

Chapter 40. Soma Familia's Big mistake.

It's been a few days after the whole Monster Feria event and the unexpected attack of monsters, things have calm down and have gone mostly back to normal, Eina did tell me that Ganesha was investigating what had happened but I know he wouldn't find anything about Freya's involvement.

The only good thing about that whole mess was the fact that the townspeople were now fully aware of the Pokemon and had began to actually get use to their presence as well.

The guild helped a lot in this regard as well by releasing a few official statements further explaining the Pokemon and how they had helped and saved the townspeople.

Many of the people who the Pokemon saved actually came forward and gave an interview explaining how they were saved and how cool, kind and friendly the Pokemon were.

It brought a smile to my face to hear all if this and the Pokemon were excited as well, now most of them roam around the town and people just smile or give the a pat on their heads, though as always most of the Pokemon became very popular with the ladies but that's normal.

There were a few adventurers who tried to be funny or get one of the Pokemon to listen to them but they were swiftly dealt with, only one is dead and that's because he thought that it would be a good idea to pull his weapon on Charizard.

Tha idiot was instantly turned into ash, no one cared about the guy because he had been causing a lot if trouble lately and the fact that he was from the Soma Familia just made everyone just not care enough.

The Soma Familia tried to make a big deal out of it but Ouranos himself sent them a notice to stop and that everyone had been warned not to bother the Pokemon for their own safety, so they stopped but damn if it wasn't annoying.

Though it seems like everyone got the message, mess with a Pokemon and you will get hurt and no one will help you, much less care if your too stupid to realized that, it was an annoying situation but at least it's over with.

So I pushed that out of my mind, right now I doubt Freya will be in any condition to do anything else with the amount of pain she must be feeling after I used Curse on her.

But boy did that skill hurt like hell when I used it! I'm not surprised though since it takes half of your HP to put the curse on someone, my Ultra Regeneration took care of the damage in minutes but that was the biggest amount of damage I have received in a long while.

In any case Bell has continued training in with Lucario and Greninja every morning while also being taught more about magic from YunYun, so far he has learned how to control the flow of his mana and how to over charge his spells for extra damage or extra effects.

I got to say YunYun is a great teacher and she seem very happy to be able to teach as well, perhaps that's something that she would like to pursue in the future? we will see.

Yesterday Bell when on a date with Eina to go shopping for better armor for him, she wasn't happy that he was attacked during the Monster Feria and she wanted him to be better protected, a sentiment which Hestia full hearthly agreed to.

It seems like he was well on his way to adding Eina to his harem and Hestia was actually supportive because Eina cares a lot about Bell though I think the biggest motivator is Serafall who has taken Hestia under her wing and began instructing her on how to be a good head girlfriend.

I'm sorry Bell but this is a battle I can't train you for but I'm praying for your well being my friend!.

In any case it seems both Eina and Bell had a lot of fun yesterday, the same day Bell asked me to enchant his new armor so he can use it when he goes to Dungeon later in the morning.

That's what I've been doing for a while now, I got to admit that Welf is a great Blacksmith, his armor isn't only tough but light as hell, it made me curious as to what sort of process he used to make the armor.

But for now I just enchanted the armor with some basic things for Bell, useful enchantments that will help him with his Dungeon Diving, first I enchanted it with a instant Recovery.

This will get rid of any status conditions Bell gets after the battle is over, then a small First Aid enchantment which will activate everytime his HP reaches critical and finally with YunYun's help a Mana Breath enchantment to help him with his magic casting, this way he won't get Mind Down which is a very dangerous status condition and his spells will be empowered a bit.

With all of that done everything was ready for him to go to the Dungeon later on with the Eevees who had been grinding with me for a while as well.

I've been going to the lower floors of the Dungeon during the day to grind Exelia with the girls this past few days and to also level up my new Pokemon thanks to my O-Power skills they are close to reaching level 100 which will allowed them to evolve soon.

All of that grinding and killing of high level monsters had allowed our Falna stats to reach the triple S rank and me and the girls were now Level 2 adventurers.

Bell has also reached triple S rank as well but unlike us who have the Gamer system supporting our Falna, he needs to have an adventure to level up so he's going to have to wait a bit, right now he's focusing in polishing his fighting style and the techniques he's been learning from Lucario and Greninja.

The girls were doing their own thing right now, Wiz was in the Kitchen making some sweets for everyone, her cooking has improved a lot thanks to her minor domain of home, her food now actually has a healing effect.

Yasaka has been spending more time with Kunou which made our daughter very happy, Yasaka is still trying to convince Kunou that Fox Fire techniques are the best for a nine tailed fox to learn but she's not having any luck with that.

Kunou just loves to use Ice and Fairy Type moves and Yuki always has a smug smile on her which makes Yasaka very annoyed though she's very good at hiding it, it's not like Kunou doesn't like fire, she does have Fire Type moves after all, Charizard does trains her, it just that Kunou thinks that Fox Fire techniques are just too boring compared to all the attacks the Pokemon can do.

She wants to be a Pokemon move specialist and if that's what she wants to do then I'll support her, the Pokemon themselves have been training her too, even the Legendary Pokemon and even though Kunou doesn't have the reserves for the big moves yet, she's growing fast thanks to both the Falna and the Gamer system, it won't be long before she's blasting cities off the face of the planet with a move or too.

Sakuya takes care of the mansion or just spend her time reading reading a book while drinking tea when there's nothing else to do, she's the sort to like her quite time and everyone makes sure to give it to her.

YunYun, Asia and Serafall had taken to going out with Hestia to visit all the cool and interesting places in Orario, YunYun and Serafall love exploring and are always ready for adventure so they have the most fun moving around and Hestia is always happy to go with them, Asia just like spending time with her friends.

The girls seemed to be having a great time in their vacation which makes me happy for them, now that I'm done with enchanting Bell's armor I'm going to use my Starter Pokemon Token and summon the last of the Kanto Starters, I'll save my Common Pokemon Tokens for later after I'm done speaking with Bell when I give him his new armor back.

So I put the armor in my inventory and then I headed to the backyard and walked up to the lake, once there I summon Squirtle (male) who appeared in a flash of white light, I smiled at the little blue turtle and got on one knee.

I give him a headpat which he seems to enjoy a lot if the big smile on his face is anything to go by "hi Squirtle, I'm your new trainer and my name is Rean Hayashi, let's both get stronger together okay?".

Squirtle nodded and happily called out his name he then noticed the big lake and immediately jumped in to take a swim and play with the other water Pokemon.

I stood up and went towards where Bell was training, now that I think about it Ryuu told me yesterday 'when I went to visit her and eat some food with some of the Pokemon' that she had helped Bell scare of an adventurer that was attacking a girl.

If remember correctly that would be Lili who Bell defended *hmm which means that it's time for her arc... well I might as well help her get out of that Familia of addicts when the time comes, for now I'll let things play out, Bell is strong enough to deal with almost anything but I'm going to have to let him go by himself into the Dungeon for a while otherwise Lili won't make a move*.

I soon reached the clearing and the time dilation ward and stepped inside, once in there I heard the sounds of battle echo throughout the clearing and watched as Bell was sparing with Lucario.

Lucario was easily deflecting and dodging Bell's attacks but I could see that Bell has improved his martial arts by a lot, his moves were sharper and smoother as well, he was moving very well for some one who just began his training in the martial arts.

To think that he still has that gravity spell on him and he's still able to be that fast but in any case it's time for him to go to the Dungeon "hey guys! it's time!".

Both Lucario and Bell stop and turned to look at me, Bell smiled and rushed forward while Lucario just slowly walked over "Rean! are you finished with my armor?".

I nodded and took it out my Inventory then I made it float up with Psychic "here it is, it's a very good set of armor and it even allowed me to give it three enchantments, they'll activate automatically and will charge themselves with the magic in the air so you don't have to worry about charging the enchantments with your own Mana".

Bell excitedly smiled and nodded "thanks Rean! this will help a lot!".

I grinned at him and ruffle his white hair causing him to try to get away but no one escapes the grip of a Heavenly Dragon! "hahaha your welcome Bell now get inside, eat something and then go to the Dungeon, this time however, I want you to go by yourself, the Eevees are close to evolving so I want to train them a bit more".

Bell nodded and then he rushed out of the clearing, Lucario walked up to me and barked out "yes, I noticed that his growth it's abnormal even more so with his skill Freese Liaris... perhaps there's more to Bell than we think?".

Lucario nodded and perhaps it was true, I've only watched the three seasons of Danmachi, never read the light novel so I don't know much about Bell but I'm starting to believe that he's something else entirely.

The next couple of days were mellow for all of us except Bell, for the most part besides going to grind for Exelia I spent my time in the forge playing around with my Ferrokinesis and Forging.

It certainly has been fun, I can purify metals completely and shape them however I want though I try not abuse my new skill otherwise I wouldn't be getting enough Exp for the Blacksmithing, yesterday Ryuu came by the mansion on her day off and spent the whole day with us.

She was impressed with our home and the backyard and she enjoyed spending time with everyone, the Pokemon like her a lot as well and tend to follow her like little ducklings following their mom.

Kunou at some point decided it looked fun and joined in the file at the front and starting marching with the Pokemon, Ryuu just smiled at her and let her follow her along with all the Pokemon.

Though Ryuu also spent a lot of time with me so we could get to know each other better, I told her a little bit about myself not much yet but I did tell her that if she wanted to join our family there were a few things I had to tell her.

She nodded and smiled at me happy that I was being honest with her, she also told me how she helped Bell get his Hestia Knife back since he apparently had lost it somewhere and ended up in the hands of a Prum girl.

I knew what all of this was about but kept it to myself and just thanked her for giving a helping hand to Bell, she also told me that she was worried about her friend Syr who hasn't been coming to work because she's been sick.

I felt bad for Ryuu but I didn't say anything because it would break her heart to know who her friend really was, its best to keep that to myself and let Syr reveal herself.

After that she went home and I decided to get ready, Lili will soon drag Bell into a crazy situation but I'm not worried about that, I'm more focused on my plans to deal with the Soma Familia.

I had asked Eina about it and she had been investigating the Familia herself, what she found wasn't anything good, I already knew of most of what she told me but the fact that the Guild wouldn't intervene against anyone willing to deal with the Soma Familia caught me off guard.

It seems even the Guild was tired of dealing with all the problems Soma's Familia have been causing, not only did they have to deal with how aggressive and rude they are to everyone but they have been reports of thievery, assault and even murder.

In a way, Eina was asking me to deal with it and I got the message so I just smiled and thanked her for the information, I left the guild right after and went home to plan how to deal with the Soma Familia starting with summoning a few new Pokemon and going to the Instant Dungeons to grind and evolved them as soon as possible.

A few days later I had already finished preparing to deal with the Soma Familia and I was just in my forge grinding my Blacksmithing Skill this time however I was making accessories.

Things like bracelets, necklaces, rings and even brooches, some might wonder why? well I found out that every accessory I create comes with a really cool and powerful effect depending on what sort of material and gem I use in its creation.

Most of everything I created I based it on the Tales games series or even the Final Fantasy series, for example right now I'm forging a Emerald Ring, when equipped this ring reduces MP consumption by thirty three percent, it's great accessory for magic users though it is still pretty high level.

Right now with all my grinding and thanks to my Protagonist Growth skill, my Blacksmithing skill has reached over Intermediate rank and it's close to reaching Master rank, the ring I'm trying to make has a better success rate at being successfully created at Master Rank but because of that fact it actually gives me alot of Exp towards forging to level up faster even if it ends up in a failure.

Out of the ten Emerald Rings I tried to create only one was a success but it was fine by me in any case, silver ingots might be a bit pricey in the in-game shop but nothing I can't make up with a few hours of money grinding in Raid Mode.

Emeralds are a common drop in the Goblin Dungeon or rather it is a Loot drop of the Hobgoblins found there, in fact since that whole Dungeon is a mine all the monsters found there drop gems frequently enough that I don't have to worry about buying them for my forging.

Right now I'm working in my eleven attempt at making another Emerald Ring, I'm cutting the Emerald to the right size while I heat up the bit of silver I need to make the ring so I can begin to hammer it into shape.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my forge's door and I stopped working, I stood up and put everything in stasis while I walked up to my door and open it.

Hestia was on the otherwise with a serious look on her face, she seemed angry and very worried which told me that something had happened, something bad "what's wrong?".

Hestia looked up to me with a frown on her face and then softly spoke up "Bell just came back with his Supporter... I need you to come with me and listen to her Rean, something a bit serious has happened".

Ah so it was time, I nodded at my Goddess and took off my leather apron and hung it behind the door, I then step outside the door closing it behind me, Hestia and I then headed towards the living room where I can sense everyone had gathered.

As soon as I entered the living room I noticed right away that's something was wrong, everyone turned towards me and just stared at me in silence, of course I grew curious as to what was wrong so I stepped closer and then froze.

Bell was right there on the couch with a massive cut on his chest barely conscious, his face was full of bruises and his new armor was heavily damaged too, Lili was sitting besides Bell and she was very hurt as well, Asia was already healing her with tears on her eyes while YunYun was healing Bell.

I frowned as I stared at my friend who was weakly smiling at me trying to ease my worries, I was angry since this didn't happen in the anime so I'm not sure what I'm looking at but the fact that Lili was here and also hurt means that the Soma Familia was involved.

Bell noticing my mood and must have felt like he needed to explain but I raised my hand and began to chant "Root of all creation, grant us the breath of life... Revitalize!".

A massive magic circle spread from underneath me and began to bathe the entire room in a soft blue light. it shocked Lili who has never seen anything like that before and it surprised both Asia and YunYun stopping their own healing spells.

It's easy for them to forget that I'm a Legendary rank Healer and that I can even bring the dead back to life if I so chose thanks to me mastering the Healer class, still they both nodded at me and gave me a smile when they saw all the damage Bell and Lili had heal at a fast rate.

YunYun and Asia might be amazing Healers as well but because of the Gamer, perks and my Stardust energy my healing spells are far more powerful and potent, making any healing spell I use far more effective and faster than any other Healer will ever be capable off.

Both Bell and Lili sighed in relief as their wounds healed almost instantly, I took out two Pinapple Gels from my inventory and gave them to the both of them.

Bell immediately ate it and smiled at the taste and the feeling of his energy filling up again, Lili seeing this ate hers as well and her eyes widen not only at the taste but at the fact that all her energy was also coming back, I however sighed not looking forwards to hearing what had happened.

I know that whatever it is, it will piss me off but I knew I had to hear it "what happened Bell? your were in the Dungeon right? I know for a fact that no monster in the middle floors should have been able to hurt you that badly".

Bell grimaced and held his chest, what had happened must have hurt a lot, he turned his gaze towards Lili who looked down but nodded at him and then Bell began to tell the story.

Practically everything at the beginning happened like in the anime, Lili tricked Bell and stole his Hestia Knife again, she then made a run for it only to be stopped by bunch of members of the Soma Familia and got beaten pretty harshly and left to via monsters.

Of coursed the idiots became victims of the same monsters they provoked and got themselves killed, Lili was about to be killed as well when Bell appeared with his Pixie Knife and killed the monsters saving Lili.

Like in the anime Lili then thanked Bell and both of them became real friends, afterwards they collected most of their stuff which was all over the floor and decided to leave the Dungeon for the day.

But it was here where everything changed from the anime, apparently the Soma Familia members that tried to kill Lili weren't alone, the bastards had actually brought more adventures of a higher level once they found out Bell was Dungeon Diving with Lili.

Our Familia has been getting famous lately, not only because of me and the girls but because of the Pokemon, so these assholes thought that Bell would have a lot of high quality gear and items they could sell for a lot of money or at least a lot of Magic Crystals and knowing that Bell and Lili traveled alone they decided to ambushed them in the hopes of robbing them.

So they waited for Bell and Lili on the upper floors and then attacked, Bell is strong and very skilled but against level three adventures and while trying to protect Lili at the same time? well he lasted as long as he could but eventually he was overwhelmed and cut down.

That's where the big cut on his chest came from, after that when the adventurers checked what Lili and Bell had on them only to find out that they didn't have anything special or that many Magic Crystals on them to begin with.

They became furious and decided to beat the living days out of them, after a few minutes the Soma Familia adventurers left, leaving both Bell and Lili severaly injured on the Dungeon floor, luckily Bell still had a couple of Apple Gels on him and used them to heal himself and Lili enough so they could at least walk home.

It was also lucky that those adventurers didn't know anything about enchantments or they would have taken the Hestia Knife, the Pixie Knife and stripped Bell out of his armor not that they would get anything out of it with how damaged it got.

After Bell finished telling me what happened I sighed, it never occurred to me just how much fame the Pokemon, the girls and I were getting, usually I wouldn't even care about it but this time it brought us the attention of some very bad people and that makes me unhappy.

I fact I'm very fucking upset, Bell is a friend and the fact that some assholes decided to just beat the shit out of him and leave him to die in the Dungeon just to get enough money to get their fix with that stupid wine of Soma's has left me absolutely livid.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab hold of mine which brought me out of me rage filled thoughts, I turned my head to see who had grabbed it, Serafall stared into my eyes the moment I turned my head.

She must have noticed that I was angry and decided to help me relax a little, Serafall smiled and then softly caress my cheek "Rean, you do what you have to do, we will all support you as always".

I smiled at Serafall and then turned towards the rest of the girls, YunYun, Wiz, Sakuya, Asia, Yasaka and my daughter Kunou were all smiling at me knowing perfectly well that I was about to do something crazy.

I smiled at them and then turned towards Bell and Hestia "guys... I'm going to go destroy the Soma Familia".

Hestia and Bell stared at me for a long second while Lili gaped at me, Hestia then nodded and spoke "make sure to make them pay for hurting Bell...".

I nodded at her while Bell sighed but grinned at me "honestly I would have left it alone but I want Lili to be free from her abusive Familia, so Rean!... I'll leave it up to you!".

Lili not knowing what was going suddenly stood up and yelled "wait, wait! Lili doesn't understand! I get it! i know that the attack on Master Bell has made you angry Mr Rean but you can't just attack another Familia! and besides! it might not be a very famous one but the Some Familia is big! Lili doesn't think you can take it on by yourself!".

I however just did not care at the moment to listen to reason and just decided to show Lili that I was not one to to mess with, I let out my energy flared out which took on the form of a roaring dragon head and Lili just stood there staring with wide eyes is both shock and horror as my energy continued to wildly dance around.

I grinned at Lili and then spoke "they're the ones who should be worried... and besides, who said anything about taking them down by myself? stick around Lili! and you'll find out that I'm never alone!".

With that said darkness began to shroud the entire living room as cackles and giggles began to echoed in the room, Kunou clapped knowing what was coming while Lili stared in horror as a few sets eyes began to appear behind me.

One by one the Pokemon began to become visible from the darkness that had engulfed the room, Frosslass floating besides me while giggling, Mimikyu was standing besides my right foot, her eyes glowing and her Shadow Claw whipping around wildly, Gengar was above me, his read eyes glowing ominously in the dark while his bright and white grin showed a malice that no one wanted to ever face.

Then there was the four new Pokemon I summoned leaving only two Common Pokemon Tokens out of the six I got during the Monster Feria quest.

Kunou's eyes sparkled upon seeing the new Pokemon and she seemed very interested in them but she knew that right now it wasn't the time to play around.

A Mismagius (female) was floating on the opposite side from Frosslass, she was cackling and making faces while a Cofagrigus (male) was standing behind me and while his dark and long arms reached out to Lili scaring her even more.

Above and besides Gengar was a Chandelure (female) her soft blue flame added to the dark atmosphere of the room as she slowly swayed from side to side while a Gourgeist stood besides Mimikyu and creepy smiled.

Lili was speechless and quite terrified, inwardly she was very glad Bell had forgave her because she wouldn't want to ever face the man before her and those strange creatures besides him.

Ouranos had been watching over Bell for a while after finding out that he was also a member of the same Familia of those three adventurers who had gone into the seventeenth floor and fought against three Black Goliaths with three titan like creatures.

Needless to say that he was impressed about his skill and growth was an understatement, even during the Monster Feria where he watched more of those strange creatures and how powerful they are Bell himself also proved why he deserved to walk besides those other adventurers.

He might not be able to see inside their homebase but he had been keeping an eye on all of them which why he was aware of what had happened to Bell and his Supporter.

He knew that the adventurer who he now knows is named Rean after finding his Guild registration form, wasn't just going to let this go, the Soma Familia had dug their own grave and they didn't even know what was coming to them.

Still he really didn't care about that Familia full of addicts, they have been nothing but trouble lately, stealing, insulting and even murder had been what the adventurers of this Familia had been doing as of late thanks to Soma being so irresponsible with his hobby.

It's too bad but it seems like Soma will be sent to Tenkai soon or worse, he did enjoy a cup of his wine once in a while but if he was honest, that Familia was too much trouble for what it's worth.

So he sent Fels to speak with the Guild head and let them know not to persecute Rean after he's done dealing with the Soma Familia, I wouldn't do to do anything to the only adventurer that can keep the Dungeon calm and happy.

If anything were to happen to Rean he was afraid of how would Gaea react, right now he's enjoying taking it easy for the first time in centuries thanks to Rean, so he would protect him as promised.

Besides the young adventurer was doing him a favor, the fact that he dealt with Freya as well was a plus, that woman had be causing problems for a long time as well and he couldn't anything about it since she had the strongest adventurers in her Familia but with Rean and the rest of Hestia's Familia he doesn't need to worry about Freya anymore.

He didn't know what Rean did but whatever he had done to Freya was doing an amazing job keeping her docile and her Familia busy trying to find a cure or solution to whatever Rean did to her.

Not even Fels knew what Rean did, he had even told him that his skill Dia Panakeia wouldn't help, whatever Rean had done to Freya affected her on a conceptual level and not even a god in its true and full powered form could do anything to help her.

That was terrifying even to himself, Ouranos was very old but even he had no idea what Rean had done to Freya.

Still whatever he did, it was well deserved, he was quite angry that Freya had released a bunch of monsters during the Monster Feria, he had been working hard with Ganesha to make the townspeople of Orario more accustomed to monsters to perhaps one day allow the Xenos to live among them.

But in one single day Freya undid all their hard work he and Ganesha had done, thankfully Rean once again saved the day, he's was starting to owe a lot to that young man, the only the he can for him is protect and support him from the shadows and continue to observe his actions.

He can see how Gaea was so interesting in him, he himself was very interested in the young man, sure Rean has a very weird type of luck that seemed to attract trouble but he's also capable of dealing with it on his own.

Suddenly he sense Rean in the streets of Orario and used his Arcana to watch over him "... there he goes and he's heading straight towards Soma's homebase...".

I arrived where the Soma Familia base is and watched the entire mansion, it is as big as ours is but unlike ours which was warm and inviting this mansion was gloomy and dark but I didn't come here to see Soma's mansion.

No I came here to teach them a lesson so with a malicious smile on my face I snapped my fingers and created a ward around the entire mansion so they wouldn't escape "there... okay guys, go and show the people inside what true terror is!".

The Ghost Type Pokemon appeared around me and with a giggle or a cackle all of them rushed forward to Soma's Familia mansion while I walked up to the main door and raised a fist, I then punched the door blasting it opened and killing the idiot who was standing behind it.

I walked inside the mansion and stared at the shocked Soma adventurers "I'm here to speak with the God Soma can someone take me to him or do I have to go look for him?".

Suddenly screams of pain and horror began to echoed throught the entire mansion causing the adventurers in front of me to jump in fright.

The Soma Familia was just not prepared to deal with a bunch of Ghost Type Pokemon much less a Heavenly Dragon.