
Chapter 2: Flowers + Boys = Allergies

Finally, class ends. It was just so extremely awkward to go to class to class with people staring at you, obviously because you're not wearing the correct uniform. But like I don't give two shits about what I'm wearing.

I'm already pissed off right now, because apparently they don't got bubble tea in the cafeteria.

So apparently, rich kids aren't smart enough to realize that libraries are supposed to be quiet, not a gossip trading grounds. Like bruh, do that in your rich kid house or something.

Ok, so the libraries is out of the choice. Now, where else can I procrastinate? I walk around for a while, looking for a quiet room I can stay in. What is this school? I've already witnessed these two kids doing "it" in one of the abandoned classrooms.

I came across this one particular class. Music room 3. God damn why are there so many classes in this school? I put my ear on the door. No noise, no kids having sex. Safe.

I creak the door open. Out of no where, I was bombarded with rose petals. The whiff of flowers hit my nose. Well shit, I'm allergic to flowers. The allergies- *cough cough* I mean ye lovely rose petals fluttered like butterflies, and swirled around me in a whirlwind.

There was a bright light- wait isn't this like extremely clichey, like bruh. Aye yo author, it supposed to be like this?


In the light, I can see the silhouettes of 7 figures. *author being ignored ;-;*


You think this is nice? The illumination is unbearable. My hairs is sticking up and I'm coughing and sneezing from the fucking trampede of flowers, which I luckily am allergic to.

"*cough cough* What the fuck?" I cough out, trying to settle down my hair.

7 sillouhuetes can be seen in the light. As the glow in the room faded, it revealed 7  "handsome" men- er no, 6 men and one girl. A blonde haired man sat on a comfy looking red chair in the center. The others were a very short blonde holding a bunny doll (what is he, in elementary school???) next to a very tall man, a set of auburn haired twins, a dark haired guy with glasses, and the girl with brown hair who is in my class. I believe the twins are in my class as well if I recall. But no way in hell do I wanna be here. I got procrastinating to do.

I turned around and slammed the door.

"No way in fuck I'm dealing with this shit.."

I start trudging down the hallway when I hear the door to the "abandoned" music room swing open.

"Wait! Princess!"

I almost gagged at that remark. Boi, it don't matter who you runnin after even if it be ur hunny bunny crushie wushie, but princess? You call them that one more time imma have a Hurricane Tortilla of laughter comin right at ya.

Suddenly, someone grabs my hand.

"Princess, why do you leave?!"

It's that blondie boy. Pfft so he's the "Princess!" Boy. I look around me to see if anyone was around me. Perhaps he had gotten the wrong person. No one is around me. Eww, I'm allergic to boys. *wheeze* Boy, I've been here less than one day what the fuck do you wan-

"Lovely princess, why don't you come inside? The host club is starting soon!" The blondie says sweetly as he- HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK KISSES MY HAND. Who you calling lovely bitch. Lovely my A S S. Imma bout to sneezeu into your ugly ass diSgUsTaNg faceu-

The boy grabs my face as he leans in close "seductively". Hunnie, haven't you ever heard of PERSONAL SPACE? Oh, I feel the sneeze coming. THE SNEEZE

"Get off of me you creep!!!!!!!!" I screech as I kick his.....well....unmentionable thing. He swirls around and falls to the ground in a dramatic motion. I hear a roar of laughter behind him as I see the other people from before laughing at the blondie. I pick off a rose petal that was tangled in my hair. The brown haired girl and the short blondie runs to the fallen foe.

"Tama chan Tama chan, are you okay?"

"Tamaki senpai, are you alright?"

Tamaki stares at the ground, looking pale and faded.

"a creep...she called me a creep....." he mumbles drastically, sobbing.

The girl chuckles.

"Tamaki senpai, you're not a creep."

The whole atmosphere lightens up almost immediately as Tamaki rises to his feet and strikes a dramatic pose.

"Wtf his this aura change?? Is it just me or is he like shini-"

Tamaki whips his head back to me.

"Hikaru! Kaoru!" He shouts as he claps two times.

The two auburn twins rush over saluting to Tamaki like a solider.

"Yes sir!"

Tamaki strikes another dramatic pose, shining.

"You know what to do,"

"Yes sir!" They say in unison as they salute once more.

In the speed of Naruto, the twins grab me and lift me up in the air.

"Uaaaaahhh!!! What are you doing!!!!"

I epik karate myself out of their grasp, and make a run for it. Faster than the speed of Naruto. EpiK right. I'm so skilled.

As I ran practically for my life, I sneezed out a rose petal. Out of my nose. Ew.

I analyzed the death petal and questioned how it even got up my nose.

First I get into this crazy ass rich kid pinky school. Then I meet some kids who don't understand the existence of actually locking doors when doing some unmentionable things. Nuh uh. Not in my Christian Minecraft Server. And then I got allergies up my fucking nose, and I meet an overly dramatic person who doesn't understand the meaning of "personal space" with his crazy hooligan sidekicks.

"What the fuck is going on???"