
Chapter 535 Can This Man Still Be Killed_1

The people on the battlefield were unaware that the Ghost Race had quietly encircled their rear; their attention at this moment was wholly focused on the Nine-headed Dragon.

A dragon with a single head was already a rare sight, let alone one with nine.

It was a spectacle indeed!

The savior, of course, was Ao Long. Her appearance this time was indeed timely, rescuing them at the perfect opportunity.

Ao Long was positioned similarly to Zhang Chi in the beginning, both being the furthest from the light column in the North, and she too had thought to meet up with Jin Ling'er.

However, having to evade both the Red Fog and people, her speed was actually slower than Zhang Chi's, which caused her delay.

Only when she sensed trouble here did she rush over at top speed, extending her helping hand at the most crucial moment.

Su Mingche and others, watching the imposing Nine-headed Dragon, felt a tremor in their hearts as well.