
Chapter 67

The sky over the canyon was littered by Aerodactyl that came out of the dungeon. Their numbers astounded everyone, and a dreadful atmosphere gripped their hearts.

All the Trainers had been safely evacuated, and Jared had wasted no time to contact Indigo Council to send help. The numbers of Aerodactyl were too much, and since they had just woken up after hibernating for who knows how long, they were famished. If they were allowed to hunt Pokemon on the Sayda Island, they would dry up their prey within a month.

Aizen and Sabrina, joined by a few Pokémon Rangers, descended through the hole into the dungeon. Luckily, they managed to find the boy under rubble while he was still breathing. No time was wasted and he was immediately teleported to the Pokemon Center.

The steelix was found unconcious, and the damage it had taken from the fall would keep it sleeping for months. The Rangers rescued it, and then a search party was formed to explore the place.

Aizen did not have to take part in it, but there were several Aura Signatures inside the dungeon he was very much interested in.

They found colonies of Kabutops and Omastar, who seemed to be traveling towards an exit that connected to the sea.

The Orayen Prince had to be very careful at leading the party. He was constantly using his Aura Powers to keep the wild Pokémon at ease. The Rangers were trained and knew that any wrong step and movement could instigate these prehistoric Pokemon, who would gladly munch on them to sate their appetite that was slowly kicking in.

"How many Pokemon do you think are there?" One Ranger curiously asked his colleague as they watched a colony of Omastar and Omanyte pass by them.

"Must be in thousands." His fellow replied. "We have already counted over seven hundred Pokemon, and the numbers are steadily rising." He worriedly looked at the tablet in his hand that was automatically counting the number of Pokemon with the aid of the drone that was silently hovering by their side, recording everything.

Aizen stayed silent and calmly scanned the surroundings while they waited for the colony of Omastar to pass by them.

"Have you found out the source of the cold?" Sabrina asked when he opened his eyes.

"Yes." He nodded to her but did not say anything more.

He led them deeper inside the dungeon, and the surrounding temperature kept dropping with every step they took. By the time they arrived inside a dome-shaped hall, every breath they took fogged, and their bodies were constantly shivering to retaliate against the cold.

At the centre of the hall was a large Ice Crystal that seemed to be the source of the cold in this place, but what made their hearts tense was a menacing-looking Aerodactyl that was soundly sleeping a little away from the Crystal.

The sheer size of the Pokemon awed them and struck fear in their hearts. They had never before in their life seen such a big Aerodactyl.

Aizen knew that it was an Alpha Pokemon, and his heart palpitated in excitement. He glanced to the back of the hall where several tunnels were and caught the signatures of an Alpha Kabutops as well. However, that fellow was leading a colony of its species towards the sea, and Aizen decided to leave it be.

"What's the crystal?" A Ranger curiously asked as he stared at the sparking blue crystal.

"It is an Ice Armor that a certain Pokemon imprisons itself in before going into a long sleep," Aizen informed him.

"Which Pokemon?"

"The Ice Titan." He smirked at the Ranger and turned to look at Sabrina. "I want this Aerodactyl. You can take the Regice if you want."

Sabrina looked him in the eyes and nodded after a good minute of silence.

"Are you crazy?" A Ranger looked at the two of them in disbelief. "You are going to fight against the two Pokemon inside the dungeon?!"

"This place can bear the burden of the battle. It's sturdy enough. And the Aerodactyl can not freely fly here, which makes it easier to capture it here than in the Sky outside." Aizen calmly informed him. "I suggest you back off from this place, I am about to wake up the bird."

"We still have a search to complete." A Ranger pointed out why they were here in the first place.

"You can take that Tunnel, it should lead you to the beach, the west of the Island. All the Omaster and Kabutops are headed that way." Aizen pointed it in the direction of the said tunnel. "Be safe."

"Good luck!"

The Rangers wished them the best before leaving the place.

"Are you not going to attack it while it's sleeping?" The raven-haired girl asked when she saw the Mega Metagross making no move against the Aerodactyl.

"That would be rude." He chuckled.

"But it would be very effective."

"I don't want to hurt its pride." Aizen shook his head, and then sent out a wave of Psychic Power in the direction of the Alpha Pokemon.

Its emerald green eyes abruptly opened when Aizen's Psychic Power forced it to regain consciousness. It struggled a little to stand up on its hind legs, but soon spread its massive wings that flapped slowly at first before gaining momentum.

The bird looked even more intimidating when hovering in the air, and Aizen brightly smiled at it while staring into its eyes.

"Gawwwrrrrrrr!" Aerodactyl growled at first, before outright roaring at him at the provocation.

"I hope your bones are not rusty after sleeping for so long." The Orayen Prince narrowed his eyes before initiating the battle. "Dexter."


The Psychic Tank sent out a powerful Flash Canon at its opponent.

Aerodactyl was taken off-guard by the move, but it still managed to narrowly dodge it by using Aerial Ace to manoeuvre its movements. Its heart tightened at the power Dexter had used behind the move, which damaged the domed roof over them. However, it did not show any fear and charged at the Psychic-Steel Pokemon with a fire burning in its menacing jaw.

Dexter did not bother dodging the move and started spinning rapidly by using Gyro Ball. The bird had second thoughts right before striking its opponent, stopping midway to get away. However, it proved to be a bad idea as a Powerful Meteor Mash smashed into it out of nowhere, embedding it in the roof of the hall.

"Psychic." Aizen did not want to give Aerodactyl any time to recover.

Dexter's eyes glowed briefly before Aerodactyl was pulled out of the roof and hit hard with a Telekinetic attack that sent it crashing to the ground.

Aerodactyl was still conscious and still had some fight left in it, but now it no longer wanted to fight. Its eyes discreetly scanned the surroundings to search for a way to escape, but it did not know that its intentions were naked before the violet-eyed boy.

"Use Psychic to pull it towards you," Aizen commanded. "And prepare a Meteor Mash."

The poor bird was given no chance to retaliate. It was struck again with an invisible Telekinetic attack that sent it shooting towards the Psychic Tank. All it could do was defend, and it managed to use Protect in time which saved it from a powerful Meteor Mash but still sent it crashing into the ground.

A Future Sight that Dexter had secretly used took effect and a powerful Telekinetic attack caught it by surprise yet again, and this time, it suffered severe damage.

Aerodactyl, somehow, still remained conscious, but barely, and Aizen calmly approached it and crouched by its side. His Aura warned the downed Pokemon to not make a rash move, and it listened to its instincts and allowed him to place his hand on its head.

"I want you to come with me." He spoke to it and gently caressed the horns on its head. "I know that you are not in perfect shape since you have just woken up, but you do realise that you are not an opponent for Dexter, right?"

The Aerodactyl narrowed its eyes but did not refute his words.


"I can make you stronger. More Powerful, and together, we will have lots of fun." He chuckled and replied to it.

It was an intelligent Pokemon and resigned to Aizen's words.

Seeing that Aerodactyl was not going to resist, Aizen took out an empty Pokeball and activated it before tapping Aerodactyl on the head.

The catching mechanism started, and the Pokeball kept blinking several times before the ping sounded out.

Aizen stored the Pokeball away before looking at the blue Crystal at the centre of the hall.

"Ready?" He turned to look at Sabrina and asked.

The raven-haired girl nodded to his words and plucked a Pokeball from her belt. She sent a powerful Psychic Wave at the Crystal, and soon cracks started appearing on it.

"All yours." Aizen smiled brightly when the Regice came out of the ice prison it was sleeping inside. The yellow gems, which were also its eyes, blinked in light as it stared at the culprit who woke it from its sleep. And the temperature in the hall dropped by several degrees.

Aizen was curiously looking at the pink-coloured special edition Ultra Ball in Sabrina's hand. He was quite interested in the Pokemon residing inside it, but nothing could have prepared him for what it was.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the Pokemon Sabrina called out. The beauty of it was mystifying, and it was the first time in his life seeing one.

"Diancie!" The Diamond Fairy happily called out before intently looking at the Regice. "Good Morning!" She mischievously spoke.


Only a few things in his life ever managed to shock him to the core, and seeing Sabrina's Diancie was now on that list.