
Preface to Cosmic fables

The very first in a series of "Captain's logs" documenting the journey of one young woman's journey to wellness through self-discovery.

H_Bashirah · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Captain's Log: Authors testimonial 6.17.

I don't know when I began hating money, I just know how much I've hated it. Hated the necessity of it just to live. Hated chasing it in order to live well. I hated it.

Then, one day, I realized I didn't hate money. I hated the value of it being placed above priceless things like knowledge, family, and health. I hated the idol surrounding it. I hated it being misperceived as wealth.

So, I decided to live with less of it until perhaps I could learn to live without it.

There began the journey.

This is the path of wellness that I have chosen. My own individually mapped pathway to Peace

I believe it would be true for most people because it has been tried and rings truh[1] for me.

It begins with worship.

*I believe every path of Peace begins with worship because wellness begins with faith; a trust in the value of standard we use to measure our decisions.

My value of standard is Islam.

And when you ask for a reason, I will give you this one.

Life begins with Allah.

with Tawheed (Oneness). The Eternal.

He is Allah.

He is The One.

I bear witness that there is none worthy to be worshipped but Him.


He is The One.

The One worthy of worship.

The One worth our time[2].

His is the reason to strive.

(A fact that is so painfully obvious to me I had to draaaawww[3] it out of my mind.)

I believe we ignore this reason because the world offers upwards of 99 choices of worship/causes to strive for other than Him,

An-Nūr - The Light.

Because He is so blindingly Perfect we know we could never be, so we ignore rather than look into His Path.

We ignore The Light rather than strive to be as bright,

We overlook the fact that He is The Most Merciful, Kind, Forgiving.

He knows we could never be as perfect. He doesn't care how terribly bad we are at it, or how many times we fail.

It only matters that we at least strive to discipline ourselves, to do good[4].

To live begs the answer to the question:

what is worth my life?

what is worth my time?

that is the question of holistic wellness.

A quest for Peace

And we have all this span of choices.*

To recap: The quest to wellness is a journey through self-discovery.

The Wheel of Life has 100 ­paths.

I choose Allah's.

His encompasses the Noble Eight.

This standard of value is the compass -symbol drawn to measure my life with.

Cosmic fables are the graphic novels of my journey.

This is an overview of what holds truh for me:

Our self has three-form houses of frequency or three energy's to one body[5].

They are the mind, the body, and the spirit.

Two of these forms, the mind and the spirit, depend on the fitrah[6] of your character.

To be well means a holistic-syncing of them all.

We begin with worship because worship is for the spirit. Our spirit has the greatest measure of impact to all three. Its drive is back to Oneness and exists closest to that realm. The spiritual frequency is the most difficult one to listen to or hear. It is often unacknowledged or disregarded.

Next is work. Work is a prescription for the mind. Get a hobby, we often say to each other... The mind gets tired of thinking and tired of not thinking. It thrives on missions or tasks and needs to know it is contributing to a cause. It's best to take on short-term projects that support long-term goals. The mind is not satisfied unless there is some way to track progress.

Last is exercise. The body must take on routine periods of physical stress in order to become stronger.[7] Exercise is the crux of fitness and health. I shouldn't need to elaborate on the benefits of exercise to the mind and body, and if I do someone will have to tell me.

For now – Worship, work, and exercise are three keys to mapping paths to wellness.

Follow, vote for me, and share. Book 1 of fables will be uploaded Friday :D

And stay tuned for more wellness-mapping tips.


[1] Mashup of the words True and Ruh (Arabic)- Soul

[2] What is time if it is not our lives? It is the most we ever charge for. The only price that really costs us.

[3] Cosmic fables: inspired by a path to wellness.

[4] Be kind. Take care of each other.

[5] I call them the 3-i's... pretty clever.

[6] Fitrah (Arabic) is ones nature or natural inclination.

[7] Read Lian Gong Mi Jue: Secrets of External and Internal Mastery by Jin Yi Ming. Changed my life.

When I say "wellness-map", yes I do mean it.

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