
Pregnant with the Enemy Alpha's Baby

In the midst of heartbreak, I sought solace at a local bar, desperate to heal my wounds after discovering my boyfriend was cheating on me. Little did I know, that night would introduce me to a handsome stranger who would change my life forever. What began as an incredible night together, seemingly just a fling, quickly evolved into something far more extraordinary. You see, this captivating stranger wasn't just an ordinary person – he was a werewolf, and the strongest one that everyone talked about. And now, I found myself carrying his child. From being an ordinary girl to embarking on an unexpected and thrilling journey, the adventure that unfolded before me took me completely by surprise. With the arrival of our baby, a dangerous yet exhilarating path lay ahead...

cassie7777777 · ファンタジー
100 Chs

Chapter 68 Fresh Blood

We got in the car and rushed to the location where Alex had disappeared. The sun was high up in the sky, indicating that it was nearly noon when the car finally came to a stop. I thought we had arrived at our destination, but Tyler informed me that we still had to continue on foot. The once well-defined road had now become narrow and overgrown with vegetation, making it impossible for the car to proceed any further. Reluctantly, we abandoned the car and ventured deeper into the woods on foot. The silence around us was eerie, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of animals.


As we walked further into the woods, my mind was filled with a mixture of fear and determination. Something felt terribly wrong, and my heart pounded in my chest with each step we took.


Finally, we reached the location and met with the other pack members. Tyler exchanged greetings with them before anxiously asking, "Did Alex come back?"