
Chapter 7: Fujioshi Squad

"Uaaah, Tamaki kun is so cool!"

"Oh mah lord it's bootiful."

"If I drink this, my father may scold me...." a brunette whimpered.

Tamaki grabbed her waist and leaned into her face. "What if I let  you drink from my mouth?"

The brunette blushed madly. "I-I would drink it" the fan girls swarmed the hawt scenery.

"This is ridiculous." Haruhi stated.

"I couldn't agree more." I sighed.

We flee the horrifying scene. We inch our way towards where the twins are. Hikaru seems to be telling a story to the two girls sitting with them at the table.

"So he had this nightmare that made him bolt up right out of bed," Hikaru laughed.

Kaoru blushed, and turned his face away. "H-Hikaru....don't tell them that story..." he said bashfully. "I asked you not to tell anyone that.....why are you so mean to me!?" He cried.

The two girls grasped each other's shoulders, intensely staring at the twins.

Hikaru took his brothers hands and sympathetically stared into his eyes. "I'm sorry, Kaoru. I didn't mean to upset you." He lifted his chin. "But you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them...I'm sorry...."


"EEEEEEEE!! Brotherly love!!!" The two girls squealed.

"What are they so excited about," Haruhi face palms. " I just don't get it, am I right Hinata-"


I reached my hand towards my nose.

Haruhi turned to see my blushing face, nose gushing with blood.

"U-uhh I uhm," I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say.

"I-It's not what you think it is H-Haruhi...."

I glanced at the twins, embracing each other as blood started gushing out the other nostril.

"Hinata....could it be that your....."

Kaoru started.

"A Fujioshi??"

Hikaru ended with a smirk.

I froze myself into place. My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Fish.....fish...gosh darn, am I hungry....

The two girls ran up to me with an intense face.

"We were....." they asked.

"Born to make history!" I blurted out.

"Koi wo....?"

"Shiyouoyo!" We sang, snickering in between the words.

"Eiri + Shindo?"


"If there are two hot dudes you...."

"...ship them together!!" We exclaimed in unison.

The girl with black short hair patted my shoulder.

"Your in the club sis."

"Hell yeah bish."

I said as I high-fived the other girl with brown wavy hair.

"Hinata. Hinata Nakamura."

"I'm Kurumi. Kurumi Kuronuma. " the girl I high-fived said as she passed me a box of tissues.

"Saki." The girl with the short black hair said.

Kurumi wiggled her eyes brows. "Your last name....?"

"Oh quit those eye brow wiggling.." Saki replies blushing.


Me and Kurumi grinned.

"Katsuki as in Yuri Katsuki?"

"And Bakugou Katsuki?"

"Holy shoot you know Boku no Hero Academia?!"

"Omg yes we ship Bakugou x Kirishima 4 lifeu!!"

"Yaaas Queen we Stan!" We embraced eachother happily.

"I'm sorry, but what the hell is going on?" Haruhi finally spoke up as she Hikaru and Kaoru were staring at us, odd looks on their faces and most definitely confused. Well, Hikaru and Kaoru were somewhat grinning like the creeps they are. Hmph.

Saki and Kurumi pushes me over to their table and sat me down.

"Continue. Please." Their eyes shimmered.

"I'm sorry to bother you ladies," Kyoya spoke suddenly as I realized he was watching us. Watching me to be more specific. Nuh uh. Not good. "I'm happy to see Ms. Nakamura has made some friends, but I believe she has some work to attend to." He glared.

I shot up straight from my chair. "Y-Yes! I apologize. I'll catch you guys later." I quickly picked up the tray of tea and went over to where Honey and Mori Senpai were.

"Would you guys like some tea?" I offered politely. One girl declined, but the other two nodded yes and smiled at me.

Honey senpai took a cup and drank the tea. "Mmm...thank you Hina-Chan!"

"No problem!" I smiled.

"Is that boy really a third year student?" I questioned.

As if Kyoya had read my mind, he miraculously appeared next to me (again) "Honey-senpai may seem young and childish, but he's a prodigy. And then Mori-senpai's allure is his strong and silent disposition."

"Hina-chan! Hey, Hina-chan, do you want some cake?" He bounced up and down, and looked at me with his glistening puppy eyes, handing me a plate with a slice of strawberry cake on it.

"Well he sure is a prodigy at being cute." I thought as I took the plate from him, mentally gushing over his adorableness.

"You'll notice that our club utilizes each man's unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests. Just so you know, Tamaki is number one around here. He is the king. His request rate is seventy percent." Kyoya adjusted his glasses like one of the clichey glasses anime characters (which he is).

The cake was quite delicious. It may seem too sweet for others, but it was the perfect amount of sweetness for me. I finished it fairly quickly, using my best manners. I didn't want to look stupid in front of Mr. Ootori rich trust fund kid whatever.

"And in order for you to pay off your ten million yen debt with us, you will act as the Ouran Host Club's dog until you graduate."

I choked on the fork in my mouth.


Oh, I'm sorry,"

he chuckled (f a k e )

"I meant our errand girl." Kyoya smiled maniacally. I flinched and took a step backwards as he emitted a dark aura.

"You can try to run away if you want to, Ms. Nakamura, but just so you know, my family employs a private police force of one hundred officers. By the way, do you have a passport? Oh yes, you are from the states; of course you would. I apologize."

"This guy....." I gripped the fork tightly. "He's trying to tick me off....."

"You're going to have to work hard to pay off that debt, my little princess," Tamaki came out of no where, and winked at me.

N o  T h a n k  Y o u  S i r

"Please don't do that again. Ever." I said blankly. I can see why he's Mr. Annoying Ass Obnoxious Headmaster Dude's son.

I can see where he got the obnoxiousness from.

Tamaki looked at Kyoya, then at me, and then back at Kyoya.

"Mommy〜 I feel bad for our little daughter..... a women should not have to work like this! I pity her...." Tamaki whined. Now since when was I your daughter-

Kyoya sighed. "Fine Tamaki....." he pinched his forehead (how tf- how do you say like the nose thingy lmao wat am I doing with my life) "Ms. Nakamura...do you have any talents?"

"Talents...?" I thought for awhile. What am I good at? Well I sure am great at procrastinating I'm sure that can be a talent. Uhhhh.....I can be a mukbanger trust me I can. Pranking people? I think they've got the twins. No Hinata....don't be stupid you stupid. Kyoya won't accept that. He knows I'm stupid so think of something good.....

"Singing....? Dancing....?"

I inquired with a question mark, unsure. I mean I guess I'm mediocre at that. I was in Choir back at home and in the school musical...

Tamaki grabbed my shoulders. "Perfect!! We can have a performance!"

"I-I what..?" I stuttered, a bit surprised.

Tamaki glanced at Kyoya excitedly, expecting his response.

Kyoya clickity-clacked on his computer for a second and then, "Hmmm, it seems that Ms. Nakamura was in her school choir. Oh, and the school musical as well. The lead female starring in it. Impressive. She'll be the perfect attraction." He remarked.

Omg how did he find that-

Is he an esper...?

Tamaki swiftly turned his face back at me. "Hinata! We're going to have you preform for the Host Club!"

"P-Preform!?!?" I cried.

Oh holy shit balls of snickerdoodles.....what the fuck have I gotten myself into...