
Pokemon: The Strongest Trainer

A young man in his mid-twenties is going down the streets toward his apartment when he suddenly sees two strange-looking men trying to kidnap a high school girl down there. He tries to help the girl but loses his life. He opens his eyes to meet a kind goddess. She reincarnates him in the world of Pokemon with three wishes.  He then embarks on the journey to become the "World's Strongest Trainer". * * * * * Disclaimer: Pokemon is not owned by me. Only the OC is mine.

IceGlaze · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Eevee and Metting Serena

Pokemon World is the name given to the planet that resembles Earth and is home to countless mythological animals. Its people have given these creatures the nickname Pocket Monster (or simply "Pokemon"). They occur in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and they are divided into numerous sections that resemble the earth's continents.

As Aiden slowly opens his eyes, he notices that there are trees and plants all around him. He takes some time to recall all that happened, feeling as though it all happened in a dream. I was happy that the goddess did not send me to the Pokemon world naked when he looks down and realises that he was wearing a long sleeve jacket inside of which he was wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. In comparison to his prior existence, he can see that his body is considerably younger and shorter now. He was eager for the adventure that lay ahead of him and his new life.

Suddenly Aiden hears an emotionless mechanical voice inside its head.

[ "System integrating to the Host soul... " ]

[ 10%...



80%... 100% ]

[ " The system is successfully integrating to the host soul " ]

Authenticating Host,



Name - Aiden Miles

Race - Human

Age - 7 years

Strength(Str) - D [ STR -> Power, Stamina, Defence ]

Agility(Agl) - D+ [ AGL -> [ Speed, Movement ]

Dexterity(Dex) - D [ DEX -> [ Hand movement, Flexibility ]

Intelligence(Int) - B [ INT -> [ Thought processing , Learning speed ]

Charm(Chm) - B+ [ CHM -> [ Attractiveness, Charishma ]

Skills - Aura ( Level 10%- Novice), cooking ( Level 60%- Advanced), CQC ( Level 10%- Novice)

* * *

Pokemon- None

Items - Random Pokemon Gacha spin X1, Normal Gacha ticket x2, Spatial Pouch.

[ Welcome, host! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me; I will do my best to respond. I am the specially designed AI that Goddess developed for you. ]

Aiden: "Okay, hey System, can I name you since it is quite awkward to call you System every time."

[ Yes Host ]

Aiden - " Ok, so I'll call you Paige "

[ Changing system AI name...

... Name altered to Paige ]

"Start the Random Pokemon Gacha spin, Paige," said Aiden.

[ Affirmative Host ]


[ 1x Random Pokemon Gacha spin consumed ]

Suddenly a small Pokeball appeared in my hand, Aiden felt excited about his first Pokemon in this new world. He presses the middle button and it expands, he then throws the Pokeball in the air and a light flashes and a small fox-like pokemon comes out from it.

Aiden looks at the pokemon in front of him and smiles. The pokemon that appears in Pokeball is Eevee with small flowers on her head and a bushy tail.

Eevee is a little, quadrupedal mammal Pokémon with mostly brown fur. Its huge fluffy collar and bushy tail's tip are cream in hue. It has three tiny toes and a pink paw pad on each of its short, delicate legs. Eevee has a short black snout, long, pointed ears with dark brown interiors, and brown eyes.

"Vee... Vee!" The little fox liked pokemon and looked at Aiden and excitedly jump on his shoulder and rubbed her fur on his cheek.

Aiden looked at the cute furball and smiled and pats her head and asked Paige to display the stats of Eevee.

* * * *

Pokemon: Eevee

Potential: Silver

Age: 5 months

Gender: Female

Type: Normal(Hybrid)

Level: 10


Flash Fire

It makes the Pokemon immune to fire-type moves and will activate when hit by one. When activated, the power of the Pokemon's Fire-type moves increases by 50%.

Cute Charm

When a Pokemon with this Ability is hit by a move that makes contact with a Pokemon of the opposite gender, there is a 30% chance that the attacking Pokemon will become infatuated.


Increases the effectiveness of the same typing moves from the usual 1.5x to 2x.

Hidden Ability:- Anticipation

Moves:- Tackle, Swift, Quick Attack, Growl, Agility, Flamethrower, Disarmiing voice, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball.

Egg Moves:- Charm, Fairy Wind

"Wow... you have so many moves and abilities Eevee and your type are mutated also!" Aiden exclaimed with surprise by the potential of Eevee and looked at her with fascination in his eyes.

"Eve vee... vee" Eevee looks happy about her trainer's praised and happily snuggled against his neck.



Back to Summer Camp

They moved quickly to the location of the summer camp, next to steaming water, where all the regional professors and children were waiting for them when they arrived.

All the kids exclaimed in awe. A stream was running across the open area, which was surrounded by woodland on three sides. Ten meters in front of him were numerous tents. The Stream was four meters wide, had a low water level, and was suitable for kids to play in.

Professor Oak yelled out, "Everyone arrived for a second," and he placed a star-shaped object next to their hearts on their t-shirts for them. "I can track everyone's location with the aid of this tracking device. Therefore, if someone gets lost, we can find them using the technology, so keep this star on your chest in any case."

Everyone is now free to roam the forest, although Professor Oak smiled and advised them not to wander too far from the group and to come back to the camp before lunch.

As the Other professor looked at him, Oak chuckled and said, "Not to worry. There are no dangerous pokemon in this forest that may hurt people. Outsiders are prohibited from entering this forest." Now that they appeared relaxed, they resumed talking about pokemon.

Many kids appeared too scared to roam the forest, staying close to the camp instead. However, there were some kids who didn't seem scared at all but instead appeared excited.



Aiden," Open one Normal Gacha spin, Paige!"

[ Affirmative Host ]


[ 1x Normal Gacha spin consumed ]

* * *

-> 1. 10x Pokeballs, 10000 Pokedollors, 2x Ultra ball.

* * *

That's excellent I received some money, some pokeballs, and two Ultra balls, which will be helpful for my future pokemon.

Aiden looked around the surrounding forest, then turned toward the roaring stream with Eevee placed on his shoulder. I hear a startling yell and turn toward where a girl is crying and in pain next to a tree, where a Poliwag is trying to attack her.

He quickly goes there and stands in front of the girl and sends his Eevee, " Go Eevee"

"Poli... Poliwag!" Poliwag looked angry and shoots Water Gun at Eevee.

"Eevee, Growl!" Aiden did not allow Poliwag to get a full boost on his attack, "Quickly move aside with Agility and use Quick Attack."

The boost in Eevee's speed took Poliwag by Suprise and it got injured and run away.

Eevee returns and leaps at Aiden's shoulder. He congratulates her and pats her on the head for her first victory before turning to face the injured girl.

When the girl saw Aiden, the cute boy who had just saved her, something inside of her let her forget about the pain in her knee.

"Hey! Are you all right?" When he noticed that her knee hurt, Aiden questioned her out of worry. For a little period, Aiden couldn't help but stare at the young woman with honey-colored hair and felt as though he could do so indefinitely.

The girl sobbed as she answered, "No, my knee hurt."

Aiden looked at the wound and saw that her knee was bleeding, fortunately, the wound wasn't that deep. He checks his pocket and finds a handkerchief wrapped carefully around her knee and tied both ends together.

"This should stop the bleeding", Aiden said and smiled at her, and asked, " what are you doing here in the forest"

She stated to him while still crying, "I came here to attend the Summer camp when I got lost while walking in the jungle and suddenly a pokemon try to attack me."

The girl accepts Aiden's hand, but she is unable to support herself because her knee is still in pain. The girl unintentionally placed her right hand on Aiden's chest and her left hand on his shoulder as he rapidly hugged her to help her body stay in place. They both briefly exchanged glances before returning to their respective worlds.

Aiden promptly apologized and helped her to stand correctly with his support, saying, "Let's go back to your camp so they can cure your wound.

The girl continued to stare blankly at Aiden and nodded in agreement; she now felt extremely safe with him.

Eevee let go of his shoulder and landed on the ground. He smiled at Eevee, sat down against the girl, and asked her to get on his back so they can go to the Summer camp. She climbs onto his back, her face slightly flushed.

* * * * *

Thanks for reading! Hope you like it.

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IceGlazecreators' thoughts