
Chapter 4: F ck these ankles

"Are you okay?"

I held the boy's hand as he lifted me off the ground. When he let go of my hand, my feet stumbled. My body flew towards the ground once more. Fuck these god motherf-ing ankles-

"Whoop, can't let that happen again,"

The boy swiftly grab me by my waist.

"Thanks again," I chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine," he smiled. His emerald green eyes soon turned to worry. "I think you might've twisted your ankle,"

"Oh shit that's not good," I cursed.

"Here, I'll take you to the nurse," he put my arm around his shoulders. And he helped me towards the door.

"Oh my gosh! Nakamura san, are you okay?" Haruhi rushed over to the scene with some questionable things in her hands. "It's gotta be those fan girls. Damn." I thought.

She had a worried look on her face. The twins? No where in sight.

The green eyed boy smiled, his dimples showing. "Don't worry I'm just taking her to the nurses office. She twisted her ankle,"

He led me out the cafeteria, and down the hallway to the nurses office.

***time skip brought to you by Kyoya's pineapple computer***

"Your foot will fully heal in about 1~2 weeks. However you'll be able to walk after 2 days or more,"  the nurse Mrs. Satou said to me as she wrapped my swollen foot with the adhesive bandage tape.

"Thank you so much," I thanked while smiling.

"Are you feeling better?" The boy asked in concern.

"Aha, I'm fine I'm fine,"

"Hey, how you doing well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying in side....." I sang in my head

The boy looked at me in doubt, but then turned around to walk out of the nurses office.

"I'm going to go back to class Mrs. Satou ,"

"Oh ok! Thank you for helping this young lady to my room. Oh! Let me give you a late pass,"

The nurse hastily went to her desk and started writing on a piece of paper.

"So I won't be able to walk for a while...." I sighed in disbelief. "Well this sucks,"

"......and here you go!! Make sure you go straight to your class,"

The boy peaced out the room. ✌️✌️✌️

Mrs Satou turned to me with a bright smile. She had short black hair with brown eyes. She had soft eyes that can comfort anyone.

She rolled over to me on her rollyyy chair (I love those chairs them so fun UwU) with a large bandaid for my hand. She had disinfected my hand earlier with some alcohol. My hand still stinged, but it felt much better from before. She took my hand and patched up the wound.

"I heard you're the new honor student,"

My eyebrows furrowed. Was that supposed to be an insult-

"A, ah I'm sorry if that offended you I'm sorry!!!" She sweat dropped, waving her hands frantically in front of her. "I, I didn't mean it in a bad way, I was just g, going to say how smart and intelligent you must b, be to have gotten into this s, sch, school," she rambled

I blushed.

"E, Ehh, no, I, I'm not t, that s, smart," I flustered.

"Uah!!! Y, you're n, not?!"

"N, no I d, didn't m, mean it that w, way!! I, I was j, joking???" I stuttered.

"Eh?! O, oh really?! I, I'm sorry!!"

"I, I'm sorry!!"

We sat there, our faces flushed.

***Timeskip brought to you byyyyyy my trashy writing skills lololol***


"Ah! That's the bell!! I need to go home already!!"

Mrs. Satou chuckled. "It was nice talking to you Ms. Nakamura!"

Me and Mrs. Satou has spent the whole rest of the day talking about our lives, and how I got into Ouran. I told her about how I felt towards our crazy-son-of-a-bitch-obnoxious-headmaster, and she laughed. It was fun.

I grinned at her. "You can call me Hinata,"

Her eyes widened as she brightened up.

"R, really!?!?"

I laughed.

"Of course!"

She had a big wide smile, glistening in happiness. I could almost see her shining in delight.

"Thank you!!!"

I picked up my belongings. I bowed politely as I left the nurses office.

Mrs. Satou was so nice. So nice, I would consider her as my friend. Lol, who would've known that my first friend here at Ouran would be a teacher, moreover the nurse!

I headed towards the front entrance when two arms suddenly grasped my shoulders, dragging me back into the hallways. Well you can just GUESS who they are...

"H, hey what are you doing?!"

I could almost feel the grin on their faces.

"Mission Accomplished," Two voices announced.

I sighed.

"I just want to go homeeee,"

***To the host club UwU***

"So, what's the point of this? Bringing me here?" I pouted as I was once again in the hell room. Music Room 3. Jesus God Christ...

I was dragged here by two little mother fucking devils. I'm going to bury those two aliv-

Tamiki gracefully gliiiiiiided into the scene. The sparkles coming out of him hit me. Gosh dang, who knew sparkling was harmful.

"When I saw your beaaaauuuuuutiful face yesterday, I was blown away," he said, dramatically emphasizing the word beautiful, looking up to the ceiling as more light emitted around him. "I was utterly shocked by your mesmerizing beauutyy. It was more breathtaking than the dazzling sun, moon and the stars themself! I was touched,"

My first thought: Ew

He turned his face away from me, putting his hands over his eyes dramatically. Tears fell from his eyes. Damn, was I really that ugly to look at? And does ANYONE else notice the bottle of god f-ing eye drops in his pocket or-

".......are those tears fake??" I questioned

Tamaki froze.

*lightening strikes*

*awkward silence*

***two years later***

"......there are eye drops in your pocket,"

I heard someone choke. A few sniffles. Holding back their laughter I see. Tamaki, you've just been E X P O S E D.

I grinned.

"Arererere〜? Doesn't a full- fledged host need to be able to cry without cheating???" I mocked.

"Aha, does that make you an a m a t e u r, 'king'?"

Everyone blankly stared at me. Jaw. Dropped.

"Pffft," One of the twins chuckled.

"BUAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA!!!!!" Then everyone burst out laughing.

Tamaki slowly disintegrates into dust.

"Aha does that make you an amateur'king?" One twin mimicked. "AHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!"

The twins grinned evilly. "Lord〜, you've exposed,"

Suddenly Tamaki was back into place.

"Mommy〜, the new girl is being influenced by those two devils!!" He cried as he ran over to the guy with glasses.

Glasses boy was obviously annoyed by all this commotion, which ofcourseee was created by the most annoyingest of all; ME!!! Is annoyingest even a word.....????

".....who the hell is mommy????" I'm highly concerned.

"Well, based on preposition, I suppose thats me," glasses answered.

"Sooooooooooo, lovely princess," Tamaki cat walked over to me. "I suppose we should introduce you to the host club, and see what your type is,"

"The Wild type, Takashi Morinozuka," he gestured towards the tall quiet guy.

"The boy Lolita type, Mitsukuni Haninozuka," wait, so this kid's actually part of this school? Not like a lost kid or a sibling or anything???

"The little devil type, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin," huh, so theeese two son of a bitches. I don't care if they wealthy Hitachiin-a-fuck. I swear I'm going to find where they live and kill them in their slee-.

"The natural type, Haruhi Fujioka," natural? The hell. Damn I didn't know Haruhi would be into this host shit.

Suddenly Tamaki moved up in front of me, putting his hands on my chin seductively.

"Or would you prefer me, the princely type?"

I shoved him backwards.

"Ok ok , back off pedo,"

I could heard the soft sobs of Tamaki. "P, pedo, pedo, PEDOPHILE?!?!?!?!? MOMMY!!!!! SHE'S USING VULGAR WORDS AGAIN-"

"I don't care," Damn, that hit hard Kyoya.

"Don't be so offended. I mean you literally have a girl dressed as a boy in a host club room,"

Everyone FROZE.

The twins ran up to me, sweating, shaking me frantically "HUUUH WHAT TO DO YOU MEAN?! HARUHI'S NOT A GIRL OR ANYTHING,"  "YAH HARUHI'S NOT A GIRL, HARUHI GET OVER HERE!!"

They put their arms around Haruhi's neck, fake laughing. "Haruhi's the MANLIEST of mans," "Yah, SUUUPER manly! Ahahahaahahhaaa,"

I sighed "I'm not stupid, I have eyes and I know a girl when I see one,"

I shook my head "I swear, if anyone in this room first thought Haruhi was an actual boy,"

I heard someone gulp. Tamaki was sweating frantically. Everyone stared at the "king".

"Well," Kyoya closed his computer, and his face snapped to an evil look. "I guess you now know our club's secret, Hinata Nakamura. Age: 15, Gender: female, birthdate: July 29th, Star Sign: Leo, Height: 149.86 cm (4'11"), Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs), Ethnicity: Japanese Americ-"

"Woah, woah, wooah. How the he'll do you know all this stuff about me?" Is he like stalking me? Fucking Stalker.....

He started scribbling something into his book. "Well, it's my job to know everything about everybody, Ms. Honor Student," he said slyly.

Tamaki was immediately very intrigued. "You must be Hinata Nakamura, the new honor student we've heard about!" He declares while inspecting me.

I sweat dropped. "How the hell do you know my name...?"

"Why, your infamous. It's not everyday that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student, Ms. Nakamura." Kyoya replied.

"Well, uhhhh thanks I guess?" I thanked awkwardly.

"Your welcome! You are a hero to other poor people, Nakamura. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others," Tamaki expressed.

My eyebrow twitched "poor this, poor that, is getting annoying!!!" I said angrily

"Spurned, neglected. But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you, poor lady, to our world of beauty!!"

"N. O." This guy is getting on my nerves. "I'm getting out of here, I need to get home."

I pointed at each of the host club members. "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck yo-"

I felt a tug at my hoodie. I looked down to see the little Haninozuka boy. He was holding his pink little bunny with his other hand.

"Ne ne, don't go Hina-chan! You must be like a super hero or something. That's so cool!"

My heart stopped. Omg. He was so cute. I blushed.

"O, oh. Ok,"

He took my hand and started skipping toward a table.

Suddenly the tall guy.....what was his name again?? Oh ya! Mori something.....took Haninozuka kun and put him on his shoulders. "Mitsukuni, not now," he said softly.

Tamaki turned to me with a "serious" look. "You know Haruhi is a girl, you must join the host club!"


"No no way I'm going to be joining this nasty club, I already have Hiro and my family to take care of...."

"We don't really trust you for keeping the secret that Haruhi is a girl, so you have to join the club in order to protect the secret,"Kyoya explained.

"No," I said bluntly.

Tamaki flew back, hand on his heart "Wow! So straight-forward!!"

I was getting ticked off by this guy. "Your point being??"

I sighed "I mean like, does it even matter whose boy or girl what not?"

Apparently something clicked in Tamaki's head, because I saw a god f-ing lightbulb just pop up ding* over his head. Am I high on something or.....


Ew, and NO. I couldn't bear this bullshit anymore so I turned around to leave.


That didn't sound good. It was my ankle. And before I knew it, I had crashed directly into an expensive looking vase. It fell on the floor along with me. Shattered.

S h i t

***Authors note***

Oml this is the longest chapter I've ever written. Holy shit! 2148 words!! Whew!!

Also, I was writing this extremely late at night, and I really wanted to get this chapter out there, without editing (stupid me, tho I will be editing it time to time) please forgive em for all the spelling/grammar errors!!!!!


"Hey, how you doing well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying in side....."

Lol this meme is really funny and relatable. It's a vine. Aaaaaaaah, I LOVE vines.
