
Is a Man Who Merely Donated Sperm Worthy of Being Called a Father?

The black Maybach came to a halt at the entrance of Jin City International Hospital. Gu Pianpian immediately opened the car door and hurried out. As a highly focused and purpose-driven businesswoman, she couldn't fathom that Gu Mingyao would visit the hospital for a "visit" to the comatose patient, especially considering that Kongwu had been in the hospital for nearly a year. Was he only now thinking of visiting? It just didn't add up.

After pushing open the hospital room door and confirming that Kongwu was safe and sound on the hospital bed, Gu Pianpian let out a long sigh of relief.

She neatly adjusted the blanket on him and then turned to look at Gu Mingyao and Zhou Hairong. Her voice grew stern, "Get out, or... don't blame me for not being polite."

Gu Mingyao, hearing her words, stared at Gu Pianpian and scolded, "We're here to see him, not you. What's it to you?"

So, was she making a mountain out of a molehill by assuming this was about her?