
Pokemon: The Chosen Ranger

Summer Leaf crossed into the world of Pokémon, inexplicably becoming a forest ranger. Waiting for him is the remote forest known as Sunset Forest. However, with Summer's arrival, the atmosphere of this forest becomes increasingly strange. Rare tree fruits can be seen everywhere, the mythical Celebi shuttle through the woods, occasional time-space distortions, and a training ground dubbed "hell" by trainers... In response, Summer believes the best way to prevent the forest's resources from being destroyed is to make the forest strong enough! --- Disclaimer: All the rights to the original author and their each every creators that's been used in this fanfiction.

RockyRoad891 · アニメ·コミックス
149 Chs

Chapter 31: Lord of Misty Lake

After bidding farewell to Coral, Summer boarded the train home. The next morning, he returned to the familiar Sunset Forest.

"Good morning, Summer. You're back so soon," Aya was standing in front of the cabin, stretching her muscles. Upon seeing Summer return, she greeted him.

"Good morning, Tim and Nayo are?" Summer asked.

"I sent them home to rest. Originally, we planned to take shifts guarding, but if you're back now, there's no need," Aya explained, then remembered something important.

"Oh right, Summer, Marnie is going to challenge the Motostoke Gym. We plan to go and cheer her on. Do you want to come along?"

"Although I really want to, I still have ranger duties."

"That's okay, I'll find you a helper. It'll be fine." Aya smiled and gave Summer a thumbs up, reassuring him. "We must let those city folks see the power of our cheering squad!"

Under Aya's persuasion, Summer agreed. Before leaving, he instructed them repeatedly not to tell Marnie herself; it was meant to be a surprise for her.

"So, does this count as slacking off during ranger duty?" Summer shook his head. For now, it was better to go see the newly emerged lake and find a suitable environment for Milotic.

The clear lake resembled a mirror. Summer was surprised to find several Magikarp leisurely swimming on the surface.

"Magikarp can't appear out of nowhere here. Hmm, could it be they followed underground water currents to get here?"

"Huh?" Thwackey made a questioning sound.

"Pokémon also live in underground water currents. Although large fish Pokémon can't survive, smaller and more resilient ones like Magikarp can," Summer explained.

Wait, did he know about this knowledge before? Could it be because Sunset Forest gained a new lake, so he also gained corresponding knowledge?

Thwackey nodded as if understanding, and Summer took out Milotic's Poké Ball.

"Milotic's place of residence should be fine now. Come out."

Summer preferred letting Pokémon live in nature rather than keeping them in Poké Balls all the time. That's why he rarely recalled Thwackey into its Poké Ball.

Milotic emerged from the Poké Ball. She surveyed the surroundings; the air was fresh, and the humidity was suitable.

"Milotic, this is your new home, although it's not as good as the lake where you used to live."


Milotic interrupted Summer's words, leaped into the lake, making cheerful noises, indicating her satisfaction with the environment.

In fact, as long as the lake was clear, size didn't matter to Milotic because she usually slept at the bottom of the lake and rarely moved, a true underwater homebody.

Moreover, she had made up her mind to follow Summer, so having such a clear lake was actually a pleasant surprise for her.

"So, Milotic, what do you usually eat?" Summer asked. Since it was a new lake, there was no food available. He couldn't let Milotic eat the Magikarp, could he?


Milotic raised her neck, and blue light spots floated on the lake surface, merging into her body, showing Summer how she usually fed.

"I see, I understand." Summer understood why Milotic preferred living in clear lakes; they relied on the energy of the water for food and couldn't tolerate pollution.

Speaking of which, now that he had captured Milotic, he should be able to see her abilities. With that in mind, texts appeared on Milotic's body.

[Milotic, Water-type Pokémon, Ability: Competitive, Potential: Majesty (awakened), Marvel Scale, Misty Overlord.]

[Majesty, Unquestionable Majesty. Effect: Pokémon with the same type or egg group may fear your presence, and attacks have a chance to intimidate opponents.]

No wonder Milotic was called the Queen of the Lake. Summer looked at the Magikarp in the lake; they stopped swimming and looked at Milotic with awe.

[Marvel Scale, A miraculous scale. Condition: Swallowing scales of five or more Dragon or Fish-type Pokémon. Effect: You will gain the ability Marvel Scale.]

[Misty Overlord, Ruler of the Mist. Condition: Learn two or more moves related to mist and master the Misty Terrain. Effect: Special Attack and evasion rate will increase in foggy weather or on Misty Terrain.]

Marvel Scale was okay, but what about Misty Overlord? Milotic couldn't learn Misty Terrain.

[Milotic, Water-type Pokémon, Known Moves: Splash, Tackle, Water Gun, Recover, Aqua Tail, Surf, Hydro Pump, Aqua Ring, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Captivating Voice, Whirlwind, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Haze, Rest.]

Looking at Milotic's luxurious move list, Summer sighed again; the title of Lake Queen was indeed fitting. After ages, she had mastered many moves and become a powerful existence in Lake Milotic.

At this moment, the voice of the forest assistant echoed in Summer's mind.

[Bond fulfilled, strength fulfilled, attributes fulfilled. Would you like to promote Milotic to the lord this lake (unnamed)?]

Lord? Summer instantly associated it with several powerful and special Pokémon: Overlord, King, and Boss. Was Lord similar?

[Lord, a powerful Pokémon guarding a certain area. Blessing effect: Abilities in the guarded area will be enhanced. Depending on the area, different abilities will be gained. Natural leadership over Pokémon living in the area, capable of mastering unusual moves.]

[Area: (unnamed). Lord Ability: Purification, Pokémon fighting Poison or Ghost-type Pokémon in the area will receive damage bonuses.]

It sounded similar to Overlord. What Summer cared about was the ability to master unusual moves; perhaps it was the only way for Milotic to learn Misty Terrain.

But the key was Milotic's willingness. After a short interaction, Summer found that Milotic was of a relaxed nature. She might not want to take on such responsibilities.

After explaining the meaning of being a lord to Milotic, she showed a contemplative expression.

"No matter what choice you make, I'll accept it. You don't have to consider me," Summer said seriously.

Then, Milotic nodded. It seemed that being called the Queen of he Lake by humans was no different from being a lord.

"I understand. But before that, we need to name this lake. Any ideas?" Summer asked the two Pokémon.

After intense discussion, Summer named the new lake based on Milotic's preferences. It was called Misty Lake.

Then, Summer reached out and touched Milotic's head, silently agreeing to promote her to the lord of Misty Lake.

A strong blue light burst from his hand, and Milotic felt power surging through her body. In this lake, she could do anything, even perceive all the Pokémon in the lake. This was the power of a lord.

(End of this chapter)