
Power? I want power! [Only I can talk to mobs]

Power? What is Power? For long I've searched and wondered for it's true meaning. After reaching the pinnacle of power in my own world, I am transmigrated to another world to continue my search. Perhaps one day I shall find the answer, and maybe, just maybe, it might not be what I first thought it to be. =================================== A light-hearted novel about a delusional cultivator in search for true power. After going through all sorts of things in his first life, he is killed during one of his many crazy episodes. Reincarnated into a new world, he decided that this time he will start his journey early so that he might be able to reach the power beyond even the pinnacle of power. He soon discovers that true power cannot be held by one man alone, but by an army. Equipped with his unique ability to talk to mobs otherwise known as monsters, he begins a kingdom-building frenzy that sees monsters evolving into new powerful beings, further adding to the prowess of his "Power Army". ================================ To be honest the novel is funny at times, and is a good vibes novel for when you are bored. I wrote it merely to have fun and I hope you all enjoy it.

LordofKaizen · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 4: Why does my slave smell so bad?

"Why are you running?" As I run alongside rich noble number 1 he looks at me in sheer terror, it seems that my experiments have somewhat traumatized him.

"Y-You're a demon, a-a demon. W-What have I done to deserve this?" he cried out before coming to a complete halt. To be honest rich noble number 1 is probably the least expressive human I've ever come across. Ever since meeting him, he has only ever shown two emotions -extreme pride, or extreme fear. Not that I'm complaining, emotions have nothing to do with power as far as I'm concerned, so I don't really care for it.

"Let's head back." I would've dragged him by the hair if he had any, but sadly his scalp was as barren as my buttocks. So I grabbed him by the ear, but that wasn't a good idea, due to all his struggling his ear tore off and he sent out terrible shrieks throughout the forest. I'm actually surprised that a horde of wild animals didn't appear yet.

After thinking about it for a minute I decided to break his legs and just walk back with the god-substance. After all, he smells terribly bad, being anywhere near to him is nauseating, and I've been dealing with corpses for years now.

After breaking both his knee caps -leaving him rolling on the ground in agony- I went back to prepare another batch of modified god-substance. This time I made sure that all the ingredients were right before giving it to him.

When I came back to him, he was no longer screaming, his body lay still as if he had died. He seemed to have accepted his fate, that or I accidentally broke his mind. Anyway…

After pouring the concoction into his mouth, his eyes shimmered a dark shade of blue which even after several seconds did not fade away.

"Can you see me?" I asked him, pulling him up by the chin so he could get a good look at me.

Although he did not reply, his glowing blue pupils met mine, so I took this as confirmation.

"Okay, perfect. Now I just have to change the concentration to one that works on me," I said in a jolly manner as I walked back to the caravan. Creating the concoctions in the dark was a bit difficult but I managed, after making sure all my measurements were correct for the fifth time in a row, I finally took the concoction.

After a few minutes, the once dark forest looked like it had suddenly been changed to day. I could see further than I ever could before, and I could now see the body heat of living things.

"Indeed, this was quite the good catch. I hope to find more along the way, sadly I only have one slave left," I sighed to myself before picking rich noble number one up with one arm, pinching my nose with my other hand, before throwing him onto the carriage.

Since I could now see in the dark, traveling by night was no longer a problem, so we continued on our journey at top speed.


After another week of travel, we finally arrived at a large town. On our journey we only came across wolves of the same species, it seems there must be some sort of infestation in the area, but that's not my problem. I have no reason to face the same enemy twice.

The line to enter the town was quite long, with carriages lined up nearly 2 kilometers away from the gate.

As I waited for my turn at the draw bridge I realized that there were people from different races amongst the people waiting in the line. There were elves of dark skin, I think they were called drows in the animes that I watched. There were also rather large elves known as high elves, and ebony elves known as dark elves. Apart from the multiple elf groups, there were also halflings, dwarves, and a few giants.

Most of them were dressed in adventurer clothing, probably coming back from some sort of quest. Perhaps I should see if there is some sort of adventurers guild here, maybe I could get some information on how to learn magic.

As time went by I slowly moved closer to the front of the line. Behind me was a party consisting of a dwarf, a dark elf, a drow, a human, and a giant. For the past hour, they have been mumbling to each other and eyeing me. As much as I want to fight them to assert my dominance, I cannot cause trouble in front of the guards, or I might be sent away, so I remain calm and focus on the path in front of me.

"Ey you, yer hiding something aren't ya?" mumbled a voice out of nowhere. After turning to see who it was, I could confirm that it was indeed the dwarf from the party behind me.

"Eh? Yes, I am,"

"I knews you wer a bandit the minute I laid me eyes on ya."

"Okay, and so?"

"So? Do ya think we's lot are just going to allow ya into the town?"

"Are you part of the city guards?"


"So I do believe you have no say in the matter, now can you please move out of my way." The dwarf was standing right in front of my horses, and because of him the line behind me was becoming backed up.

"Make me." The dwarf seemed very determined, it seems he knows something of power. Perhaps the magic within this town is not worthwhile after all, maybe I'll gain more by fighting against this dwarf. Based on the glowing sword at his waist, he seems to be reasonably powerful.

"N-nevermind, forget I said anything," apologized the dwarf, before heading back to his party members.

"Eh? Seriously?"


"Thodmec, I thought you were going to apprehend some bandits. What? You get scared and came back running with your tail between your legs?" laughed the giant within the party. She stood at 10 feet tall and was covered in silver armor, only her head was left exposed.

"Something ain't right here," muttered Thodmec to himself.

"Come on now, she was only playing," comforted the high elf within the group, however, Thodmec still stared at the carriage in front of him in a mix of awe and alertness.

"Wait, you can't be serious. Don't tell me that the person in that carriage was strong enough to scare you away,"