
Shadows of Johto

After Eric won his first gym battle he followed through on his promises to Ashley and took he out to eat, but that's not all he had to do. He also had to take her shopping which hurt his wallet and causing his funds to drop from 178000 poke dollars to 95875. Now they're on their way back to the Pokemon center and trying to decide on what to do next.

Eric: So are you done spending all of my money?

Ashley: it's payback for this morning and yesterday

Eric: If that's the case then you owe me a lot more. first thing you owe me for picking up your shifts on guard duty most of the time when we were in the forest, and second you owe me for this morning when I was getting breakfast for both of us and our Pokemon.

Ashley just stood there stunned that Eric actually called her out on both the events at breakfast and while they were in the forest. Then she decided to try and derail his thoughts.

Ashley: So how long do you plan on staying here?

Eric: Possibly till tomorrow morning... WAIT A MINUTE YOUR NOT GETTING OUT OF THIS BY DE-RAILING ME!

And it was at this moment that Eric noticed that they were being followed by someone who was trying to stay out of sight. Eric didn't say anything about the person following them or give any sign that he knew the person was there and continued to walk towards the Pokemon Center.

Eric: So what do you have planned for the rest of the night?

Ashley: Why? Are you looking to collect on my debts to you?, Or did you want to use the battle area behind the Pokemon Center?

Eric: Maybe a little of both.

As Eric and Ashley were talking to each other, Eric also told Latias through telepathy that they were being followed and he wanted her to keep an eye on the person following them and to warn him if the person tries to attack them.

Eric and Ashley continued walking until Eric decided to turn right and then right again to squeeze in-between two buildings in hopes of both throwing off the person following them and to see who it was. To Eric's delight the person ran right past him and Ashley, trying to find them again.

Ashley: what are-.....

As Ashley tried to ask why he pulled them around a corner and then in-between two buildings Eric covered her mouth and made the universal sign to be quiet. Then Ashley noticed why and nodded that she understood why they needed to be quiet. After a few seconds of looking around to try and find Eric and Ashley, the person gave up and mumbled quietly, something about how his leaders weren't going to be happy about him losing both his primary target and secondary target.

Eric also felt like he recognized the person's voice and decided to take the person by surprise, so he ordered Latias to sneak up to the person and hit them with a Shadow Ball.

Unknown person: Fuck this isn't going to go well for me.

Boom! Latias's Shadow Ball hit the person in the back and caused a large cloud of dust and smoke to be kicked up. Eric then used the smoke and dust to covertly grab the person that was following him and Ashley, and drag the person into the alley where they hid from him. After waiting a few moments to make sure no one saw or came to investigate what happened Eric decided to find out who the person following him and Ashley was. To Ashley's surprise it was Jason, the guy Eric beat earlier, Eric on the other hand wasn't surprised in the least.

Ashley: IT'S JASON!

Eric: I suspected as much.

Ashley: What do you mean?

Eric: Something struck me as odd when I first noticed that someone was following us and how it was not even a block away from the gym.

Ashley: So he's been following us since your match?

Eric: pretty much. Although he stayed further back earlier and he was talking with someone while following us. Or at least he was talking with someone for a while until the person parted ways with him.

Ashley: So you think he was planning to get back at you or something.

Eric: I'm not sure, but I feel like he has some questions to answer.

Eric and Ashley then dragged Jason back to the Pokemon Center to have him treated for his injuries and to question him as to why he was following them.

After about 15 minutes of dragging Jason's unconscious body to the Pokemon Center, the nurse Joy that gave Eric his task to clear the road of aggressive rock Pokemon saw them and asked them what happened. Ashley responded by telling her what happened from when they were at the gym till now.

Nurse Joy: Oh my! So he's been following you and he was working for someone?

Eric: That's correct Nurse Joy. So I knocked him out to find out who he was and to find out who he's working for.

Nurse Joy: Well let me help you bring him back to the Pokemon Center. I also have some questions of my own, like what happened to the girls he's gone out with.

Ashley: What do you mean Nurse Joy?

Nurse Joy: well let's get him to the Pokemon Center and I'll explain on the way.

As Ashley, Eric and Nurse Joy carried Jason to the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy explained that the past 7 girlfriends that Jason has had disappeared under strange circumstances and no one has ever found them or found anything to give any idea as to what happened to them, and the last person to see them was Jason, but with no evidence to charge him with kidnapping the police had to let him go. When they got to the Pokemon Center Nurse Joy checked to make sure Jason didn't have any permanent damage to his head or the rest of his body, and then patched up any other wounds that he got from being dragged for most of the trip back the Pokemon Center.

Nurse Joy: he's going to be ok, or at least he's ok for now.

Eric: So how long until we can question him?

Nurse Joy: Probably tomorrow morning and also I have to call the police to make sure they know what's going on.

Eric: Ok, we'll pay him a visit in the morning, but until then.

Eric then turned to Ashley with a smile.

Eric: Well be training out back.

Ashley just rolled he eyes and smirked and him.

Ashley: Alright, I knew this was coming so let's get this over with.

Eric and Ashley walked to the back of the Pokemon Center to the battlefield for a mock battle and training. During Eric and Ashley's mock battle someone could be seen sneaking out the side of the Pokemon Center with another person slung over there shoulders.

Meanwhile in Johto.....

Unknown person 1: So Claire thinks she found what we've been waiting for?

Unknown person 2: Yes boss, she even confirmed that this boy is its trainer.

Unknown person 1: What is this Boys name?

Unknown person 2: Claire claims the boys name is Eric Johnson.

Unknown person 1: Are you absolutely certain that's what she said his name was!?

Unknown person 2: Y-yes sir! What's wrong?

Unknown person 1: If that's the person I-.

Just as the man was about to finish his sentence a third person burst through the doors.

Unknown person 3: Max!!!


Chris: S-s-sorry sir! I have news from Claire and it's urgent that you're told sir or more specifically Terrien.

Max: DON'T ---

Terrien: Let him speak Max or you will suffer.

Max: Y-y-yes S-sir.

Terrien: Now Chris was it. what news do you have?

Chris: Claire is on the run with one of our more recently trained and placed recruiters, and is requesting urgent extraction from Hoenn.

Terrien: Tell her that if she wants to be extracted from Hoenn she needs to produce better results first.

Also in Kanto inside of professor Oaks lab.....

Red: So let me get this straight Professor. You want me to keep an eye on Eric, but not let him know I'm there?!

Prof. Oak: That's right Red.

Red: May I ask you why.

Prof. Oak: The way you described him and the way he reacted to you makes me think that he is someone to keep an eye on cause he may become one of the future leaders of the Pokemon League. I also fear that some unsavory groups will try and recruit him by force.

Red: like the Shadows Of Johto?

Prof. Oak: Yes, like them.

Red: Ok, but if he turns out to be a bust, I'll never let you live this down.

Prof. Oak: Yeah yeah. Now go!

As Red then leaves the lab professor Oak pulls out a PokeBall with a Dragonite inscribed on it from a drawer in his desk

Prof. Oak: looks like we might see our old friend once more girl.

Back with Eric and Ashley.....

Ashley: Can't you go easy on me even just a little bit?

Eric: If I do that you won't improve.

Ashley: Hey shouldn't the police have arrived by now?

Eric: that's a strange conversation changer, but yeah they should have come to take out statements about what happened.

Ashley: maybe we should head in and see what's going on.

Eric: Agreed.

Both Eric and Ashley returned their pokemon except Eric left Dratini out and Latias stayed in his shadow. when Eric and Ashley got back to the main entrance of the Pokemon Center the police were there and were asking Nurse Joy questions.

Nurse Joy: No I don't know where he went I've been here all day! and no this isn't a prank.

Officer: I understand that Nurse Joy but you have to admit your cameras did not record any of what you're telling us and there isn't even an eye witness to confirm what your telling us.

Nurse Joy: Oh really! Ask them! They're the ones that help bring the guy in!

The officer then turned around not expecting to see anyone only to be surprised that two trainers were right behind him.

Officer: By Arceus! You two is it true that you both helped Nurse Joy bring in a person who is also supposed to be in intensive care along with being under house arrest for unprovoked attack on citizens?

Eric: Yes and we're the ones he attacked as well.

Officer: Is that so then where is this person now?

Ashley: the last time we saw him, Nurse Joy was taking him to intensive care.

Eric: Hey Nurse Joy, where's the other Nurse?

Nurse Joy: what do you mean? I'm the only one here, and my last assistant left about three months ago and the other two nurse's are on leave right now.

Officer: That's right around the time the abductions started.

Nurse Joy: You think she was abducted?

Officer: makes a certain kind of sense.

Eric: wait, what did your assistant look like?

Nurse Joy: well she looks a lot like me, but she usually has her hair in two braids.

Eric then pulled out his pokegear and turned it on, and after a few seconds Eric then stopped and turned it towards both the officer and Nurse Joy.

Eric: is this her?

Nurse Joy: Y-yes it is! when did you take that picture?

Eric: Last night after I got back from doing a mission and it was right here in the lobby.

Nurse Joy: that's not possi-

Ashley: Wait that looks like the person that was talking with Jason before he tried to chase us and do who knows what.

Eric: Oh no. Ashley you don't think.

Nurse Joy: I think she's onto something.

Ashley: Nurse Joy you said she went missing about three months ago and that's right around the time the abductions started, and no one, other than us has been able to confirm shes ok and here somewhere, but she was also the one that talked to Jason before he really started chasing us. Maybe she's responsible for the abductions.

Officer: Ok, say you're right kid what would the motive be to start abducting people?

Ashley: I'm not sure, but it's the only explanation, she was here and knows the Pokemon Center very well, so she could have be able to break Jason out with out anyone knowing until it was to late.

Officer: Well that does make a lot of sense. well keep a look out for both her and Jason from here on out and also inform the other cities and town to arrest them on sight. Now I must go and file this report so I bid you a good evening.

Meanwhile in the woods outside of town.....

Claire: Why haven't they sent me a reply with the extension coordinates.

Jason: Well you've fucked up this time haven't you.

Claire: I'm not the one that fucked up an easy job, to knockout two people and take them and their pokemon to the drop of so they can be sent for "recruitment".

Jason: Well at least we got twenty other potential recruits.

Claire: That's true and with that The Shadows Of Johto will grow stronger and be feared even more.

who are the Shadows of Johto? What do they want with Eric? And why are the Shadows Of Johto abducting people? for the answers to these questions and more. Tune in next time.

Authors note: I've been having a bad year and I'm sorry that I haven't been given the story the love it deserves, but I hope to start producing more chapters now that things have settled down a bit. Again I'm sorry for the lack of content and thank you for being patient.