit, shooting to the spikes that he punched through, arriving in front of Crocodile.

His arm was reeled back and bulging, all black.

Crocodile's pupils shrank and he made a massive hole in his body, Thirteen flew through and the arm behind Crocodile's back slapped Thirteen's stomach with the sandstorm.

Thirteen spat out a mouthful of blood as his eyes widened. He was shot through the air and Crocodile waved his hook in a circle, the sandstorm expanded to a giant sandstrom and picked up all the debris, dead bodies, and Thirteen, smashing them against each other as it went along before spitting Thirteen out across the sky far off into the desert.

Crocodile watched Thirteen fly away and swiped his nose with his thumb, looking at the blood. He clicked his tongue and shouted "Get someone to fix this shit." before walking back to the casino in a bad mood.

All-Sunday was holding White in her arms looking at Crocodile coming back with a smile, she said "Had fun?" Crocodile glanced at her before walking into the casino, not saying a word. She smiled and followed behind him, waving behind her as agents started coming out from inside and fixing Rainbase up.

They were very experienced and worked quickly, soon it looked as though nothing happened at all, making all the people who were there doubt their own sanity.

Well, before they remembered that they needed to gamble and went back to doing what they do every day.