
Pokemon : The Tower

In a world invaded by devils, Xavier, a reincarnated protagonist, becomes a Tower Runner. As he ascends the tower, each floor mirrors a different region from the Pokemon games, granting him new powers. Along his journey, he forms bonds with loyal Pokemon and other runners. However, the higher he goes, the more perilous the tower becomes. Will he rise above the odds, protect his loved ones, and conquer the tower, or will he succumb to darkness alongside everyone else? Only time will reveal the outcome of Xavier's epic quest.

Nuclei_0539 · アニメ·コミックス
79 Chs


After Xavier, the remaining students' names were called out, but unfortunately, none of them awakened. Mr. Johnson, however, was content with the overall result as 7 students out of the 30 in his class had successfully awakened.

"Alright, everyone, congratulations to all the students who awakened. Those who failed to awaken can go home and rest wait in this room until further notice," said Mr. Johnson before leaving the class.

Several students gathered around the awakened ones once again, offering heartfelt congratulations.As the students who hadn't awakened left for their homes, the awakened ones exchanged smiles and expressions of gratitude with their friends.

Xavier and the remaining students engaged in lively conversations, smiling as they shared their awakening results and discussed their attributes and contemplated which profession to choose as Tower Runners. Each student was excited about the potential paths they could take and the opportunities that awaited them.

However, their discussions were interrupted when Mr. Johnson returned to the classroom and informed them that they needed to assemble in the school playground. The principal would address them, and the anticipation among the students grew as they wondered what the principal had to say.

Curiosity filled the air as the students gathered in the school playground, their excitement mingling with a hint of nervousness. They all wondered what important announcement awaited them and how it would shape their future as Tower Runners.

As the students stood in anticipation, the school's principal stepped forward to address the gathered students. His presence commanded attention, and the playground fell silent.

"Dear students," began the principal, his voice resonating with warmth and authority, "I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all for successfully awakening and earning the esteemed title of Tower Runners."

"We are gathered here to discuss some of things which you need to know before you begin your journey in the tower."

Principal Michael Adams informed the students about how they could enter the Tower. He explained that they needed to tear the Tower Pass, which would transport them inside the Tower. Upon entry, they would be randomly assigned their first Pokémon companion and a unique ability usable only in the real world. He cautioned them against making hasty decisions, as receiving five F grades would disqualify them from entering the Tower ever again.

Principal Adams elaborated on the different professions available inside the Tower,which were Pokémon Trainer, Pokémon Breeder, Pokémon Nurse, Pokémon Research Assistant, and Pokémon Police.

"Students, it's understandable that many of you aspire to become Pokémon Trainers, but I want to stress the challenges and rewards associated with this profession," Principal Michael Adams advised. "Being a Pokémon Trainer is undoubtedly more difficult but also more rewarding compared to other professions. However, the failure rate is higher, so it's essential to make your decision carefully."

He then ranked the professions on the basis of rewards and difficulties, mentioning Pokémon Trainer followed by Pokemon Police , Pokémon Research Assistant, Pokémon Nurse, and finally Pokémon Breeder.

Addressing a common concern, Principal Adams clarified, "Some of you might wonder why not simply stop at 4F grades instead of risking disqualification at 5F grades. It's important to understand that every Tower Runner is obligated to complete 10 missions annually. There's no way around this requirement, so choosing a less challenging profession might ensure a smoother journey in meeting the mission quota."

After the principal's insightful explanation, the students engaged in discussions, carefully considering the choice that lay before them. Some who initially aspired to be Pokémon Trainers started to rethink their options, recognizing the value of steady progress and consistent contributions to society as Tower Runners.