
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

A big improvement.

Issei on:

Oscorp Laboratory.

Oscorp was a company founded by Norman Osborn in 1964, which had the goal of curing diseases, developing clean means of energy and not causing negative effects on the planet. How do I know this? Simple, the person in charge of leading our tour through the laboratory is telling us, his name is Sirzechs Gremory.

Sirzechs: So after founding and creating Oscorp, Norman dedicated his life to improving the entire world and everyone living there. At 35 he started studying nanotechnology and at 45 he started developing a serum that would be based on curing all the diseases in the world and improving human performance, making him reach his peak. -explained our delighted guide as we walked around the laboratory and observed several scientists at work, as well as seeing several surreal machines.

Most people were very excited and interested in the explanation, but me not so much, I was only there because it was worth a grade.

Sirzechs: However, after Norman's death in 1973 from natural causes, Oscorp faced its darkest hour, and since he had no descendants, for a long time the ownership of the company was discussed, and it was only in the early 2000s that this problem was finally solved. Now Oscorp is run by a 12-member board that was close to Norman. And now Oscorp is at its peak again and is creating and developing more and more things that have helped the world.

Murayama: But what about the formula he is developing, what happened to it? -Murayama asked, referring to the formula Norman was developing before he died.

Sirzechs: GOOD QUESTION ! With Norman Osborn's death, most of his notes were lost and for years this formula was forgotten, but in the last 5 years, Oscorp has been trying to recreate this formula and improve it even more, I'm even the supervisor of this project and I can confirm that when it is ready, it will not only be possible to cure diseases, the formula will also raise the human body to a level never seen before, being able to heal fractures and serious injuries in a shorter space of time, increasing your senses, your strength, speed, endurance and so on. No doubt this new formula, which we have named the Oz2 formula, will bring good results for mankind. -Sirzechs said with joy and enthusiasm. Sirzechs: Good .....Now I'll let you explore the laboratory a little, observe, take pictures but don't touch anything, until a little later. -he said walking away.

At that moment everyone started to split up to observe the laboratory, even Matsuda and Motohama went to observe the laboratory and I just walked around without worrying.

That was the thought I had, but soon it would change. As I was wandering around aimlessly I felt something bite my hand, so I quickly tapped my other hand on the place where the pain was coming from and soon after that I saw a small red and blue spider drop dead to the ground and a small red ball in my hand.

At first I thought it was very strange, not the fact that I had been bitten by a spider, but the fact that I had never seen that spider in my life, never seen a spider of that color.

Regardless of what kind of spider it was, I didn't look sick or anything, so I just took a picture of it and went back to the tour and if it was poisonous, I could go to the hospital.

The rest of the tour was completely normal and boring, well ....at least for me, everyone else loved the tour and during the way back everyone was talking about how amazing it was, while I was trying to find out what species that Spider was, but unfortunately I didn't find anything, it even seems that it doesn't exist in nature.

The rest of the day was pretty normal for me, me and my friends did what we always do day after day, talk about anime and girls and then watch them change.

What? We are teenagers without girlfriends, of course we would do that once in a while. We obviously didn't get caught but every day I feel that they are more and more on the lookout. Right after the end of class, the three of us were walking home together, just like we did every day, but on the way I started to feel a little dizzy and had a huge nausea.

My friends soon noticed my condition and came over to ask me if I was okay.

Matsuda: Hey Issei, how are you? -Matsuda asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

-Before I could finish speaking, I felt my body become heavy and my vision darken.

I fall to the ground and the last thing I remember is hearing the two of them shouting my name. When I woke up, I was in the hospital, my parents were beside me and looked worried.

-Hi.... -Dad, Mom. -I say getting up.

Hearing my voice, they both smile and hug me.

Miki: Oh my God Son, you don't know how worried we were when we heard about your fainting. -Speaks my mother full of drama.

-Wait, how did you.....

Gorou: Your friends told us what happened, and when we heard we came here as fast as we could. -My father replied.

Of course they told my parents, that's what it had to be. They then stop hugging me and soon a doctor appears.

Doctor: Mr. .....Issei Hyoudou, isn't it ? -the doctor asks, entering the room.

-Yes! -It's me. -Responding.

Doctor: Hmmmmmm, it looks like you have been bitten by a spider, doesn't it ?

Miki: Spider ?!

-Yes, but I don't know its species. -I say.

Doctor: No need to worry, its venom is not toxic, you must have had a mild allergic reaction to its bite.

That's at least good news. At this point my mother started asking me several questions about the spider that had bitten me, as well as asking if I was really all right. Mom stuff, what can I do?

Doctor: Okay, since you are in principle well, we will just take a blood sample for routine tests, okay? -asked the doctor.

I simply smile and stretch out my left arm. At this point the doctor ties my left arm and starts to prepare the syringe. He holds it against my arm, but seems to be having difficulty.

-Is there a problem?

Doctor: It's this skin of yours -..... it's quite thick. -He says, struggling to pierce my skin.

-That's right-.... fool me that I like it.

The doctor makes a little more force and managed to pierce my skin. Soon after, he takes a blood sample and carries it from the room, while I wait to be discharged. At first I really thought he was joking, but soon I discovered that my skin had actually gotten thicker, but that's not what changed in me.

Issei off:

Author on:

The doctor took Issei's blood sample out of the room, more or instead of taking it to the lab, he put it in his pocket and headed towards the exit.

-In the meantime-

Issei was returning home to her parents after being discharged. The house of the three of them was in Queens and it was a very simple and ordinary house, just like all the others. When he arrived home, Issei was still a little tired, so he simply said good night to his parents, went upstairs and threw himself on his bed, falling asleep immediately.

-While this is going on- -While this is going on-

The doctor who had stolen Issei's blood drove to an Oscorp building, and when he reached the parking lot, he got out of the car and entered the building, which was almost empty, if it wasn't for two scientists waiting for him.

Scientist 1: Mr. Euclid, did you bring the boy's blood sample? -asked one scientist when he saw the "doctor".

Euclid: I did! It was easy to fool the hospital and them. -said Euclid taking a blood sample from Issei and handing it to the scientist.

The scientist then took the blood sample and took it to a computer connected to a microscope.

Euclid: Are you sure that this boy was really bitten by one of our spiders?

Scientist 2: Yes! We looked at the security camera and saw the spider dead on the floor.

Scientist 1: My God ... -said the scientist watching Issei's blood.

Euclid: What's going on?

The scientist turned to Euclid and turned on the computer, showing red and blue cells, destroying the boy's red cells.

Scientist 1: The boy is dying, Oz2 is killing the boy little by little. -said the scientist ruefully.

At that moment a huge weight remained in the air and the three were silent.

Scientist 2: What should we do? If he dies from Oz2, they might discover our involvement in this and create a big problem for the company.

Scientist 1: We should inform Mr. Sirzechs.

Euclid: No ! We won't tell him anything! -shouted Euclid. Euclid: Sirzechs doesn't have the courage to do what is necessary and surely the three of us know what must be done.

The scientists were silent for a few seconds and then agreed.

Scientist 1: But who will do it? Are we going to hire an assassin?

Euclid: No ! We can't take the risk of being blackmailed by someone, so I will do it myself! This project is as important to me as it is to Sirzechs.

Author off:

Issei on:

There... what time is it ? I open my eyes and see that it's still morning and my alarm clock hasn't even rung. I get up and go to the bathroom to wash myself. But when I look in the mirror I think I am still dreaming, because suddenly I see myself with a strong muscular body.

-Look! Where did this mucus come from? -I ask looking in the mirror.

Wow, that's what I call a great improvement.