
The beginning

Two girls are going over stuff found in the attic,there are frames pictures and a camera.

hey look layla is that not your mother

yeah she was so beautiful.

layla let's test the camera

alright layla agreed,1..2..3 snap the photo was printed but nothing was visible, is it broken

no layla replied it just needs time Hayden's phone started ringing it's Craig I gotta go layla,OK layla replied be safe

the moment Hayden left the photo was visible layla saw something like on smudge on it she looked closely and discovered that it look humanoid more like a shadow and it was right behind her,looking back she found nothing she felt like it was just a smudge

later in the while in the process of closing up the house she heard a strange noise,she thought to herself "isn't hayden already gone" so she called out hayden? is that you?

all that greeted her was silence she felt cold so cold that she was sweat,she would have given up but a ball came bouncing towards,she looked at the direction it seems to come from the attic,setting the ladder with shaking hands she grabbed the ladder and propped it against the attic and climbed in, she looked around and saw nothing, she was about to down when the ladder fell down more like it was pushed purposely, she felt that cold presence like death, she looked behind the plastic curtains and that was when she saw it.

skin was blue,long and thin like a malnourished man with claws for hands ,head was big eyes were the stuff of nightmares looking into the eyes makes one like they were already in hell,she scream and back step causing her to fall through the attic but she was caught halfway down and pulled back up using it's claws it first took out her eyes then slashed and disfigured her beyond recognition with bits of flesh flying everywhere, when it was through it dropped her unceremoniously, hitting the floor head first an audiable sound of breaking bones was heard.