
Chapter 29 – Fuchsia Gym Battle

Ash Reached the Southern Part of the city and went down.

Ash "Dexter who is the gym leader of Fuchsia."

Dexter "The Old Gym Leader is Koga and the Gym leader in training is Janine."

Ash "Okay so which one is here."

Dexter "Well both in the front."

Ash saw a muscular man with a well-built body ordering his pokemon and a twelve - eleven year old Girl near him doing the same.

Ash "She is younger than Misty."

Pikachu "Well not overbearing."

Ash "Hum Pikachu who will only make them faint and not die."

Pikachu "If you send Charizard I will give you hundred percent that many will die and if you asked Pidgeot to use wind to block them and then clear them with lower power then that is the best case."

Ash "Pidgeot you heard it make them spin."

Pidgeot "Ahh I like those places where I can use my full power."

Ash "Well if northern border is as serious as Lance told us then that will be great place before league."

Pidgeot ���It should be or else I will have rust on me."

Ash "Need to find an A – rank trainer for a bout."

Pidgeot then used Whirlwind to keep the Bee swarm at bay and Thousands of bees got angry and too used whirlwind.

Pidgeot "Hmph using numbers." And she increased the power and stopped them.

The trainer's and Gym leader below were perplexed at the scene and looked up.

Ash then jumped down form Pidgeot and floated down due to Gengar's Psychic and landed safely.

Pikachu "Well Psychic is good."

Ash "Yup."

Koga "Well how did you make your way here."

Ash "Well just passing by."

Koga was convinced by the answer.

Janine looked at Pidgeot and spoke "Why are you not telling her to use full power."

Ash then slanted his head and looked at Janine and spoke "Do you want to kill them."

Janine blushed in embarrassment at her question.

Koga "Well they are innocent and are not like berserk waves pokemon."

Ash "Okay Pikachu Should they sleep."

Pikachu "Well that's better than shock."

Ash "Okay Venasaur Sleep powder."

Venasaur appeared and released Sleep powder and flew in one direction due to Pidgeot's Whirlwind and slowly one by one all Bees started to fall down.

Koga "Well if some humans did not had some allergy to powders it was a great way to calm down riots."

Venasaur "Sweet scent is also useful."

Ash "Well Sweet Scent can be used and I think you will do the further job as I have my work."

Janine looked at Ash's Eyes was dazed.

Pikachu saw Janine's behavior "Well Ash you have become someone's Crush."

Ash looked at Janine and spoke "Well Miss Janine could you not look at me like that."

Janine again blushed "Ah Sorry."

Ash and Koga chuckled and Ash spoke "Well meet you later."

And then he climbed on Pidgeot and left.

Koga "Well Janine do you like him."

Janine's face was red "Father what are you speaking."

Koga laughed "Well nothing now let���s Clear this and GO back to Gym as many trainer's should have been waiting."


Ash landed near Misty and Brock in his normal attire.

Misty "SO it was settled."

Ash "yup."

Pikachu "Well he also gained a Girl."

Ash blushed "Pikachu that is not a joke and I am still ten."

Misty "Oh well who we should Keep an Eye on her for future."

Ash "Misty"

There was a sobbing sound nearby.

Ash "Huh Brock What happened."

Brock "How could you get someone to like you."

Misty and Ash face palmed.

Misty "Brock you will never learn."

Ash "Well Let's go to the center and I will challenge Koga in evening and we will go to the Island tomorrow."

Misty "Okay"

Ash "Gengar Lift him."

And then Brock floated.

Brock "Hey I can walk." And then he fell on his butt.


Ash and Misty have well left him behind,

"Hey wait for me."

And he ran after them.


In the Center Ash and his pokemon Looked at Gengar.

Gengar "Err guys what happened."

Ash sighed "Well you have a duty to do."

Gengar "Means"

Ash "Dexter please."

Dexter "Well you have to battle a Psychic Clone legendary."

Gengar's eyes widen "How can I"

Dexter "Well he is stuck on B rank and has no consciousness ad he is covered by a huge metal plate which control's him."

Pikachu "And he has no instinct's."

Gengar "Well I will try but why and how."

Ash "Well you should know Team rocket."

Gengar nodded.

Ash "Do you know the reason why they were capturing Ghost pokemon."

Gengar shook his head first and then his eyes widen and spoke "To extract our ghost energy and control him."

Ash nodded.

Charizard "If we were A rank you could have team mates but his Psychic powers are not to be taken lightly our attack's will only tire him we cannot hurt him."

Wartortle "Yup we can see that as our both attacks cannot cross Pikachu's Psychic Light screen then what about Mewtwo's."

Gengar first looked down then his eyes were burning and spoke "I will not disappoint you."

Ash and his pokemon's smiled.

Ash "Well Good."

Kabutops spoke "And we have more to do."

Ash "Well it has time now Gengar, Flareon and Eevee you are going to battle."

The Three pokemon nodded.

Ash was thinking of something.

Pikachu looked at Ash and spoke "Ash what happened."

Ash "Nothing I have got a feeling that we are going to meet Giovanni soon."

Pikachu "Well from now we are challenging the last two gyms and we are going to fly there as we have to go to Border."

Ash "We have two and a half months for league."

Venasaur "Well that is not a worry but now this place is good and I will like to sleep here."

And he started snoring.

Ash "Well now I am to resting for this afternoon as travelling is tiring."

And then he too slept near to Venasaur.

Pikachu "Well Now let's take a small nap."

Then he curled up near Ash same started with all his Pokemon leaving Dexter and Gengar.

Gengar "What happened."

Dexter "Well they were practicing hard to reach this level especially to deal with Team rocket and this is the first time I have seen them sleeping peacefully since we heard of Mewtwo."

Gengar "Well who could think that a Kid is working so hard just to save others."

Dexter "Well when you hear someone say thank-you you feel like it is relaxing."

Gengar "I felt it today as I first time saw Respect in Koga's eyes."

Dexter "Well I am going to shut down now to"

Gengar "I will go in shadows."

Then Dexter too slept.

Gengar [I will defeat Mewtwo Ash this is my promise.]

And then he went into shadows.

Misty and Brock Came in and saw this and smiled.

Misty "Well he has too much burden."

Brock "I have a feeling that this is not the end of his burdens."

Misty "Well we have to support him."

"Hmm it is too difficult to gain a friend like him."

And they left.



Ash was looking at the forest in front of him and spoke "Well where is the gym."

Brock "In the forest."

Ash "Well let's go."

Brock and Misty snickered behind.


Ash "Aowww."

Misty spoke while laughing "Well there are invisible walls that you have to cross and then you will go into the gym."

Ash "Well is flying allowed."

Brock "Nope."

Ash "Fine Kabutops."

Kabutops appeared and spoke "Detect Auras and find the direction."

Ash "Nope we will break the walls down that is time effective."

Kabutops "Well that's easy."

Misty "Well that will be an easy way."

And the Kabutops closed his eyes and spoke "Well there are traps too."

Ash "Well the be careful."

And then Bang the first wall fell down.


Koga "Well most trainers are the same they always break walls in a direction and then get out of the forest. Well Janine how much time will he take now."

Janine "Well if he is a brat then god knows and if someone with experience then and hour or something until he finds the Gym."




Psss PSSs Arrows




Splash Acid



In ten minutes the last wall was broken and a House appeared in the front.

Ash "Well the traps were not that harmful."

Then two shocked people came out.

Koga "How did you came in so fast."

Ash just pointed at Kabutops.

Koga "Oh ancient pokemon."

Janine was just looking at Ash and when she saw his eyes she was stunned first then calmed down. [Maybe there eyes are same how can he be so young.]

Ash "Well let's have a gym battle."

Koga "Well you will first battle her as she will be new Gym leader and then battle me so she will use one pokemon and I will use two."

Ash "Okay"

Koga "Let's go to the battle field."


Ash versus Janine.

Janine "Let's go Venonath"

A Purple colored bug\poison pokemon appeared on the field.

Ash "Flareon"

Janine "Good choice but that's not enough Venonath sonic shock."

Venonath then released sonic waves at Flareon.

Ash "Okay Quick Attack and then Flame Charge."

Flareon then dodged the attack using quick attack and then surrounded herself with flames and dashed at Venonath.

Janine "Dodge."

Ash "No you don't agility."

Flareon's speed increased and she hit Venonath and blasted him.

Ash "Don't give another chance flame thrower."

A pillar of fire shot towards Venonath who was still in air.

Janine "Light screen"

A pink bubble formed around Venonath but it shattered as Flamethrower hit it and the attack hit Venonath and he wailed in pain and fainted.

Koga "Venonath is unable to battle."

Janine "But why didn't light screen last."

Koga "Same question."

Ash "After Battle."


Janine was disappointed and then picked up Venonath and when she touched it he started to glow.

Janine "What he is evolving."

Then an Venomoth appeared from the light and I started to fly around Janine.

Koga "Great now after this battle I can rest."

Ash "Congrats."

Koga "Well shall we continue."



Ash versus Koga.

Ash "Flareon return."

Koga "Humm why"

Ash "I want to give chance to everyone."

"Good now Weezing."

Ash "Gengar"

Koga "Oh again a poison type."

Ash "Psychic."

Gengar's eyes turned pink and Weezing was stuck in place.

Koga "Smog"

Gengar released smoke to hide.

Ash "Shadow ball."

Gengar then released a ghost energy ball which tracked Weezing due to Gengar's Psychic.


There was a circle formed around Weezing which was free of Smoke.

Koga "Shit."

Ash "Into the ground."

Gengar disappeared in the ground.

Koga "Now Weezing release Poison around you."

Weezing then released poison into his surroundings.

Ash "Well good tactic now Gengar come out and Dark Pulse."

Koga "What."

Gengar then came out at the same place and hurled a black beam at Weezing which sent him flying.

Koga "Well now Self Destruct."

Ash eyes widen "Gengar Dodge"

Weezing then exploded and fainted and it also hurt Gengar and he wailed in pain.


Brock "Well that's a way to defeat Ash."

Misty "That will hurt badly."


Janine [His voice is also similar]


Koga "Well still I couldn't defeat Gengar." And he returned Weezing and thanked him.

Ash "okay Gengar have a rest."

Gengar "Well that was painful." And he returned himself.

Ash "Okay Eevee you are next."

Eevee Appeared on the field.

Koga "Eevee hmm okay Golbat start the offensive Sonic shock."

Golbat appeared on the battlefield and then used sonic waves towards Eevee.

Ash smiled "Extreme speed."

Koga "Huh"

Eevee then vanished from the place and then appeared straight in front of Golbat and sent him flying.

Koga "B rank."

Ash "Well you got it late Eevee Swift then tackle."

Janine was stunned.

Eevee then released stars made of energy which hit Weezing and then tackled him and sent him flying.

Koga didn't speak a word and silently returned Weezing. Koga [Am I really in the same world]

Janine too was looking at Ash and Ash looked at Janine's looked and spoke.

"Miss Janine is match over."

Janine was first stunned then shouted, "You are destroyer right."

Koga had already guessed it but looked at Janine and spoke "Well Give him the Soul Badge."

Pikachu "Well a lover can easily identify her love."

Ash blushed "Stop it Pikachu."

Misty and Brock started laughing.

Koga was puzzled "What happened??"

Misty "Well Pikachu said that a lover can easily identify his or her love."

Koga "That's true What" and he too started laughing.

Janine heard this and her face turned Red.

Janine\Ash "Stop it guys" both said in unison and then again blushed

Eevee "Well you are co-ordination."

Ash "What I am ten years old."

Koga "Well enough and Thanks for Morning and take this Soul Badge."

Ash "Well from Morning I remembered that we have something to ask you."


To be continued.


Next Chapter: Chapter 30 – Giovanni