
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 18

Title: The King's Advisor

Kuoh Academy

Monday: two days after meeting Orochimaru

"Hello class. My name is Orochimaru Tsuki, however, you shall to refer to me as either 'Mr. Tsuki' or 'Dr. Tsuki'. I will be your new chemistry teacher since your old chemistry teacher suddenly died some type of poison. Nobody knows who did it…fufufu…"

Orochimaru was standing in front of his new class in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. He had a briefcase sitting on his desk. The snake man was very skilled in the field of chemistry and was honored to take on the role as the new teacher.

"If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask." Orochimaru said with a smile and a head tilt. "Let it be about me or anything else. I want you all to be comfortable around me."

Orochimaru's slitted eyes moved to two students in particular: Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima. The two shuddered at the snake man looking at them with mischievous eyes. He knew that they feared him and was taking advantage of that with every movement.

One of the girls slowly raised her hand and Orochimaru gave her the okay to speak. "Uhm… I don't mean to be rude…but…uhh.. wh-why is your skin s-so pale?"

A question that the whole class wanted to know, everyone paid close attention to what their new teacher was going to say.

Orochimaru smiled a little before answering. "I know that it may seem weird to see someone with such pale skin, and your question wasn't rude at all since I am asked that a lot." Orochimaru said to girl. "Does anyone know of the atomic bomb that hit Nagasaki some time ago?"

"Yes." said one of the male students with glasses. "The United States used two atomic bombs on the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima towards the end of World War II, which was one of the main deciding factors in Japen's surrender."

"Correct. Smart child." Orochimaru said. "Well, this attack happened while my grandparents were still alive. I know you all are sure of the after effects from that attack, I presume?" he asked. "There are children today that still carry birth defects from the chemicals that entered their parents' bodies. My defect that I was born with is my pale skin. It's not contagious if you are wondering." Orochimaru said with a light chuckle.

Rias raised her eye at Orochimaru's action. This wasn't the demon that they met two days ago. He seemed to be more light-hearted and was an actually nice person. And his back-story was also very interesting to the red head. His family was affected by the chemicals from the bomb attack of World War II? Maybe that meant that his family wasn't from devil heritage, meaning that he was a human reincarnated as a devil at some point.

Another student raised their hand and Orochimaru gave them the signal to speak. "Why do you teach? Was it a dream of yours?"

"At first, it wasn't." Orochimaru said. "But after learning everything that I know about the scientific world, I felt like it was my duty to pass on my knowledge to the youth of the world so that they can advance in places we, 'humans', haven't reached yet."

The devils in the room caught how he said humans and it made them even more suspicious of the man. Two of the other devils in the room, Sona Sitri (whose alias is Shitori Sona) and Tsubaki Shinri, another [King] and [Queen] duo in the school, made note to make sure that the man wasn't up to anything bad.

"I have a question, Dr. Tsuki." Sona said with a raised hand. Her eyes held seriousness to them as she looked him eye-to-eye. "Where were you born?"

"Hmm… I was born in Kyoto. My parents moved there after they married and that's where I spent… most… of my childhood."

Sona squinted her eyes in suspicion as she inspected the grinning man. Oh, they were going to have to have a loonngg talk.

"Now then!" Orochimaru said with a clap as he faced his students. "I studied up on where you previously were and we'll start there today. Please open your textbooks to page 131…"

During the whole class, the four female devils kept their eyes on the dangerous man as he taught his class without a care in the world. They knew that he was aware of their stares, but he only seemed to smirk at them and carried on teaching his class, which irritated them even further. He was playing with them! Rias and Akeno had informed Sona and Tsubaki what he had did to them a few days ago and made sure to keep their guard up whenever they were around him.

After an hour of teaching, the bell rang, signaling that the students were to change classes. However, before the class left, Orochimaru had an announcement.

"Will Rias Gremory, Shitori Sona, Akeno Himejima, and Tsubaki Shinri please stay after the bell? There's something I'd like to say to you all."

The young devils nodded but held their fear as they watched their classmates slowly file out the room, leaving them with a now smirking Orochimaru. Rias and Akeno readied their magic, prompting the other two to do the same.

Orochimaru sighed and spoke, "Calm down. I don't plan on doing anything to you." He said as he put a hand on his forehead and shook his head in disapproval.

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