
Officially Ending... Almost

Third Person P.O.V.

Sakurajima Colony

"Let's just stay together and do nothing…" Mai says while she, Tsumiki(with Yorozu), Hitomi, and Jogo(Ankoku too) enter an abandoned apartment in this deserted place "I brought enough food and water to last for a month, but I don't think it will take that long…" She continues while taking a bag of chips from Ankoku. She still likes junk food.

"Is it okay for us to do nothing?" Tsumiki asks unsure, she feels a little like a burden to Megumi and Everyone

"Yeah! Let's go out and wipe out some people." Yorozu talks from the mouth that suddenly appears on Tsumiki's cheek.

"Doing nothing is enough." Mai rebukes while sitting down on a couch "This whole fiasco will end before we even notice." She has absolute confidence in Megumi and the rest

Tsumiki still feels a little bad but there's nothing she can do beyond trusting her friends, they obviously know better than her.

"By the way, Megumi put us together not only because we are non-combatants that should be protected… I heard that you have the same cursed technique as mine, old woman." Mai suddenly says to Tsumiki, but she is talking with Yorozu

"So what? Do you want me to teach you? Not happening~" Yorozu answers cockily.

"Why you… Stop being a bitch!"

"You softie bastards don't understand, people from my time don't share knowledge." Yorozu mocks "Go figure things out on your own, maybe you can go in a different but better path… Even though I doubt it. You are weak~"

The two are bickering back and forth for some time when Hitomi interrupts

"You two have the same technique… Is she your ancestor or something?" Hitomi points to Yorozu and then to Mai.

"How can it be?! I'm a pure maiden who decided to dedicate my body to Sukuna. And now Megumi… I would never let any other dirty man touch me." Yorozu denies "You must be descendants of one of my useless family…"

"As if I wish to be your descendant! You must be the black sheep of your family anyway…" Mai harrumphs "Better yet, your whole family must be rotten if it started the Zen'in clan at some point…"

"Indeed they are, those fools." In one thing the two can agree. At some point, Yorozu abandoned her family, or she was abandoned by it and became an independent sorcerer. She believed in her own potential and discovered new uses of the Construction Technique, becoming one of the strongest of her era. She was even invited as a guest by many prestigious clans. "Anyway, you owe me some respect then, girl. You wouldn't even exist if I hadn't decided to spare my relatives… I discovered that love is better than vengeance." She finishes with a dreamy voice

"I owe you a kick on your uterus… Trash bloodline." Mai scoffs, then he turns to Hitomi "Hey you, when is it that you will be able to remove this parasite from Tsumiki?"

"Parasyte? You dream to be a tenth of the woman I am!"

Ignoring Yorozu's shouts, Hitomi answers calmly "Not that hard, I will just need some material to transfer her soul… I think I can do it after some practice… But Megumi-sama-sir-master decided to keep it this way for some time."

"Why?" Mai raises an eyebrow

"Another layer of protection to his dear sister…" Hitomi shrugs "He also said that sharing the same body will upgrade her body too. Like cheating to the top. Perfect for someone that doesn't want to train or fight."

"So it's like that…" Mai can't deny that his reasoning makes total sense. She knows how much Megumi dotes on Tsumiki, so using Yorozu is the right call.

"It's like that." Hitomi nods while looking through the window, searching for someone to do something fun "When this is over, you three will probably have the same technique… Like sisters~"

"As if, when she is out of Tsumiki's body, she better keep her distance from me." Mai says in an annoying tone

"What? Scared that I'm gonna steal your man?" Yorozu provokes "When I have my body, he will not even look at you."

"Daydreaming much, bitch? What does a fossil like you have to offer?" Mai scoffs again "A virgin fossil~ You must know jackshit about man-woman relations~ Boring prude old hag~" She smiles provocatively while putting her fingers in front of her lips, looking down on Yorozu.

"Just because I never did it with a man, doesn't mean that I don't know how it's done. Laugh while you can." Yorozu shoots back "Don't worry, I will let you be my children's nanny."

"Truly delusional~ Be happy if you make the cut to be a lowly concubine~"

"There's nothing that you can do that I can't do better, girl~ You are the one that will get out of the main house when I have a body."

"It seems that it is not only about sex that you know nothing about… Love is still a mystery to you too."

"I know about love! I know a lot about love! You are the one that needs to learn about it!!"

And they go back to quarrel… Maybe it is because they are very similar that they are like this.

"Oh, there's some people outside…" Hitomi comments and everyone goes to look to see if it's a threat.

But they only see two weirdos screaming. An almost naked guy who looks like a kappa and an old man wearing a yukata.

"KATANA!!" "SUMO!!" 


"Yep, not going there…" Mai was the first to look away in disgust, making a face similar to her twin sister, and went to sit on the couch again.

"Maybe one of us should deal with them before they become a problem…" Hitomi comments, her intentions are clear to anyone… She is not even hiding her psychotic smile.

"Not happening, you could give away our position." Mai shoots down her proposal easily

Hitomi eyes narrow "You don't command me, I only take orders from Megumi…" The Human Curse tone is threatening.

But Mai doesn't appear affected, eating her potato chips with worry even though she would be in danger if Hitomi really attacked "Stop with your bullshit, I will not buy your bluff… *Crunch* *Crunch* You can't do anything to me, Megumi already told me that you are under his control. If you act up, when I see him again I will snitch."

"If… you see him again." Hitomi turns to Mai completely, cursed energy flaring.

"You're embarrassing yourself… He also told me that you can't disobey his orders of not hurting his people." Mai continues calm



The impasse lasts some seconds, the tension growing and making Tsumiki nervous, but in the end… Hitomi was the one who took the step back, as expected.

Mai chuckles and Tsumiki releases a sigh of relief seeing that.

"Now that we are stuck together, there's no reason to make this time unpleasant, right?" Megumi's sister says to everyone "Let's try to get along."

"Hmpf, you're too optimistic…" Yorozu would roll her eyes if she had any. She probably did in her inner domain.

"Yeah, we are not killing each other because Megumi enslaved them like with the Inventory Curse…" Mai comments "Too bad they talk…"

"I bet Megumi thinks the same about you and your sister…" And with this comment, Yorozu and Mai start cursing at each other again.

Tsumiki sighs again, then her eyes fall on the quiet Jogo. He takes Megumi's orders, but different from Hitomi he doesn't look happy doing it.

"Don't worry, I will not let Megumi abuse you…" Tsumiki tries to say.

"..." But after a look at Jogo's big eye, he turns around and scoffs, not talking with her.

This group is safe, but not well established.


Sendai Colony

Cracking sounds echo in this battle-affected location. The defeated foes are slowly being encased in ice.

"You… I'm sure I broke your body…" Takako Uro, the reincarnated sorcerer who is a former captain of an assassin squad of the Fujiwara clan looks up with unwillingness in her eyes.

"You did… But only because I allowed you." Uraume answers with a collected voice. A layer of frost covered her body "I wanted to test my new powers bestowed by Megumi-sama."

In opposition to Yorozu, Uraume's Bonus Reward of being captured is not something that benefits Megumi, but is a Template to her. The Template of the (former)Admiral Aokiji of One Piece… Even at a measly Tier 4, it's good enough to give a considerable boost in combat prowess.

Megumi was not disappointed, Templates get expensive with time so free ones are always welcomed. And Uraume's submissive and loyal personality puts her on the top of the list of the ones that deserve one or two… He is glad to save some points.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you." Uraume continues, looking down coldly at the defeated reincarnated sorcerer "Megumi-sama tasked me to capture the players… You will have a chance to serve him." She gives a look at Takako Uro's naked curves.

Even with the small amount of time in contact with him, Uraume already understands Megumi's preferences.

Her words make the Uro grit her teeth "I'm not gonna serve anyone anymore! Never!!" She struggles but she is too hurt and the ice allows no movement.

"I bet he can convince you… If not, your loss… You will die." Uraume comments without a care in the world. In truth, she is hoping Uro will act up and get herself killed by her new master.

At this moment, Okkotsu Yuta arrives after defeating his own enemy, Ishigori Ryu.

"The Rule of transference of points was already added… Take the points of this one too." Uraume says while signaling to the fallen Uro with her chin "And the Rule of freedom from the colonies too. So you guide the sheep outside while I capture the players."

Even if the two came to the same Colony, they have very different missions. Uraume will obviously prioritize Megumi's instructions, so she will cooperate with Yuta, not caring about the points and the lives of the normal people.

"Fine, even if we don't want to participate in this game, it's better to accumulate the most points we can." Yuta agrees easily. He has no bad feelings for Uraume because he was away and had never met her or Kenajku before.

Takako Uro is then forced to give away her points, and Yuta also transfers some to Uraume so that she can be safe as a player too.

"You can leave, I will keep them under custody till Megumi-sama emerges again." Uraume says and then carries Uro away, without giving another glance at Yuta.


Tokyo Colony No. 2

"So that's how things are, huh?" Gojo walks together with Panda, as her student roughly fixes his wounds.

"Yes, that's how things are." Panda answers while stuffing himself with the wool and cotton that spilled "Megumi is protecting Tengen-sama, and we just received the notifications that the rest added the new rules, so we just need to find that Kenjaku girl."

"Kenjaku…" Gojo repeats the name while narrowing her blue eyes. The name of the one that stole Geto's body "She really hides well… She was even that Kamo Noritoshi."

As much as she hates being caught in the enemy trap, she needs to concede that Kenjaku prepared well. She acted in the shadows while Gojo herself was in the spotlight, it was not an accident that she lost.

"Any clue on where she is?" Gojo asks

"No, probably out of the colonies, but we think she will have to eventually enter the game if she wants to do whatever she wants to do."

"Then we wait…" Gojo understands why Megumi stayed behind even though she would be the first to join the fun. He cut Kenjaku's future actions, blocking her path using the number advantage… Like chess. "It's checkmate."


Tokyo Colony No.1

"From where do you know Megumi?" Maki asks the blonde girl who landed close to her a minute ago with strange eyes

Kurusu Hana looks away shyly "It's an old story…" She coughs in her hand in embarrassment

"..." Now Maki is really done. The last hours are the most annoying of her life. She is sure that she took the short straw… This Colony is full of weirdos! And now there's a girl that has a crush on her man literally falling from the sky!!

She blames Megumi for this… She is sure that Megumi is at fault here, in some way.

Hana then goes on to explain her sad life… How a Cursed Spirit raised her and other orphan children with some weird obsession in acting like a mother, how she eventually escaped knowing that when the children get old passing a certain point the Curse would kill and eat them, and how she was lucky to find one of Megumi's wolves and was lead to freedom…

And how it was love at first sight when she saw Megumi…

"...." Maki's face is one of disgust, very similar to the one that Mai can do, while looking at the blushing and fidgety Hana 'He was already doing this shit while he was like what? 7? Bastard…'

"You know Megumi, right?" Hana turns to her after telling her story

"Yeah…" Maki is now a little reluctant to reveal that she was talking so passionately about her boyfriend… Even more, if she says that he is her cousin… And knowing Megumi, she is sure that he will eat up this poor girl "He is my boyfriend." In the end, she decides to save her

"Oh…" Maki can see the light leaving Hana's eyes.

"..." She keeps her silence even though she knows that the fact that he is her man, doesn't affect poor Hana's chances with him. But she decided to cheer up the girl by explaining that she is not losing anything "Let me tell you something, girl… Stay away from him. And I'm not even saying this because I'm jealous or anything… It is for your own good, that guy is not good for you…"

"..." Maybe she talked too much, but Hana started looking at her weirdly "This can't be true…"

"Hm? I know him better than you do…"

"Megumi can't be a bad person…" Hana repeats, conviction slowly appearing in her voice "And how can you say those things while being his girlfriend??"

"It's exactly because I'm his girlfriend…" Maki deadpans

"Maybe you're lying!!" Hana accuses, interrupting and pointing her finger at Maki's face


"You like him right??"

"Well, yes-"

"I knew it!!" Hana interrupts again "You like him and want to clear the competition! You are not his girlfriend!" She has an epiphany. She was too honest with her feelings for this girl and she tried to lead her astray.

"....." Understanding the misunderstanding, Maki dies inside a little… She feels exhausted.

"I'm not gonna give up on Megumi! Kyaah! I am already using his first name without even thinking?? Hehe~ I can't~" She goes from accusing Maki to a bashful maiden in an instant.

"...." 'Someone kill me…'

"I was wrong about you, Missie." Suddenly, to make matters worse Takaba appears at the entrance of the alley, he listened to everything, and he was leaning at the wall in a 'cool' pose "To think that you are a homewrecker…" He shakes his head while crying


Takaba and Hana suddenly form an alliance and start accusing Maki, calling her names, trying to convince her to change her ways…

".........this is all Megumi's fault…" She is sure of that.


Megumi P.O.V.

"Atchoo!" Someone is lusting over my pure body or something… It's hard to be super hot~

Damn anime troupes. I scratch my irritated nose before turning again to Tengen and Yuki.

"I knew that you are a baddie…" I nod sagely while seeing Tengen in her human form "Strong women are baddies… 95% chance…" She is giving an almost gilf vibe. But I fuck with it, not gonna lie.

Human Tengen has white hair, which does not confirm any relation with the Gojo Clan, Mei Mei has white hair too, and she is old. She has deep eyes, and her hair and expression make she looks tired as fuck.

"You really have no limits, Megumi-kun." Yuki praises me from my side.

Well, maybe it was not praise, but I will take it as one.

"And I'm back to my first appearance…" Tengen comments calmly, her fingers squeezing and relaxing as she gets used to her new body. "I even forgot how I looked like…" She made a mirror appear in front of her so that she could look at herself, with her Barrier powers. 

She can control this whole space, that's why we are in a traditional Japanese room right now. And talking about it…

"You can start teaching me about Barriers." I say

"Hm, now that the danger of being targeted by Kenjaku is gone, I guess we can relax." Tengen answers calmly "I can give you some lessons…"

"Go on then."

"To change a barrier, it's all about imagination and the raw energy of the barrier. If you have enough of the two, you can do almost everything." Tengen explains "We are in the nexus of all barriers, that's why this place is special and why I have so much freedom and power to change the environment…"


Some days passed and nothing of Kenjaku appearing to fight… I would be bored if I was not applying lotion on Yuki's back…

"Hmm~ Ahn~" She moans under my expertise, a little more and I will act beneath the waist "Your hands are magic, Megumi-kun~"

"A lot of practice… You saw how many girls I have." I smirk while abusing Sticky Fingers to make her feel good.

Right now Tengen made the whole place look like a pool of a hotel, and Yuki decided to enjoy a sunbath.

As the gentleman that I am, I offered help of course. Even though she saw my not-so-honorable intentions from a mile away, she agreed.

Obviously, I will not overstep and destroy my progress. 

Yuki is probably the hardest Capture Target in this world if I go through the seduction route. She is very approachable but is the kind of girl that is friendly with everyone and people would fall for her thinking that she likes them but she is simply being nice. 

Yep, very specific… But only because I saw it happening with an old friend. Poor guy… But it's kinda his fault for misunderstanding. She at least shot him down gently instead of saying something like "yew".

"Yeah, I saw your girls…" She hummed contently while using her forearms as pillows to her head "You are greedy man, Megumi-kun~ Are you trying to make me one of them too?" She asks playfully

"Yes." But I answer seriously, making her chuckle, I know for a fact that those adults are not here to play games "Why? Is it a hopeless endeavor?"

"Hmmmm~, Nope." She says with a mischievous smile, popping the "p".

"Zeha~, I feel like you are playing with me." I laugh while rubbing her back "Don't give me false hope."

"I'm not even kidding, you're totally my type. Maybe when you are a little older~"

"I kill people…I'm the leader of one of the Three Great Clans, I shoulder the fate of Japan…" I deadpan "Why does the number on my birth certificate matter?"

"Hehe~, you can't accompany me to a drink."

"... well, I can, and I can hold my alcohol pretty well." I'm a fucking pirate, ma'am. Do you think I care about laws? I can drink whatever I want.

"Hmmm~, I don't know~" She says in a teasing voice, this minx! "Megumi-kun is indeed very mature for his age, but I need more security…" 

"Then be direct girl, what do I need to do for your booty?" I answer in kind, in a joking tone. "I want you to break my pelvis with your cursed technique."

"Hahaha" She laughs heartily at first before looking at me with half-lidded eyes "Hmm, I don't know~" Playing hard to get… Haah~ When I have you in my hands, woman… You will beg me to not stop.

Maybe it was destiny or my incredible luck but at this moment Tengen appears and says in a serious tone. "Kenjaku arrived…" So he chose me… I'm almost offended.

Does he really think that he has a bigger chance against me than against Gojo?

"Well, that's my cue…" I stand up while cleaning my oily hands with a towel.

"That is also an opportunity, Megumi-kun~" Yuki calls me, making me look down at her "If you win without needing my help… I can try breaking your pelvis." She once again gives me that mischievous half-smirk.



Third Person P.O.V.

Kenjaku breaks Tengen's barriers easily enough, the walls shifting to allow her passage.

She still shows a calm smile despite her dire situation…

*Boom* Suddenly another someone enters this protected space, but his entrance is much more brutal. The barrier breaks and liquid shadows emerge like a geyser of darkness.

Megumi appears in the air replicating his father's arrival at Dagon's Domain, they are really father and son… They have the same smile.

"Time to end this, Final Boss." The teen calmly says after landing on the ground.

"Final Boss, huh? I'm honored…" Kenjaku smiles

"Don't flatter yourself… Like in Kingdom Hearts 2, the Final Boss is not the best… Sephiroth, that is Sukuna, the side quest boss is more fun. And Terra, the hidden boss that is Gojo, is harder. I'm just defeating you to complete this game." Megumi shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. That's how he sees them, in his opinion it's very fitting.

"So it's all a game to you?"

"Don't look at me like that, you're the one that made a thing called the Culling Game to decide the fate of the world."

"Point taken." Kenjaku concedes in a reasonable manner, but then she sighs "Ha ha ~ I was not expecting someone like you to suddenly appear in this era. Why are you getting in my way, Fushiguro Megumi?"

"For the booty." Megumi answers seriously.


"..." The two look at each other with strange gazes "Again, don't look at me like that… You are doing this whole shit without a clear goal…"

"Fair enough…" Once again she concedes, that she looks like a reasonable woman.

"Sorry, but I need to crush your dream. Like I told your son. There's not enough happiness in this world and your thing kinda gets in the way of my thing, you know? There will be no women after a genocide…" As he speaks some changes happen to him, the extra eyes are open while his pupils change color to red, and the King of Curses tattoos appear all over his body.

"So you know about that…"

"I know about a lot of things." Megumi smirks "Your children are kinda of a failure… Wanna try making new ones? I can donate some good genes~"

"You're so bad…"

"You have no idea…" Megumi laughs while raising his hands "But you will have a lot of time to learn…" 'After I capture you…' 

"With this treasure, I summon…"


A.N.: We are at the finishing line of the story, boyz~

Till next time~