

Chapter 84.

After revealing some of my Gamer abilities to Kaeded and adding her to my party she began to visit the Pokéhome often, not only to hang out with my Pokémon but to also learn more about them in the Xeno Pokémon Center.

There Kaede met both of my daughters, Kunou and Weine, she immediately fell in love with their cuteness and friendliness and Wiene even began to teach Kaede even more about Pokémon.

So now Kaede spends a lot of time there and is learning quite a lot, we still train every morning and evening everyday though, but now Kunou and Weine are more likely to join her in Gaea's Great Labyrinth.

These three had began to clear Fortresses like there's no tomorrow and I can't help but feel bad for the monsters, but either way I'm glad she's been having fun.

I still need to introduce her to my girlfriends but they seemed to be very busy right now, on what? I'm not sure but they should be free by the time I get back to Kuoh.

Eventually a few days passed by like this and the day for the Peace Treaty was almost here, Isamu was also almost done with his preparations for when he's going to come down with the law on the Five Great Principal Clans.

So my time with Nakashima family was soon coming to an end, Keade knew I wasn't going to abandon her but she was still sad that I was leaving, I think she got used to me living with her family.

But she also understood that I have to go home at some point, so even though she was still feeling a little sad about it, she accepted it.

She still gave it her all during training and tried to spend as much time with me as possible, which is adorable because you would think I would be going to a world cruise or something.

Hanako and Isamu were both a little down too and had even told me that the house would feel a bit empty without me around, it made me smile that the Nakashima family had come to like me this much.

So I proposed something to Hanako and Isamu, a proposal they quite liked and agreed to once everything calms down, for now they'll keep quite about it in order to surprise Kaede later.

Which is fine by me and as I kept watch over Kaede who was in class reading and listening to her teacher's lecture, I couldn't help but to proudly smile at how far she has come.

After school, as always I picked up Kaede by the school's gate and together along Umbreon and Espeon we walked home while talking about our day, however as we were walking and talking, I felt someone following us.

Kaede suddenly stopped talking and whispered so only I could hear her "that person has magic, do you think he's from the Five Great Principal Clans?" the Pokémon had also noticed the follower as well but decided to wait for me to give the orders.

I discreetly nodded to Kaede to confirm her assumption "it's seems like it, looks like they finally decided to make a move... it's time to show them you're not longer going to pushed around Kaede".

Kaede nodded and took a big breath, she exhaled a second later "let's make him follow us to a less populated area, I don't want anyone innocent getting hurt".

I smiled at Kaede and together we immediately changed directions to a nearby park, in fact, it's the same park where I met Kaede.

The irony was palpable but I ignored that and kept an eye on our follower, as we moved towards the park more and more followers began to join the original one and I counted at least 40 something in total.

I narrowed my eyes at the number, it seems like they did not want to fail today, it's too bad that Kaede isn't the same scared and weak girl they harassed before.

Eventually we reached the park and as soon as we walked inside, the sky suddenly changed from clear blue to Violet in color, signaling that a barrier was put in place.

Suddenly a Elderly man wearing a expensive looking Yukata walked out from behind a tree along the rest of our followers, the Elderly man offered us a kind and obviously fake smile "Kaede Nakashima, be a good girl and come with me".

Me and Kaede stared at the Elderly man in disbelieve, meanwhile both Umbreon and Espeon walked up in front of us and took on a defensive stance just in case.

Kaede tilted her head at the Elderly man "my mom and dad told me not to listen to strangers, your definitely a stranger... so no, I'm not going anywhere with you".

The Elderly man frowned, he was obviously unhappy about the snarky response he just received from Kaede and even I was surprised by what she said *where did she even got that from? Umbreon?*.

I mean Umbreon was looking mighty smug right now, so I don't doubt it, the Elderly man then decided to try it one more time "listen child, I'm an Elder to your clan, do as I say or it would be a shame if something were to happen to your friend, because you refused to do as your told...".

I know he meant it to be menacing and what not, but Kaede and I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid this whole thing is, Kaede shook her head "you? your going to hurt Rean? hehe I wish you'd try! he'll kill you and everyone you brought in seconds".

The Elder actually took a step back at how serious Kaede just said that, Kaede then narrowed her eyes at the Elderly man "and let's make this perfectly clear... I don't have a Clan and I would never be a part of place filled with self entitled bigots like you, so I will say this only once! leave or die...".

The Elderly man's eyes widen in shock, I guess he wasn't expecting Kaede to respond to threats like that, but he soon recovered and then glared at Kaede "I was hoping you would see reason child, but I guess it's my fault for expecting an abomination like you to do as your told...".

Kaede narrowed her eyes at the Elderly man and I just shook my head at his hate filled words, so much hate for something that Kaede was born and had no control over, its truly sad that not only her but many children had to suffer such hate.

The Elderly man then sniffed the air and sneered at Kaede as if she were a piece of stinky garbage "no matter, I'll teach you how to respect your betters while we wait for you father to do as he's told, go and get her!".

The Elderly man lazily waved a hand towards us, the Onmyōji with him immediately got ready and began to chant while taking out some Ofuda Paper Tags, Kaede stepped forward "leave it to me Rean".

I nodded to her letting her know that I have no problem with her request "Umbreon, Espeon stay back and only provide support if she needs it".

Umbreon and Espeon nodded and Kaede smiled at us, the Onmyōji finished chanting their Onmyōji spells and then threw their Ofuda Paper Tag towards Kaede who didn't even try to dodge.

The Ofuda Paper Tags hit her body and immediately stuck to her, Kaede was suddenly shocked by an electrical current and I could see the Elderly man grin in victory, which made scoffed "... that level of magic isn't enough to affect Kaede".

Kaede sighed and then ripped every Ofuda Paper Tag off her body, this made the Onmyōji and Elderly man gape in shock while Kaede scrunched up the Tags in her hand, and the threw the paper ball she made with them to the side.

Kaede then turned her gaze towards the Onmyōji "not bad, that actually tingled a bit, but I've been hit by a Thunderbolt attack by a Mareep, this is nothing compared to that".

I couldn't help but chuckle at being reminded about that, when I took Kaede to the Pokéhome and showed her my Pokemon Farm, the first thing she did is hug a Mareep who did not appreciate being lifted off the ground and being hugged.

The end result was Kaede getting a face full of Thunderbolt which in turn startle the rest of the Mareep who also used Thunderbolt on reflex, poor Kaede was shocked, left on the floor shaking and unable to move.

The funnier thing about it, was that despite all of that she still had a goofy smile on her face, while not letting go of the Mareep she was hugging.

The Elderly man growled and then pointed a hand towards Kaede "what are all you waiting for!? get her and make sure to keep her alive! we need her for Isamu to listen to us".

The Onmyōji immediately reacted to the Elderly man's order and began to chant for another Onmyōji spell, Kaede who had been wearing her Adventurer's clothes underneath her uniform, ripped said uniform off and shot forward at high-speed.

The Onmyōji clearly didn't expect such a thing from her and were completely taken off guard, when Kaede suddenly blurred out ther sight and reappear right in front of them engulfed in flames.

Kaede's Flare Blitz hit her target and caused an explosion of flames that took out a few of the Onmyōji, the force behind her Fire Type Attack instantly turned some of the Onmyōji she killed into ash.

The rest of the Onmyōji and the Elderly man gaped for about a second and then jumped back when they felt the heat behind Kaede's attack.

Kaede soon after walked out of the flames she had created and winced when she got hit with the recoil of her Flare Blitz attack "ow... that still hurts a lot, I wonder how Charizard doesn't take damage when he uses it?".

The Onmyōji and even the Elderly immediately bega to chant to hit Kaede with Magic, Kaede just tilted her head at them "what a slow casting time... well let see what you do then".

The Onmyōji and Elderly man growled at Kaede, I guess their pride took a hit, they finished chanting and then slapped a Ofuda Paper Tag on the floor in front of them.

From the ground, multiple stone spires rose up and shot forward to Kaede who sighed and just stood there, the stone spire crashed against Kaede and the Onmyōji and Elder grinned in victory.

Only to gape when they saw Kaede stand there and be completely unaffected by their Earth Spell, Kaede hummed as she stared at the Onmyōji in front of her "I see... so your from the Nakiri Clan, I guessed as much with how you told me you were part of my clan".

The Elderly man growled and seemed very pissed off for some reason, in fact all the Onmyōji seemed to be rather enraged as well and for once I didn't understand why.

The Elderly man suddenly began to ran in anger "this can't be! immunity to Earth Magic is a blessing only meant for my Clan! it's a blessing directly from the Golden Dragon itself! why does an abomination like you have it!?".

Kaede frowned upon hearing the Elderly Man's spiteful words "you call that Earth Magic? let me show you what a real Earth Spell looks like!".

Kaede then pointed an open hand towards the group of Onmyōji and let her mana rushed out as she began to chant " O cataclysmic power that lie dormant among the earth, awaken thy true form! Grand Cataclysm!".

Kaede's open hand suddenly began to glow green as the spell activated, the ground beneath the Onmyōji and the Elderly cracked as a yellow light began to flow out of the cracks.

The Elderly man and a few of the Onmyōji with him were able to to jump away, but the rest of the Onmyōji were caught by a sudden immense pressure the fell upon then and even cracked the ground futher.

These Onmyōji died almost immediately while being crushed alive, the few remaining Onmyōji and the Elderly man could only stare in shock as a Earth Elemental Spell was able to Pierce through their resistance.

The Spell effects dissipated leaving a ground filled with crushed and dead bodies, the Elderly man turned his head towards Kaede whose red eyes were now glowing from the amount of Mana she just used.

I stared at the remaining Onmyōji and counted them "counting the old man there's a least 7 Onmyōji left, pretty good Kaede, you single handedly killed over 30 Nakiri Clan members".

Kaede grinned "thats nothing really, they're surprisingly weak, so much for the great Nakiri Clan huh?".

The Elderly man looked livid now "this why all of you half breeds should be killed as soon as your born! your nothing but monsters and abominations! things like you shouldn't exist".

I glared at the pathetic old man, such stupid and ignorant words I really can't understand the mentality of people like this guy, suddenly I felt a blast of hot air and I turned my eyes towards Kaede.

Kaede was pissed, that much is clear but what really had my attention was the shift on her energy, Kaede growled and the ground beneath her cracked and began to melt into red hot magma.

The Onmyōji and Elderly man took a step back in fright as steam was beginning to pour out from Kaede's body "who are you to question the existence of others?! what gives you the right to decide if halfbreeds like me should die just from being born?!".

Kaede's Mana reacted to her rightful rage and actual lava exploded out from the ground beneath Kaede, I couldn't help but grin as I saw Kaede's Mana finally merge, combine and become a new element for her to use.

The Elderly man was now sweating "you truly are an abomination... that disgusting Yokai Blood actually merged with the Nakiri's... you have corrupted a blessed bloodline! we can't let a being like you exist! forget Isamu! and kill this abomination!".

The Onmyōji snapped out of their fright and began to chant once more, I sighed and shook my head in disappointment "fools...".

Kaede rage reached a boiling point and I understood why she was so angry, these people came into her life, changed it forever and then deemed her to dangerous to live.

This was enough to piss anyone off and Kaede was no exception, with one more growl Kaede Instinctively stomped the ground beneath her and sent a wave of Lava directly towards the Onmyōji who were trying to chant as quickly as possible.

A couple of the Onmyōji and the Elderly man jumped up and onto the tree branches to avoid the Lava, but most of the Onmyōji weren't able to react at the big wave of molten rock coming their way and were buried underneath it.

They only had a few seconds to let out blood curling screams of pain before they died, Kaede immediately looked up towards the Onmyōji and Elderly man that jumped up to the tree branches.

They all looked terrified and I don't blame them, Lava magic, Lava bending or Geo-Thermokinesis is very rare in this world, like my Ferrokinesis these types of Elemental Manipulation only comes about when two elements merge and synchronize within the user.

Something that had been happening within Kaede for a while, she just needed a trigger for the change to surface and the Elderly Man's hate filled words provided that, Kaede is a sweet an curious girl sure.

Which is a contrast to her Elements, you need passion for fire and determination for earth, but Kaede didn't have those traits and it wasn't until she awakened her bloodlines and began training, that she grew passionate about growing stronger and determined to learn everything I taught her.

It was only a matter of time for her Oni Flames and Nakiri's connection to the element of Earth to give birth to something new, something very dangerous as these Onmyōji just learned the hard way.

Kaede raised a hand towards the Onmyōji and pointed her pointer finger in their direction, the Lava beneath her feet immediately lifted off the ground and coalesced into a small condense ball of Magma right in front of her finger.

The Onmyōji of course panicked, it didn't take a genius to understand what Kaede was going to do next, but before any of them could even attempt to get out of the way.

A Magma bullet shot forward from Kaede's fingers and blasted a whole on one of the Onmyōji's chest, the Onmyōji twitched and immediately dropped from the brach he had been standing on and right into the Magma pool underneath the tree.

The two remaining Onmyōji and the Elderly man finally noticed, that the tree they have been using to get away from the Magma was no surrounded and is beginning to burn away.

They were trapped, the moment they decided to jump up to a tree to avoid Kaede's Lava wave they sealed their fate, Kaede raised a hand and the Magma underneath the tree began to raise and take the shape of a hand.

Kaede moved her hand and made a grabbing motion, the Magma mimicked her hand movement and grab hold of the tree and began to shake it and burn it, the Onmyōji screamed in panic as they held on for dear life.

One of them couldn't keep his grip on the tree and was sent falling down towards the Magma pool beneath the tree, he scream in pain before he even hit the Magma from the heat, he probably even died cooked and steamed, before he landed on the Magma.

All I could see is him falling silent before hitting the Magma and then the body slowly melting and burning away, the sole remaining Onmyōji continued to hold on for dear life.

But the tree which had been in constant contact to the Magma was on fire and was quickly turning coal black, eventually the branch he was holding into snapped having been weakened by the tree burning.

The Onmyōji died the same slow and painful death as the one before him as he landed on the Magma, this left only the Elderly man who was terrified right now.

Who can't blame him? Kaede has become a Natural disaster now, if she so wished she could destroy a city now by just causing a massive volcanic explosion, to think that she isn't even in her Oni Form and she already has this much firepower.

I bet she can devastate a whole country in his Oni Form and with her Geo-Thermokinesis, the Elderly Man scared out his mind began to suddenly beg for his life "wait! please wait! I'm an Elder of the Nakiri! I'm practically family! please stop!".

Kaede suddenly stopped her Magma construct from shaking the tree, the construct fell apart and Kaede glared up at the Elder if the Nakiri "my only family is my mom, dad and Rean!".

The little Oni raised her hands and the Magma raised up and began to form two hands now, Kaede moved the Magma hands and then did a clapping motion.

The Nakiri Elder's eyes widen and he only had a second before the Magma hands mimicked Kaede's clap and closed in with him right in the middle.

The old fool didn't even get to scream before he died being cooked alive by Magma, Kaede dropped her arms and began to breath a bit heavily as the Magma was finally able to begin to cool down.

I smiled at the little Oni and walked uo to her, Keade turned around towards me and wobbled a bit, but then she noticed me approaching her "Rean! watch out there still Magma everywhere!".

I smiled at her concern for me and finally reached "it's fine Kaede, or did you forget I'm a Dragon God?" Kaede tilted her head but the she realized what is said.

She then sheepishly laughed "err... I forgot that for few seconds" Kaede then looked behind me and saw both Espeon and Umbreon walking on top of the Magma.

Both of them seemed fine which made her very happy but confused at the same time, I noticed her confusion and as I took out a Pinapple Gel I decided to explain "my Pokemon can tank Fire Type Attacks from Legendary Pokémon and even me, a bit of Magma isn't going to do anything to them".

Kaede nodded understanding what I just told her about my Pokemon, as I handed her the Pinapple Gel which she immediately ate, she sighed as she felt her Mana reserves get filled up "... that took out a lot out me...".

I nodded "I'm not surprised, Lava or Magma which ever you want to call it is an advance Elemental Manipulation ability, this is also your first time using it as well and since your not used to it, you used far more Mana than necessary".

Kaede nodded in understanding "I see, I'm glad that I have such high Mana reserves then... I might have passed out if I didn't".

"Yeah, that can actually happen when you run out of Mana so do be careful about that okay?".

Kaede nodded and then looked around, she frowned as she saw that she had practically destroyed this part of the park "... jeez, Rean can you help me with this mess?".

I chuckled and nodded, I then snapped my fingers and reversed the time around the area returning it to what it was before the Nakiri Onmyōji tried to jump us "so I'm family now I am?".

Kaede blushed and fidgetted a bit "err... w-well you lived with us for a while and taught me a lot, and, and!".

I lightly laughed and gave Kaede a headpat which help her calm down "it's fine Kaede, it makes me happy that you think of me as family".

Kaede brightly smiled and I nodded at her "let's go home, we have to tell your dad about this".

Kaede nodded and then Umbreon, Espeon, Kaede and I left to continue our trip back to the Nakashima household, today we'll skip training since we had to talk with Isamu about what happened.

It didn't take up long to get back to Kaede's home and we immediately went to speak with Isamu who was in his office, he immediately knew something happened when he saw that Kaede was wearing her Adventurer's clothes instead of her school uniform.

Kaede then told him how the Nakiri had followed her after school and then tried to ambused her, they wanted to kidnapped her to use her as leverage against him.

Isamu was rightfully pissed at what the Nakiri just tried to do, it was only because I was there and Kaede was now strong enough to defend herself that they failed.

But he can only grimace at the sort of things these people would have done to Kaede if they had succeeded, they clearly hated her and weren't going to just let her go, even if he were to do what they asked him to do.

Something I completely agree to, with the way that Nakiri Elder spoke to Kaede I have no doubts that he would have torture her and then killed her after he got what he wanted.

Isamu sighed and then turned his head towards a pile of paperwork on his desk " I'm done with my side of things, all I have to do is present this to the Prime Minister and have it signed... the Five Great Principal Clans won't be able to do anything like this ever again... but I'm still pretty pissed how they spoke to Kaede and what they had planned to do to her...".

As a father is no surprise that Isamu was angry, not only at the Nakiri but at the fact that he himself hasn't been able to protect her daughter, Kaede looked worriedly at her dad "dad, you don't have to worry, I'm fine and Rean was with me, there's no way those stupid Nakiri would have been able to get to me".

Isamu sadly sighed at his daughter "I know sweetie but as a father I worry... even with this resolved, I'm afraid that you being my daughter will forever paint a target on you and that hurts me you know?".

Kaede sadly looked at her father, Isamu sighed but then sprung up from his seat as if he had come to a sudden revelation "that's it! I have the perfect solution for this!".

Kaede tilted her head in confusion while I raised an eyebrow at Isamu who turned his head towards me, with an excited grin on his face "Rean! what would you say about taking my daughter as a wife!?".





Kaede's face turned completely crimson and began panic "d-dad! what are you saying!?".

Isamu just grinned "think about it Kaede! with Rean as your husband I wouldn't have to worry about your future or safety! he's practically family already so why not go all the way!?".

I honestly do not know what to say right now, or how to take thi,s so I just stayed silent as Kaede stood up slammed her fist on Isamu's desk and accidentally smashed it to hell.

I caught all of Isamu's paperwork with Psychic, while Kaede's grabbed her dad and began to throttle him while he continued to smile "s-stop saying nonsense! and besides Rean has plenty of girlfriends already!".

I was actually getting worried about Isamu's well being, he is after all a human, so being throttled by an Oni is quite dangerous, but it seems like he was already used to it, the perks of being married to an Oni I suppose?.

Speaking of which, Hanako suddenly kicked Isamu's door open "Kaede and Rean are getting married?! I want 10 grandchildren!".

Kaede gaped at her mother "mom! no one is getting married! and what's with that ridiculous number of grandchildren! do you want me to die!".

Hanako however was already lost in her own little world "hehe five boys and five girls~".

Kaede was already tearing up in both embarrassment and frustration as her parents continued to embarrassed her even further, I couldn't help but laugh at the silliness of it all.

My time with the Nakashimas was coming to an end but, I will never forget it, it certainly has been fun and I've made some great good friends.

I continued to watch as Kaede continued to rant and argue with her parents, as they tried to marry her off to me.

The next couple of days were busy for Isamu, the moment he presented the Prime Minister with the paperwork about the new laws and the necessity to have the Great Five Principal Clans under control they were signed.

With new laws implemented and with the backing of the Japanese Government, Isamu went on a holy crusade against the Nakiri, Himejima, Kushihashi, Doumon and Shinra.

The Great Five Principal Clans lost their status as Elder Clans and were subjected to intensive backgrounds checks, the Government then found out about every dark little detail the Clans had been involved into.

Needless to say that they were disgusted by what they found was an understatement, things ranging from murder, to trafficking and dealing in very dangerous materials were the tip of the iceberg.

Many Elders and older generations of the ex Great Principal Clans were arrested, for this to happen they called upon the help of Yasaka, who was more than thrilled to help in paying back the Clans.

The ex Five Great Principal Clans had hunted peaceful Yokai for a very long time and because of their status and importance in Japan, she couldn't do anything about it.

The fact that the Clans are protected and supported by the Shinto made thing even more difficult for Yasaka, which is why she took so much glee in helping the Government in arresting the arrogant and bigoted members of the Clans and bring them to justice.

Now that her and the Yokai Faction have split from the Shinto Gods and are protected by the Legendary Pokémon, she can do what she had wished to do for a long time.

Hunt down members of the old Five Great Principal Clans, the new young Clan Heads were left alone because they were clean and were unaware of exactly how deep the corruption of their Clans went.

But it was a massive blow to their Clans, they all lost a big numbers of Clan members and the prestige their Clans once held, the Japanese Government however were optimistic.

With the corrupted, arrogant and bigoted members of their Clans gone, they hope these young Clan heads can bring the Clans back to their former glory, it will be a long and arduous process but perhaps they can do it.

For now, what was important was that with the ex Great Five Principal Clans devastated, the Nakashima can now go back to a semi normal life or at least no longer worry about being attack all the time.

But this also meant it was time for Rean to leave and go back to Kuoh, it was time to say goodbye and the Nakashima family wasn't happy about it, but understood that Rean had things to do back at home.

On a weekend, a few days after the law came down on the Ex Five Great Principal Clans, I decided that it was time to leave, this is how I found myself giving headpats to a crying Hanako who was hugging me and refusing to let go, meanwhile both Espeon and Umbreon deadpanned at the whole scene.

It made me fondly laugh how attached this mama Oni got to me, I still remember how terrified she was of me when I met her how ready she was to throw her husband at me just to save Kaede and herself.

Isamu softly smiled at his wife and then gently pull her away "come honey, Rean has to go...".

Hanako just sobbed but nodded, she then slammed her face onto Isamu's chest causing to grunt in pain, she then proceeded to blow her nose on his chest.

Isamu sweatdropped but never stopped smiling at his wife, that man had the patience of a saint that's for sure, well either that or he really, really loves Hanako.

Kaede laughed at her parents and then turned around to looked at me, she gave me a sad smiled while hugging her Pokémon egg to her "it's going to be very quiet and boring without you and the Pokémon here Rean...".

I smiled at Kaede and then open my arms, Kaede immediately rushed and hugged me for dear life with one arm as I hugged her back "this isn't a permanent goodbye Kaede, you have my phone number and access to my Pokehome, we'll see and talk to each other often, plus you can visit whenever to hang out or play with the Pokémon".

Kaede nodded and tighten her hug "I know... it's just not quite the same, I know it was only for a short time... but you living here with us was fun, it was the best thing ever and I'm going to miss that".

I smiled and then gave Kaede a headpat as I continued to hug her "it has been fun for me too, but don't worry! maybe your dad and mom will convince me to marry you and we'll live together with the rest of the family".

Kaede tighten her hug and laughed a little "shhh you! don't give dad and mom anymore ideas or I'll never hear the end of it!".

I laughed a little and patted Kaede's back, she understood the gesture and let go of me, I walked away a little and waved at everyone "I'll come visit some time after things calm down on my end, take care guys!".

With that I teleported back home along with Umbreon and Espeon who barked goodbye to the Nakashima family as well, Kaede waved and as soon as they were gone she began to cry.

Hanako and Isamu noticed it and went hug their daughter, Isamu then gently spoke to her "it's alright sweetie, you'll see him soon".

Kaede nodded but continued to cry "I-I know... sniff!... but Rean is my best friend and I wanted to hang out more with him... sniff! play more!... get into trouble with him...sniff! I just wanted to spend more time with him!".

Isamu fondly smiled at Kaede for a few seconds. he then turned his head towards his wife, Hanako nodded at him with a smile letting him know to go ahead.

Isamu grinned thankfully to his wife and then spoke to Kaede "then... why do you think about transferring school sweetie?".

Kaedr looked up to her father as tears continued to fall from his eyes, she sniffed and then tilted her head in confusion, she didn't know it yet but her father wanted to do something for her.

Not only to keep her happy but to also ensure her safety and that of his family, no matter what, his position as an important politician will always leave a target if his family and so he wanted to do something about it.

Suddenly they were interrupted by Kaede's Pokemon glowing and shaking, Kaede looked down and watched as the egg cracked until it finally fell apart revealing her stater Pokémon.

The little baby Pokémon shook its body and them looked up towards Kaede who smiled happily at her Pokémon, the Pokémon then cheerfully called out its name -Torchic!-.