
Chapter 3: Hun, i ain’t innocent

First day of school: some crazy shit happened.

Second day of school: it better be normal.

I wore my white H&M white oversized hoodie, some black leggings, and of course my vans. I put my hair up in a messy bun. Okay, I'm ready.

I stared at the pink school once more like I did yesterday.

"I don't like it." I thought as I pondered about why the fuck the designers would paint the school pink.

I sipped my bubble tea. I chewed on the tapioca pearls, savoring the taste.

I don't want to be late for class.

I sighed.

I walked towards the school, avoiding the constant screeches as loud as my soul crying for help. The loud screams coming from girls obnoxious mouths as they saw some kids arrive fought neck to neck to my heart crying for medical attention for my depression.

"Pfft. Popular kids..."

I walked into Class 1- A.

Great. I'm kinda early. What an accomplishment.

I plopped down in my seat in the back of the room. I took out my phone and headphones from my hoodie pocket and popped my headphones into my ears. I listened to "Hamilton". It reminded me of America. My chest started to pain.

I took out a Harry Potter book from my schoolbag. I started reading.

I blocked out everything that was going on around me.

"Lafayette! I'm taking these horse by the reins making redcoats redder than bloodstains! Lafayette! And I'm never gonnaー"

Someone tapped on my shoulder.

"I'm reading Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Askaban, what do you want?" I quoted in my head.

I took out my headphones. I turned around to face the person that had disturbed my "peace state".  Who are you to have interrupted my epic Hamilton rapping?

It was the brown haired girl that was at the host club. She had big brown eyes and was wearing the male uniform.

"Transgender issues?" I thought carefully.

"....or maybe not,"  

I saw the many girls in the classroom, gushing over her.

"Woah I didn't know that there would be so much LGBTQ girls here. Epik. Or maybe they just admire her. Eh. It ain't mah beeswax,"

"Yes?" I tried to ask as "politely" as I can.

The girl smiled softly. She held her hand out, motioning a handshake. "I'm Haruhi Fujioka. Nice to meet you,"

This shifted my mood. I felt happier. Who new there would be nice kids here. I forgive you for ruining my "Guns 'n Ships" rapping and my Harry Potter fangirling .

I shined a brighter smile back at her. A genuine one. I took her hand and shook it.

"I'm Hinata Nakamura. It's nice to meet you as well,"

I suddenly felt two arm wrap around my neck. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT PERSONAL SPACE YO-

"Aweeeee the new girl's so cute," two voices gushed in unison, rubbing their heads against mine.

The screeches of young maidens reaches my ears. I sweat dropped.

"Personal space man," I said as I pushed the arms off me. I look up to see 2 sets of golden eyes meet my brown ones.

"Hey Hikaru, Kaoru! I would keep your hands off the new kid. She's too innocent man. She's a pure maiden. Don't corrupt her mind," a black haired boy said grinning.

The whole class burst out into laughter.

"Keep her pure!" A kid yelled out in the mob of laughter.

Who you callin' maiden? Hun, I don't know if your rich ass has ever been to America, but no one in America is just "innocent". And I sure as hell am part of that mob. I ain't a little innocento child. No u. Hoh hooh, you don't wanna see what I've seen alright.

The teacher walks into the classroom.

"Settle down class, settle down,"

Everyone sat down in a seat and WHY DID THOSE TWINS HAVE TO SIT RIGHT BEHIND ME. At least I have Haruhi next to me. Welp, dunno if she's gonna protect me from them...

***Timeskip brought to you by Honey Senpai's cake***


I stretched my arms above my head. Class was finally over. Finally. LUNCH. Food, here I come!!!ー

"Ms. Nakamura, I need to talk to you. Mr. Fujioka as well."

I sighed angrily. Food'll have to wait...wait, Mr. Fujioka?? No way....does that mean-

"This is a request from your headmaster, Mr. Suou,"

"Oh, so that dickwad.." I grumbled in my head.

"Mr. Suou has asked that Mr. Fujioka should give Ms. Nakamura a tour of the school,"

"Oh, so NOW you give me a tour of the school? This little bitch," I thought annoyingly.

"Excuse me, but we will be joining them as well!!!" Two voices said together.

Ugh, it's them again. I don't even know their names. I dunno, Thing #1 and Thing #2? Perfect.

Thing #1 grabs Haruhi and Thing #2 grabs me. Uh, rude.

"Bye teach!!" They say teasingly.

They drag us out of the classroom.

"For the last time, PERSONAL SPACE," I scolded as a pushed off Thing 2.

"Geez, you don't have to be so mean," he defended.

"The new girls a bit hot-headed isn't she," Thing 1 stated, as he shifted next to Thing 2, dragging Haruhi along with him.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? And is that some problem?" I talked back.

Haruhi sweat dropped at the sudden tension between us. The angry and annoyed aura circled around us.

Haruhi sighed.

"Why are people always like this?" She whined.

***Time skip brought to you by...the annoying ass hot Headmaster???? Lol***

Aaaaaa, the cafeteria. Full of foods that I CANT FRICKING AFFORD! And they got no bubble tea. Or vending machines. At least they got good food, which I steal from the kitchen.


"....and this is the cafeteria, which includes many delicious high quality goods that I can't afford," Haruhi explained, while those (which I still don't know the names of) twins flirted with some girls.

Wow she literally read my mind about the "can't afford the food" part.

"HARUHI KUN!!!!!!!" A mob of girls rushed in, screeching. My god these girls-

I was pushed to the side and trampled by the crazy fangirls.

Owwww, what the fuck?!

Out of all the screeching and shrieking and fangirling, I was off to side, alone and ignored as ever.

I think some girl stepped on my hand, because it was bleeding and scratched up. God, this is why people shouldn't wear high heels. Ouch, god dammit.

I patted the dust off my legs. I attempted to stand up annnndddddd I immediately fell back down. I winced at the sudden excruciating pain that came from my left foot. I tried my hardest to get back up again, only to fall back down once more.

"God dammit, did I twist my ankle?" I cursed to myself.

"So is that how it's going to be god, just gonna make my life a living hell,"

But I wasn't just going to let myself down because of some stupid ankle. Come on Hinata, you could do it.

As I attempted for the third time to pick myself up, I fell again. But instead, I fell into someone's arms.

I turned around to see who caught me. My eyes matched up with bright green eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Authors note// for those of you who didn't understand some of the references I put in there, I'll explain it for ya.

"Hamilton" is a Broadway musical about one of our founding fathers "Alexander Hamilton". Hamilton was made and played by Lin Manuel Miranda. It's a really great musical. You should listen to it. The song that was in the chapter is "Guns 'n Ships" and it's a really fast rapping song (that I managed to actually memorize and rap faster than Daveed Diggs, who sang it in a fricking French accent). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WOb8-C6jw0M

The last reference is "I'm reading Harry Potter the Prisoner of Askaban, what do you want?". It's just a meme. Really funny tho. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aUfxqxMnHjA

Also, I will try to post as often as I can. The reason why I couldn't post before was because I had my phone taken away. I will try to update as soon as possible! See you in the next chapter!!!