
Distance Creates Beauty, But Also Creates a Third Party

In the early morning, the sunrise painted the sky orange, and birds fluttered with the wind. A slightly aching neck woke Gu Pianpian from her deep sleep, and she realized that she was not lying on a bed but on Huo Qing'ang's legs.

So, she had slept through the night resting on Huo Qing'ang's legs? What's more, she slept so deeply that she was reluctant to change positions despite the neck pain.

"Are you awake?" Huo Qing'ang gazed down at her with a lazy tone. His deep eyes seemed to have the power to draw her in.

The warm breath from his lips brushed across her face, and her cheeks flushed with color. The morning sunlight was casting a gentle glow on her face, enhancing its beauty.

Huo Qing'ang's breathing suddenly became more rapid. Feeling his change, Gu Pianpian was flustered. She quickly sat up, feeling as stiff as a primary school student.

Awkwardness hung in the air, and Gu Pianpian couldn't meet his gaze. The atmosphere was tense, but a figure approached the car.