
President Archie’s mischievous pet

“Those are your things, take them and leave”, she heard Marlon say. Is this a joke, Julie couldn't believe she was being thrown out of her home, the House was given to them by Marlon's parent as a wedding gift, it was true that the house was under her husband's name but she had been the one paying the water bill, light bill, waste bill, including feeding for the past three years and now he was making her leave. Julie was completely taken aback by Marlon's words. “…” Juliette Henshaw a workaholic and a selfless woman, always puts her husband and cousin's needs before hers and is later betrayed by them. In her moment of heartbreak, Julie in her drunken state boldly seduced a stranger into having sex with her. If Marlon can cheat on me with my cousin why can't I do the same with a stranger, she declared. vanity upon vanity all is vanity. Julie finds out two months later that she was pregnant through a pregnancy test at the hospital knowing who the father is she tried to pin it on her husband Marlon hoping it would save her marriage. Would Julie go on with her plan on pinning the pregnancy on her husband or would she claim the child to be Archie's, the one night stander whom she barely knew. This is my first novel So there might be a bit of typo but I still hope you enjoy reading I would really appreciate your supports

Floatingberries · 都市
25 Chs


Julie reached her apartment building and went straight to the elevator, she looked at the 500th-floor button and pressed it, she wanted to see the mysterious man whom she had met that fateful night, the father of her child for the last time before leaving the apartment for good, she didn't want to be bothered by Marlon and her cousin anymore.


She stood in front of his apartment and was still not sure if it was right to come see him, it was true that Julie could provide for her child all alone but she wanted her child to experience a father's love, she didn't want her child growing up like her.

She raised her hand about to ring the bell but she stopped midway, different thoughts began to flood her mind, she knew nothing about the man, didn't know his name or what he did for a living, what if the man was a bad man like an assassin or even worse, she didn't want her child growing up with such a person as a father.


She turned around and was about to leave when the door clicked open.

"Are you here for another round of pleasure" she heard a hoarse voice say, she stopped in her heels startled, turned around, and met the gaze of a man


He had a set of dark golden hazel eyes that looked as though he was looking at her soul, it was the same man from a few months ago, the mysterious man she had sex with that night, the father of her unborn child.


She opened her mouth but no words came out, she wanted to tell him about her pregnancy but she couldn't, she needed to protect her child before anything else.


"I came to the wrong room…again, Julie finally spoke, she knew it was the dumbest excuse ever but that was what she could come up with.

"Well, I've been expecting you", the man said in a calm and alluring tone.


Julie was shocked at the man's words, was he genuinely waiting for me all this time? Or was he just being sarcastic, if he truly wanted to see me, would have come up to my room but he didn't, she thought to herself.


The man inched closer to Julie but she placed her hand on his hard chest preventing him from getting closer to her, she knew she might give in to him if he tried to seduce her into his bed, so she made an effort to prevent it from happening.


"It doesn't work that way for me, Julie, I have to feel you", he whispered, as his cold dark eyes stared at her in amusement.

Before Julie could open her mouth to say anything else, he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to himself making her eyes widen in surprise, she tried to pull herself away from him but his hold on her waist was firm making it impossible to escape, his lips covered hers, it was soft and firm, just like the last time, only that this time it isn't hungry and rough but steady and calm, still making it difficult for her to breath, he rubbed against her making her feel his hardness from his trousers.


She felt her leg lose balance under his kiss, and he then stopped kissing, causing Julie to shoot her eyes open, she was baffled, she hadn't expected him to stop, as a matter of fact, she wanted more than his lips, she was craving his manhood.


Julie recalled the event of the last time when the man had thrown money at her thinking she was a hooker but she was falling for his allures, she felt shameless.

"Let's go in", the man said with a glimmer of command.

She jerked her head up and looked into his eyes, go in? What? Did he actually want to have sex with her again? Julie asked herself tonnes of questions.

Her body wanted to accept going with him but her heart thought otherwise, she knew how she felt when she is around the man but she didn't want to foolishly accept his offer like a paranoid bitch, she was going to be a mother and that was all that mattered, satisfying her sexual need wasn't her number one priority, it was her child.

"No", she said after so much thought.


The man tilted his head to the side with a scowl, "I know you want this so don't fight it, I can feel your body shivering under my slightest touch", he said, planting a kiss on her neck making the heat between her legs increase rapidly, he was right but she shouldn't give into his seduction.


"No, I don't want it", she said adamantly


"Don't you dare lie to me", he growled, stepping away from her, he wanted her and he couldn't take no for an answer.


"I can't do this anymore…I don't even know your name yet" Julie said looking down at her hand.


"You don't need to know anything about me including my name", he said in a hoarse voice.


"Why not"


"I have my reasons, Julie", he bit his lips and came closer to her but she took a step back preventing him from standing close to her.


"I need to know you more because I am…"Julie stopped talking when she realized what she was about to say, she pressed her lips in thin lines and looked away from him.


"Because you're what? Tell me!", the man demanded, as he narrowed his eyes urging her to finish her statement


"You don't need to know anything", Julie snapped.

"You called me a hooker the last time and treated me like trash but here you are trying to lure me to your bed, just what the hell do you take me for? A slut?" she rolled her eyes and glared at him, she was smart enough to change the subject of their conversation so she wouldn't have to tell him about her pregnancy.


The man was surprised at her sudden response, "I don't…" he was about to say something but Julie interrupted

"You don't want to see me again? Is that what you want to say? Well guess what, I'm leaving this building for good so I also won't get to see you ever again, Julie screeched.


"I hope we never meet again", she finally said, letting out a sigh, turned around, and walked away from him to the elevator.


The man looked at her silhouette as she departed from him, he leaned on the wall with his arms folded, and a smirk appeared on his face, "I'll surely find out what you're hiding" he muttered.