

Prudy, Kiara and Abbie find each other at California University L.A. They learn to co-exist even with their differences in colour and status. They live life one day after the other and make life decisions on their way. They get caught up in love triangles and find their way out together. They teach the importance of accepting oneself before others can accept you as well as the importance of "all lives matter" instead of "one race's life matters". They make life changing decisions, some bad some good, some, you be their judge.

Cate_Sharon_Gakeni · 若者
29 Chs

chapter 16

Kiara's POV

I step forward to Prudy and let out a sigh of frustration.

"Are you going to be an ass all night?" I throw in my hands in defeat.

"I'm sorry. You are my best friend I don't know why I said that." She rubs her chin and rolls her tongue. Abbie seems surprised. Maybe she is not used to an apologizing Prudy. She comes closer and hugs me.

"Okay, okay, what are we watching. I'm getting emotionaaal." She lets go and wipes her sides of the eyes to hide the tears she was forming. She is a conserved person and her walls are always so high. I have never really understood why. I let it slide and pretend not to have noticed.

"To all the boys I've loved." Abbie says out loud.

"No. Hell no!" Prudy really doesn't know when to accept things does she.

"Why." Abbie is pouting as always and her baby face exaggerates her look.

"It's the lamest movie I've watched."

"Jesus Prudy, why would you say that?" She almost jumps off her couch and I can't help but giggle. She lets out a scared face rather than surprised.

"Getting a boyfriend out of fake dating? Really?"

"'Fake Boyfriend' tells the same story, 'Boyfriend For Hire' tells the same, 'The Perfect Date' too, Friends With Benefits? Why not this specific one? I think it's dope. I expected Lara to end up with Josh and she didn't so, it's twisted." Abbie tries to explain

"Yea and with Lara's parents being dead? And..."

"Mmh, just mom." I correct her.

"Thank you." Abbie smiles at me to express gratitude.

"Whatever. No! Pick another."

"Like 'Fast And Fierce? Or maybe Rev? Come on Prudy." I try to help Abbie out. She was being difficult when I know the obvious reason for not watching that is because she doesn't want to be emotional.

"We watching 'How I Met Your Mother'."

She says with finality.

"What?" I look back at her.

"That's a stupid comedy."

"It's not stupid. It's a sit com that's not gonna make any of you emotional freaks and drag me along." I knew it!

Aahaa, that is what she was afraid of. I giggle and realize she's looking then fake a cough.


"Okay? Kiara what's going on here." Abbie does her weird head turn and narrows her eyes so that her face doesn't completely show.

"We watch that then Peter and Josh are all ours later." I hear her sighing in defeat and Prudy inwardly celebrating her win.

Abbie's POV,

Hours pass and the bugger has worn off. Prudy is already out on the couch. Berlin called an hour ago and I ignored it. I don't want to be anywhere close to Sally or that house. He was getting into my head and that is not going to end well. It's not like I'm Prudy like. I mean I date even though I've just dated once and I suck at it. I haven't found the one yet and I don't want to rush. Especially i don't want it to be Sally. I really don't want to be like the girls in movies or books that fall for the bad boy that treats them like trash and they try to change them. I always dream of a good boy that will take me out on dates and not call me out on every tiny detail, that will hold my hand to the movies and feed me popcorn. I have no idea why I'm fantasizing about boys right now.

"How did you meet your first boyfriend?" Kiara startles me.

"Summer camp."

"You have summer in your country." It was more of a statement than a question.

"No, I just translated it to what they'd call it here." I say and try to mind my business by stuffing popcorn in my mouth.

"Was it your craziest relationship?" The questions keep coming.

"You mean my only relationship. Yes."

"Woah," she exclaims.

"But..." I don't know why I want to tell her this but I've really never told anyone so let me learn from telling her. "I had a craaazy relationship in high school."

"So you've been in two relationships." She turns to look.

"Uuh, no, I wouldn't say that. It was imaginary."

"Uuh," she intentionally scratches her nose and bites her upper lip. "How so?"

"In high school, I didn't date anyone really because you know, strict mom and all." I sit up and cross my right leg under my left on the couch and place a pillow over them turning to face her. "Other girls were all over with people dating them and blah and they used to come to school talking about their partners and I felt left out. So I created this guy, he was white."

"You imagined dating a white guy."

"Yea is that a problem?"

"Noou, mhmh. It's not a problem at all." She does that dramatic head nod but i push it behind me.

"He was tall. Practically anyone taller than me is tall so yea he was tall. And had full eyebrows and his hair fell perfectly on his forehead, he had a chin dimple..." She interrupts.

"You know you are actually describing Sally right?" She looks sternly at me and forms a sympathetic smile.

"No. What. No. His eyes were green and his hair was black! And he was Russian. Oh and by the way his name is Mikey Walker okay? He was born on 28th of November." She gives me a weird look.

"You made all that up?" I pull my lips into a line.

"Yeaa, you gotta have content if you gotta tell a story.."

"They believed you?" She is shocked.

"Yeee... I don't know. At least I didn't feel so out of the ordinary."

"You were out of the ordinary Abbie. You had a white imaginary boyfriend that looks exactly like a dyed and green eyed Sally and has the same birthday date."

"What!!" She just raises her eyebrows at me.

"I don't even know... How do you know his birthday?"

"He's a popular rich dude that celebrates his birthday every year in school ground so yea everybody knows his birthday."


I don't want to look back at Kiara anymore so I turn and pretend to focus.