
Pokemon: The Aspen Journey

Follow Arthur Aspen the heir to the Ancient Aspen family on his journey to gather all badges while exploring the Pokémon world. ----- First time writing so don't expect anything great. This WILL be a HAREM so please don't make some dumb comment or review on why its harem. Also after the Prologue don't expect chapters too soon, I'm going to write in bulk. NO YURI/ NO POKEPHILIA/ NO TRAGEDY/ NO DRAMA/ WHOLESOME

ValidateMaker · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1

[Pallet Town]

"Good Morning Professor Oak, have Gary and Ash come by yet?" It was a very early morning in Pallet Town, Arthur was eager to meet his new companion. Arthur had a fairly planned out training routine for Charmander, with his research in the field of pokemon Natures; there was probably no one else more knowledgeable on guiding a pokemon to its fullest potential than him.

Hearing the young professor's question, Oak had a grave look; his grandson, being so eager, ran off the moment the sun hit the horizon and even worse in a car filled with cheerleaders. Well at least he doesn't have to worry about future great-grandchildren. On the other hand there was no sign of the young Ash, he figured as much. "Well you know Gary, that boy, he took off the moment he got his Squirtle. And Ash…. *sigh* still no sign of that young man." Oak said while shaking his head.

"You think maybe you could go check up on him? I fear he'll miss out on getting a royal pokemon." Arthur had no issue on checking up on Ash so agreed to do so after picking up his Charmander.

"Come along now, let's get you introduced to your new companion. Now I must warn you, this particular Charmander has quite the character HAHAHA."

Intrigued by Professor Oak's assessment on his new pokemon, Arthur was even more eager to meet them. Making their way to a laboratory, Arthur took in the familiar sites of shelves lined with pokeballs filled with a range of pokemon, waiting to meet their future trainers. Rather than getting a pokeball from one of the shelves, Professor Oak went towards the center of the room where a cylinder stand stood, before picking up one of the three pokeballs that sat within the center and handing it over to Arthur.

Taking the pokeball in his hand, Arthur slowly caressed it with his thumb before lightly tossing it into the air. A red beam descended down before a small orange bipedal lizard came out. With a small "Char", a Charmander appeared; Charmander looked around before setting his gaze upon Professor Oak and Arthur.

Crouching down to the Charmander's level, Professor Oak spoke to the small pokemon," We meet again Charmander, do you remember when I talked to you about your future trainer? Well let me introduce you to Professor Aspen, who is just starting out his journey as a trainer. Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself?" Charmander swaggered over to Arthur, he looked him up and down before crossing his stubby arms and spitting out a small fire from his mouth to the side.

Grinning at his Charmander attitude, Arthur was very pleased with the young Charmander's attitude; a future Charizard should have confidence and pride in themselves. Still, he will need to make sure to keep that attitude in line or else he'll have an uncooperative pokemon. Of course he was sure it'll never come to that, he even already had a plan on how to keep him in check while also providing a goal for Charmander to chase after. Rex his Tyranitar.

Arthur stood tall over Charmander looking down on him, before patting his head."It's nice to meet you Charmander, I've been looking forward to this day for a very long time; I hope it was the same for you."

Making sure to keep eye contact still, "I can promise you to help you reach your fullest potential, the question is are you willing to put in the effort?" Arthur was certain that this Charmander craved strength just based on the look he gave towards Arthur; as if assessing he was worth anything, and he was all the more willing to provide him that opportunity. Charmander kept eye contact before nodding,"Good, when we reach out for our first stop in Viridian Forest I'll introduce you to my first pokemon; I just hope you don't get scared." He purposely said that to get Charmander riled up and boy was he right. Charmander looked offended at the thought that he would be frightened by anything; soon he would see how much bigger the world is outside of this small lab.

Calling Charmander back, Arthur said goodbye to Professor Oak before making his way to Ash's home. Walking up to a small fenced off home, Arthur knocked on the door waiting for a minute before the door was opened by a clown.

"Mr.Mime it's good to see you again how you've been?"


Arthur smiled at the familiar greeting, over the years he stopped by Ash's home to eat dinner whenever his mother invited him over along with Professor Oak; it is also where he got to know more about Ash and his love for pokemon and his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master. Still he couldn't help but grimace when remembering Ash's efforts in his studies, at least he had his heart into befriending pokemon.

"Mr.Mime is Ash still asleep?"

Mr.Mime nodded his head vigorously before miming a sleeping gesture.

Chuckling at the goofy gesture, Arthur asked,"Well you think you can lead the way to his bedroom, he's running late and there probably won't be much left for Ash." Mr.Mime agreed, leading him upstairs before stopping in front of a brown door. Opening and looking inside, there was a spiky black hair teen sprawled out in his bed wearing green pajamas, dozing so peacefully.

Arthur walked up to the bed shaking Ash awake. Hearing the mumbles of Ash of becoming a pokemon Master, Arthur was no longer gentle, he yanked him off the bed to floor.

"WHAAAA", frightened awake Ash stared wide eyed at Arthur but before he could ask why he was there Arthur chided him, "Ash you're very late, there's probably no starters at this point."

"Oh no!" Without even changing his clothes Ash dashed out the door running through the dirt road towards Professor Oak's lab.

"Well you're welcome I guess?" Arthur simply shook his head, already used to Ash's antics. He decided it was time to move on to route one making his way towards Viridian city, along the way he had some plans on battling a few wild pokemon with Charmander.

Thinking of Charmander Arthur decided to take a look at the moves of Charmander; looking down at his watch a hologram was brought up filled with Charmander information.


Pokemon: Charmander

Entry: The fire on the tip of its tail is a measure of its life. If the Pokémon is healthy, its tail burns intensely.

Dex # 0004

Type: Fire

Gender: Male

Species: Lizard Pokemon

Height: 0.6m

Weight: 8.5kg

Ability: Blaze

Nature: Adamant (A/N The natures will have no correlation to "Stats" gain, it's simply the personality of the pokemon, I don't want to follow the game logic on everything it'll be a mixture of games/anime/ and my thoughts.)

Moves: Growl / Scratch / Ember / Dragon Tail


'Dragon Tail? That explains the attitude, it must have had a strong parent with a high affinity to Dragon energy.' Arthur was delighted to see the move set of Charmander, already formulating a plan on focusing to find balance with Charmander typings. (A/N Don't worry this won't have some crazy energy cultivation crap. It's just to make things simple for training writing.)

'Well let's get going to route one', he thought to himself.

[Route One]

"So show me what you got, Charmander." Arthur and Charmander have been walking down route one for quite some time; Arthur figures they've traveled far enough so it was time to get a read on Charmander capabilities.


Charmander has been looking forward to showing his mighty powers to his new trainer, having grand thoughts of putting his new trainer first pokemon in his place. Without any other instructions Charmander proceeded to show a few demonstrations of his capabilities.

Starting off with a cute roar showcasing his growl, he moved into a swipe with his small claws for a scratch. Next was a small blast of fire; ember. It was a good amount too which Arthur wasn't too surprised about since seeing Charmander already knew a dragon move. And finally Charmander leapt into the air doing a front flip with his tail glowing blue before slamming into the ground causing a small amount of dust through the air.

"Nice Charmander, that dragon tail is definitely the strongest move. So for now we're going to battle any wild pokemon we come across that are willing to battle. Also we will be looking for a Pidgey to catch so keep an eye out." Charmander gave a quick nod at the new plans. He went forward at high alert for any passing pokemon to battle. Arthur smiled at his eager pokemon, a pokemon with a drive to battle will always be welcomed.

"Charmander dodge then scratch."


"Good, now finish it off with an ember." And with that last command the wild Rattata fainted. Arthur and Charmander have come across only aggressive Rattatas' and as good as the practice has been, it's been much too easy for Charmander; the reason being? Charmander is a step above in terms of strength and talent compared to other pokemon around his level. Still practice was practice, pushing those thoughts aside Arthur kneeled next to the fainted pokemon before feeding it an oran berry, with which it woke up before scurrying off to the bushes. They've also yet to spot a single Pidgey, but no worries there are many on the way into Viridian Forest.

"You've done good so far Charmander, sadly you're so talented that these wild pokemon haven't been much of a challenge for you, right?" Charmander was pleased with the praise from his trainer, he crossed his stubby arms before raising his head high. Rubbing the so prideful Charmander's head, Arthur couldn't wait to look forward to the reaction when he meets Tyranitar. 'That should keep that stubborn dragon pride down a bit, while also having a goal to strive for,' he thought.

"I think this is good enough practice for today, I'll call you out again at the Pokemon Center when I get settled down there. We'll do some other training there as well so be prepared." Charmander nodded in response with a determined face, looking forward to growing stronger. With that said and Charmander back in his Pokeball Arthur made his way to the city in the distance.

[Viridian City]

Entering into a small but beautiful city, Arthur has finally reached his destination, his current goal was to make his way down to the Pokecenter to sign up for the Indigo Conference, get a room and a check up on Charmander, but before he could take another step he was called out.

"Hold it right there mister!" Looking behind him, Arthur saw a pretty woman with blue hair in a blue police outfit, 'Officer Jenny?' He thought.

With a smile on his face he asked kindly,"How may I help you, Officer Jenny?


"Are you by chance Arthur Aspen!? The future youngest Professor!" Officer Jenny wasn't able to see who the person was before because she only saw his back till now. Remembering all the things she heard about him till now she felt quite shy about stopping him now, especially with how better looking he is in real life as well.

"Yes I am, here's my trainers license." Showing his watch to Officer Jenny a list of info was brought up.


Arthur Aspen

Age: 18

Occupation: Professor/Trainer

Grade: S-Class

Carry Limit: 12 Pokemon


'Professor already!? And an S-class trainer !? I've never met a s-class trainer before, now I feel even more of a fool for stopping him. Still maybe he can help with this instead.'

With a salute and shout Officer Jenny addressed Arthur,"I'm sorry for stopping you Professor Aspen, there have been some thieves prowling around the pokemon center and so I stopped to check you."


"Yes Professor, some trainers have reported having their pokemon taken by a woman with red hair and a man with blue hair accompanied with a Meowth by their side."

"Are you the only one stationed in this town?"

"Yes professor! I've called for backup but they won't be here until tomorrow."

"Well it just so happens I'm heading over to the pokemon center for night, if something comes up i'll let you know."

"Thank you professor!"

"I'm going to make my way down there now if there's nothing else Officer Jenny, it was nice to meet you." But before he could leave Officer Jenny took his hand, when he turned around he saw Officer Jenny looking down and shy with a notepad in her hand.

"Can I please get your autograph? I've been a big fan with all your research, it's also been a big help to the Jenny clan when raising our Growlithe." Seeing the shy expression of the Officer, he was all the more happy to provide a quick signature before taking his leave.

[Pokemon Center]

Entering the large building adorned with a large red ball, Arthur took in the sights of different trainers accompanied with all sorts of pokemon, some were eating together at tables while others lounging around. Turning his gaze forward, he made his way towards a pink haired woman standing behind a receptionist desk.

With a charismatic smile Arthur greeted the woman,"Nurse joy beautiful as always, how are you doing today?"

A faint blush adorned on her cheeks, Nurse Joy returned the greeting with an eye roll," Oh Professor Aspen no need to tease me, my sisters told me how much of a charmer you are, I see there was truth to their words. Also congratulations on becoming a Professor, word traveled fast in the family." Covering her mouth with her hand playfully, "My sisters idolize you so much so it's no surprise they were able to find out before the big announcement to the world." Arthur laughed at her family's guilty confession, it was no surprise because he had a lot of contact with the Nurse Joy clan compared to any other families, the most prominent reason being a research that had his fair share of finding injured pokemon out in the wild. "Please Nurse Joy, you're making me blush." Yet there was not a tinge of redness. Nurse Joy simply rolled her eyes at his obvious lie, still she couldn't help but find him pleasing no matter what.

Getting down to business though,"Please sign me up for the Indigo Conference also a room and a check up for my Charmander."

"Of course Professor Aspen, please put your pokeball on the tray. And please scan your ID right here." Not needing to be told a second time he did so. "Your room will be the VIP suite upstairs Professor Aspen, I'll have Chansey take your pokemon to you when it's all finished; and finally you're all set up for the Conference. Is there anything else I can help you with, Professor?"

"Please have a meal sent to my room if that's not too much to ask for?"

"Not at all Professor! I'll have Chansey take a meal up to you once it's ready."

"Thank you Nurse Joy, i'll see you later." Arthur said that as he made his way upstairs whilst waving behind him to Nurse Joy.
