
Pokemon Trainer: Black

The Pokemon world, Many think that the Pokemon world is peaceful and beautiful, but that is far from truth, In the Pokemon world there are black markets, Pokemon hunters and many other hideous things which we don't know of. And more importantly, In the wild, Survival of The Fittest is the universal truth This is the story of Black, Of how he died by getting hit by a train, Getting reincarnated in the Pokémon-No, The REAL Pokémon world and how he became the best Pokémon trainer in the world with his system. Welcome to the story of, Pokémon Trainer: Black

SpritVoidWolf · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

About This Novel~

Hello! Author here. This is to tell you about this novel. For example romance, Chapter Count, Mc personality, MC' Decisions.

First let's talk about what gave me the motivation to write this novel, As you readers know i have three more books, Tow of them are dropped because one of them is being rewritten.

The novels are-

--> 1 Reincarnated in tensura as a wolf.

--> 1 Reincarnated in tensura with a system

--> 1 Reincarnated in mcu.


As you see, I have three novels, But why did i decided to drop 2 of them.

Well it all comes down as to why i decided writing.

After watching Pokemon Black and White, I was really angry and disappointed with ash, So i decided to write a novel on webnovel, But i had no experience so that's the reason why i wrote three other novels, I don't update them as much because

They were made for the sole purpose of giving me enough experience to write this novel.


In this novel, There won't be any harem or R18' But slight R15', I don't like harems because they ruin the whole novel, And because most of the newer novels out there are Harem/Cultivation novels.

Though there will be 2 love interests in this novel.

The main love interest will be serena, She will fall for the MC when he saved her at the pokémon summer camp. And from there she will have feelings for our MC.

The Second love interest will be dawn, She will meet MC when she comes to Kanyo with her mother, She will fall for Noir from there.

--------------------Chapter Count----------------------

But as they say everything has a cost, In this case making the book too long will take much of my free time, So i will try to keep it short, I will try to complete the book in atleast 90 chapters bo less then that.

-------------------MC' Personality---------------------

TheC will be kind, Caring, And wise, He will care for his family and friends, And will be kind to Pokemon, He will be wise because he knows the truth of the world, The truth of how curel and dark the world is, In the later chapters He will be merciless to anyone who tries to hurt him.

He will become cold, Merciless, ruthless with a stone heart, Because he experienced the worst thing a person in the Pokemon world can experience, A Pokemon Raid.

--------------------Final Thoughts----------------------

No, I will not drop this novel, Because this is my FIRST main novel that i will write, Anyways guys comment how did you like the story so far,

And have i improved in writing? But let me tell you some misspellings are intentional.

Anyways Bye~ Author Out!