
Compromises Part.1

It had been two hours since they arrived at Jaces home.

it was eerily quiet. Brae had been escorted to the master bedroom and the door was locked.

She assumed Jace was in his study conjuring ways to make her life a living hell.

Her mind was racing the longer she had to wait. She knew she needed to calm down.

She looked around the room. There were a few changes from two years ago.

The drapes were no longer grey, they were white now.

Instead of in the middle of the room, the bed was against the left side of the wall. It was opposite the bathroom door.

It was just like in her apartment.

She liked it better this way.

Feeling exhausted, mentally and physically, Brae went to sit down.

She was really hungry.

As she sat on the bed waiting, she began feeling drowsy.

She laid down and tried taking a nap. She was tired and wanted to sleep but it was hard to sleep with an empty stomach.

So she laid there staring at the ceiling, frustrated.

In the study, Jace had been brainstorming a way to get Brae to cooperate to his conditions he had thought up.

He needed her to deeply love him as he does her. It would be difficult given her attitude and the way he handle the relationship first time.

Jace knew he was in the wrong but he also needed her to see from his prospective.

He loved her and he would do anything for her, so why couldn't she open her heart just a little for him?

He almost went crazy when she left him two years ago. Jace was determined not to go through the experience again. This time he would do things differently.

It didn't matter how the relationship started out, the only thing that mattered was the end result to him.

An alarm went off on Jaces phone. It was nearly 8pm. He needed to feed Brae.