
A new beginning

To me the concept of reincarnation, transmigration, or whatever you want to call it was always interesting but at the same time confusing.

If you remember your old parents, siblings, or friends how are you suddenly okay with the idea of been in a new world, with new people you don't know but are expected to love because they're you're new family and love you.

The confusion became more startling the moment I reincarnated, or I guess transmigrated since my new body was already 5 years old when I got here, but I digress the matter at hand it's how is this possible, and why me?

The question on how this happen and why it happen to me was constantly in my mind for the first weeks of my arrival to this new world. I was never special, I never did anything extraordinary to deserve been given a new chance at life, nor anything that would prevent me from going to heaven and having to experience life again to seek forgiveness for my sins.

As the people that this happened were normally extremely nice, donated their fortune to orphanages and helping those in need, were the genius of a century that invented the cure for cancer while at the same time creating the first spaceship, or were extremely evil destroyed the planet with a super bomb at the last moment of they're life or were mass murderers that gained pleasure by torturing people.

I wasn't any of that, I was just average, I went to college for business management, had a stable job, had supportive parents that loved me, I was even going to go on a date the day after I died for the first time in months, so I don't have any idea why this happened to me.

Even my death was average, and expected, you see I had an advance Brian tumor, and didn't have long to live, so I wasn't surprised I died but I was disappointed because the doctor said I had six more month which I made a lot of plans on how to spend.

The main thing in my list was to get a significant other, I've never been on a serious relationship so I wanted to experience that, I was even making progress on the front with the date, then travel the world I wanted to go to France , Egypt, Japan, China and so much more, I wanted to experience other cultures, I also wanted to go skydiving, go surfing, do the advantageous things I never did either because I was lazy or just scared. But I guess I won't to do them, at least not going to those countries in earth.

This body didn't know much about the world, but from the little i know those countries definitely do not exist, but the weird part is that the culture is very much similar to those of medieval earth which I don't know how since it's a different world with its own history but nevertheless their are some similarities, which I'm not sure it's something to be excited about or something to be dreading.

Excited that I at least know something about future technology, and some basic elements of advance technology, which with a group of smart people can be recreated. Dreading because if it's too similar to medieval earth the plagues, poverty, and constant war are very worrying.