
Chapter 1: Souran Academy?

There are two things that I like: pulling pranks on people, and bubble tea. Well, there's drawing, music and dancing, but pranks and bubble tea are on a completely different level of "like".

First of all, like who doesn't like Bubble Tea? Or is it called Boba Tea. Tapioca? Whatever. Anyways it's literally the best thing in the world. It's A W E S O M E. I don't want to explain what bubble tea is to those of you crazy people who live under a rock, being the lazy person I am. Honestly, I'm the one whose living under a rock. Next topic.

And oh my god, don't even get me started about pranks. Heh, it's my LIFE. I live off #YOLO. You only live once, why spend it by working yourself to death. Pranks are hilarious man. And fun to set up. No joke, the facial expressions boys make when they find out that they just got pranked by a girl is priceless. Just absolutely epik man.

So why am I doing this again? Introducing myself? I dunno you tell me. What? You expect me, literally the dumbest teen on the face of the planet earth, to know what they're even doing? I say "teen" cause like I bet ya that there's this Mega Dumb person somewhere out there in the world. We'll find each other someday. You know the motto, "stupid minds think alike"? Hah, funny. I'm getting off topic. Look, I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night. Did I even eat dinner? I don't know, but if someone knows, please let me know.

So I'm currently standing in front of this big ass school, and it's fucking PINK. I know, come on Hinata, watch your fucking language man. But I mean like holy shit, who the fuck paints a school PINK?! On top of that, the uniforms? Ugh, don't even get me started with the female uniforms. It's like a fricking lemon, not to mention its a DRESS, oh my god I can't believe I just said that disgraceful word. Ew. What is this, highschool of lemons and cursed things? Aaaaaaa, my jokes are funny. I'm cursed.

I just realized that I'm just standing here in front of the school, just thinking and staring. People must think I'm weird or something, just standing there probably gazing into someone's soul (and I probably am). Well I am weird, so that won't be much of a problem. What's this school called again? Souran? Couran? Toran? Or was it Ouran? Nah, it's probably Souran. Imma be starting to dance the Souran Bushi yesu we got that Japanese traditional dance yo-

Well Hinata, I guess I'll just tell myself "Welcome to Souran High School!"

I walk into the school, not knowing what's ahead of me.

* * * * * * *

My god, the headmaster sure is weird. What's that word again... oh yeah, o b n o x i o u s. That's him. Who cares if he's the rich-ass headmaster or whatever, his name is now "Obnoxious". Sweet. I'm obnoxious too thanks for asking.

I glanced at my schedule one more time. Class 1-A. Sure why not. It's a bit clichey, but who cares anyway. Looking at my schedule, I just realized that it's actually "Ouran", not "Souran". Yup, totally knew that it was Ouran. Definitely.

Class 1-D....Class 1-C.....1-B....1-A FOUND IT!! Well that took forever. Mr. Obnoxious should've gotten me a fucking guide or something because GOD DAMN this school is so fucking huge. I need to watch my shitty language. Excuse me.

I knock on the large classroom door twice. A man, most likely my teacher opens the door.

"Ah, you're here Ms. Nakamura. I've been expecting you for quite a while now," he says, adjusting his round glasses.

"Well duuuh. You're fucking boss didn't tell me how to find my way around the school," I thought to myself.

"Come in, come in" he says softly as he gestures with his hands for me to come inside the classroom.

I try to walk into the class as calmly as I can.

"Stay calm Hinata. Stay. CALM." I think to myself as I try to remember what calm even means.

"Ok....calm /kä(l)m/ adjective 1. not showing or feeling nervousness- welp I guess I already failed.."

The teacher coughs, catching the attention of the class.

"Class, this our new transfer student Ms. Hinata Nakamura. Ms. Nakamura, please introduce yourself,"

I tighten my ponytail and swallowed hard. What was I supposed to say??

"Um, hello..... my name is Hinata Nakamura, and I came from America. Nice to meet you. Please take care of me." I say as I bow politely.

"Any questions for Ms. Nakamura?" Our teacher asks the class. A girl with short brown hair raises her hand.

"Is Ms. Nakamura an honor student?"

Of course they'd ask that. What a polite way of asking if you're poor, or in other words a commoner. No shit I'm commoner. Look what I'm wearing, thanks for paying attention Sherlock. I'm not wearing the school uniform. Not only because of how fucking ugly it is, I can't afford it. Of course I can't afford it. I'm wearing a white and black striped long sleeved sweater, red and black plaid jacket wrapped around my waist, light blue jeans, and my Checkerboard slip-on vans (literally the most expensive thing I have).

"Yes, Ms. Nakamura is an honor student. Anymore questions?"

Everyone's eyes gravitated towards this one brown haired boy- er, no girl. The teacher took that as a no for questions, assigned me to a seat in the very back, and continued his lesson.

Authors note/// This story is dedicated to my friend Smol_Fox_UwU who helped me edit all my work. Thank you!!!!!