

Skyline University, a place where the rich and powerful attend. From well known and renowned families from all over the world come to home their skills, to become the best of themselves, future leaders, politicians, entrepreneurs, businessmen, Models, Lawyers, Ect. All your dreams can be achieved here, as long as you have money and a good name, the university will accept you in any way shape or form. However if your unlucky like ‘Dean’ then you may find yourself in countless situations where your put down due to your social status i the hierarchy of power. Dean is a 19 year old living in his own, due to complications back home he’s runaway and made it to a city that’s completely unknown to him. But luckily he manages to fend for himself, landing three consecutive jobs just to pay for his living expenses, and to attend a the prestigious school Skyline University, in order to get a better job. But there’s always trouble awaiting our dear MC, from bullying, harassment, discrimination, and brutal life threatening fights. Dean struggles his way through this life called the big city, but without a doubt in his mind he still finds it better than being at his old home, he strives for a simple life and that’s all there is to it. Watch him as he make his way through this Prelude.

Iamjustjay · アクション
4 Chs

Hi, Author Here!

Hi there just a quick little note here since I don't think webnovel has a community post page.

I wanna say thank to whoever decides to read this novel of mine, you took the time out of your day or night to reward this regardless of the chapters or possible typos or any mess up.

All in all it's a story that you read through and through, and I respect you for even considering reading this, honestly it means a lot to me.

Weather it's a big or small majority it's all fine, just as long as you all find some sort of entertainment in the story then I'll keep at it. Anyways ima stop being a boring old goofy ahh, and say once more thank you .

Really, you make this sorry lively and I thank you for it.