
POV To Be Seeing As A Villain

the reincarnation story that i made myself bruh.. like we read many novel/manhwa/manhua and suddenly want to make one tho... kyaa

Kkira_Leen · 若者
2 Chs


"iklif? why your name so weird?! I think my cat names is better than yours" leen said bluntly.

That guy was speechless and urge to peeked the moon just to see it sheltered from the clouds. "haih what a fortune night" sigh iklif.

"anyways why don't u sleep here for tonight, and tomorrow i will help u get back to town" said iklif again.

"ahh sure but.. nevermind keep your promise, i can't wait for tomorrow " leen beamed

*that night*

well, as i can see myself is..

Firstly, im in critical condition, there are a blood anywhere around my face and clothes but i think its not my blood, it smells very stinky.

Second, base on this house, he is not a wealth man i rather say poor

Third, he is not dangerous at all but his body felt so metal and i think he is a farmer (??) idk

Forth, i need to get out of here at all cost, because this bed is small and i need to find a motel and tomorrow i came here back to see my gorgeous man iklif hoho

i can't let iklif see me going out so i just need to sneak out like a ninja. mission start now! "ok im inside this bedroom and i just need to go pass the door and go out, easy! ok first step and... "wait" leen grudge (i can't open this door) its stuck i can't twist the knob. (oh shit i know damn well i have been kidnapped, i shouldn't trust this man from the beginning but he so gorgeous how can i refuse his request to stay here?!)

.. all of a sudden an old voice man coming from behind the door. i peek an ear to hear what is going on. Suddenly, an old man voice said "good job to fulfill your job to bringing back my lady" said it with full of calm.

"what?" what is going on??

*kreeek* the door open and what i can see is "oh my lady where have you been im worried about you! i know u still mad at us but please get back to yoir estate, sir baron have waited for you." said him. "Yoir estate? what?! since when my father own an estate? Um, pardon me sir but who are u? and what these guard doing here?? "oh my, im your butler, Mr. hikmish." sign the butler. "Huh? im confused where the hell am i? " said leen.

"my lady, you have been lost for several days and we as a-"


"stop acting, we all know u hide something under your sleeve" said a man with a sharp look.

between the time, a knight came whisper to that man ears and what i can hear is just "shjwjd..... not true, captain" ..

oh that man is a captain ahh is that why he being sarcastic. Tch tch tch

eh what's wrong with these people.

"wait i think u guys misunderstood something, im not your 'lady'!-"

"i said stop acting, we're your guard to keep you calm if you need your daddy to come here its to late because he give his permission to handle you from doing something more absurd, well im not sure if"

keeps calm leen this is just a beginning