
Pokemon: The Adventure!

AU, and a bit of SI. Love Interest: Korrina (The blonde girl with a Lucario in the anime.) ... Not reincarnated MC and Character Development (Don't read if you don't understand what this means.) ... Synopsis: In the wonderful world of pokemon. Join Cinder Lark on his journey towards his ideal dream of the best pokemon trainer there is! ... *So guys, the release of chapters per day, as of now, will depend on the Power Stone Ranking of this Fanfiction. ° Top

AiLund · アニメ·コミックス
52 Chs

The Typhoon Brawler of Indigo

It was a humongous pokemon bearing a dark gray dragon-like appearance with iron plates over its entire body, horns over its eyes and claws that towered over Cinder's companions. It landed on the ground with a violent loud 'THUD!', kicking up a large cloud of dust that temporarily obscured it from view.

Cinder wished it could stay that way, and so did Storm and Hercule.

It's silhouette already looked intimidating enough, and as it rose up on its hind legs to glower down on its prey, Cinder, right then and there experienced true terror as he and his companions back away in horror.

The Aggron roared.

Covering his ears in pain, Cinder desperately racked his brain for something, anything, that could possibly get him out of this, but constantly found himself coming up short.

Nobody on his team was strong enough to take an Aggron just yet. Cinder didn't even know how trained that thing was, if it was newly evolved or had been an Aggron for years. But it mattered not, because even a newly evolved Aggron, they would struggle against it, the way his team was right now.

It took a lot of time and training for an Aron to evolve into one, but when they did, they most certainly showed it. They greatly eclipsed their pre-evolution, Lairon. The Aron species aren't necessarily rare pokemon when it is in Hoenn, which they are native in, even Cinder studied a little bit about the pokemon from the days he has attended training school, however, the species are still notoriously more than strong enough to compete in the big leagues in their own right. Many high level trainers from all over conferences used an Aggron as part of their team, one reason because of their unimpeachable defense.

The smirk on Butch's face was bitter and malicious as Cassidy cackled with glee.

"Thought you were being really slick, didn't ya?" Butch asked slyly. "Well, if you aren't going to do things the easy way and get mauled by Raticate, you'll have to settle for getting stabbed to death by Godzilla. Time for this beast to grind your bones into particles!"

Cinder could feel himself almost about to vomit, the queasiness inside his stomach suddenly accompanied by nausea in his mouth.

"H-hold on now! L-let's be civilized about this! C-can't we talk about this!?"

"Talk? About what? You didn't cooperate with us before, but you will now that you knew you are doomed?" Butch snarled with glee. "Sorry kid, but our offers are a one time thing, like a limited edition shiny Luxray. This beast is going to have some fun with you."

"Godzilla." Cassidy's voice was perfectly even now, and even uncaring, as she spoke the words. "Go for their hearts."

Storm stood in front of a terrified Hercule, as the ferocious dragon-like pokemon glowered down at them like a predator eyeing a vulnerable group of meaty prey, but Storm himself was sweating up a 'storm' as the Aggron began to advance. With each step, the ground would shake from the tremors.

Cinder found himself sinking to his knees. So this was it... Even after all that... They were toying with them. They had everything under control the whole entire time. They could have easily sent out the Aggron before, but have a little bit of fun with them instead. And now...

"Mr. Lark!!"

Cinder perked up at the frantic, loud voice as the sounds of furiously pounding footsteps filled his ears from afar. He felt like crying hearing that call, Mew didn't abandon them after all. He yelled loudly so that, whoever it was, would be able to pinpoint where they exactly are, he yelled so loud to the point that the veins on his neck bulged.


Butch, Cassidy, and the approaching footsteps stopped from the intensity and uncurb cry for aid. Even Storm, Hercule and the Aggron looked over in astonishment, wondering if Cinder managed to learn the move, supersonic, and had incorporated it in his voice.

And then, the footsteps continued, quickly approaching their direction, before all of a sudden...

A figure passed Cinder and his companions with a surge of rough breeze, and with an orange glowing fist colliding with Aggron's steel plated head.

It was now Butch and Cassidy's turn to have difficulty registering things, as Aggron, with his heavy weight, was sent sailing through the air, skidding across the ground and struggling to return to its feet, the armored creature's face dented and heavily bruised from the blow.

Butch's face twisted as he snarled out at the attacker.

"Who dares-"

"Me. No more questions, it's time to stop team rocket."

Cinder and his pokemon perked up at the voice, suddenly whirling around at the figures behind them exiting the shrubbery bushes and trees.

Cinder immediately recognized the long black haired man with a ponytail in front of two humanoid pokemon: Hitmonlee and Machamp, which they stepped into the clearing site.

With wide eyes, Cinder gazed at Bruno, the second member of the Indigo Elite Four.

The tall and muscular man was known to be stolid yet intimidating, with great belief in his training, his impressive physique no doubt came from many years of training. Being Indigo's second highest rank elite member, and one of the world's most revered fighting-type trainer specialists, his personality was said to embody his wit, strength and reputation that goes along with his experience that completely illustrates the indescribable strength he possessed.

And it fully brightened as visible as day, as he stood in front of Cinder and faced the two team rocket members.

As he stood up slowly, Cinder blinked furiously before coming to his senses.

"B... Elite Four, Bruno?"

Cinder found himself lost in gazing at the man, before his focus suddenly came back, returning his own gaze to Butch and Cassidy as well.

Standing in front of the latter two was a pokemon that Cinder immediately recognized as Hitmonchan. Bruno's Hitmonchan was as infamous as the rest of his own team, true to its nickname as 'The Punching Demon', known for his unbelievable footwork and dexterity, and the sheer precision of each and everyone of his punches. Cinder had seen the fighting-type pokemon battle alongside his trainer, Bruno, in television a good number of times, and it was always a spectacle to watch the pokemon pace about on the battlefield, striking his opponents from nowhere as though his punches were unpredictable as his pacing.

Behind the Aggron, Butch and Cassidy were petrified at the sight of the man. The team rocket members made pitiful attempts to stammer out their word, only to come up short of anything else. They took a step back, sweats piling up within the back of their uniforms.

"How... How did you get here?" Butch did all he could manage to ensure that his anger masked the growing fear as he stammered his words out. "The League shouldn't have known about this operation, so why-"

"This kid seemed to have done a good job leaking whatever you are doing." Bruno interrupted coldly. Meanwhile, his two other pokemon had gotten in front of Storm and Hercule, urging them to step back. He snidely at Cinder. "Even though this kid called me a 'motherfucker.'" He paused, seeing the blank look of Cinder. "But, trying to kill a kid like that, have you no shame?" The placid tone in his voice now contained unmasked fury.

"Your 'pick up' seemed to be late? Have you ever wondered about that?" Bruno picked his ears, as if he already knew the answer to his question. He then crossed his arms. Cinder wasn't sure how to place his tone. Was it brash? mockery? maybe a mix of both?

"Don't bother to wonder, I might as well tell you. I have already gone ahead and had a peaceful talk with your pick up over a nice cup of tea." He strode a few steps forward, the two pokemon beside him following. Cinder froze as Bruno's gaze turned back at him. His presence was dominating, and Cinder's breath caught in his throat as his gaze briefly met his. "Stay put, kid. This'll be done in a jiffy."

"Storm, Hercule, over here, come on." The two of them didn't argue with that, quickly scurrying to where their trainer was. Seeing the relief they released, Cinder felt it too. Before, they were alone, out here deep within the forest of Viridian Forest with Indigo's worst terrorist organization, the two member's Aggron was about to tear through all of them as they they were made of crumbling paper, fortunately for them, an unexpected person came to their rescue just in time.

Now, he was here, the one and only Bruno, whose prowess on the battlefield was unrivaled, let alone exceeded, by few trainers in existence.

It doesn't matter how many rockets they were to deal with or how strong their pokemon were. A member of the Indigo Elite Four was here.

His gaze was like stone as his eyes never left the team rocket duo.

"Team Rocket." His voice oozes confidence, despite his usual calm demeanor. "The infamous crime organization known throughout Kanto and Johto. Every member in your group are wanted criminals in two major regions in the world, both of you must be feeling proud to be a member of such disgusting syndicate, doing crimes that stretch to mass poaching and murder, becoming one of the highest priority given by the League." His gaze sharpened, the look in his eyes forming into a glare as he bore a hole through both members standing behind their Aggron. "I had no idea you were so close to my training grounds here this deeply in the forest, but I suppose I should have expected as much from the likes of you."

Butch and Cassidy had difficulty meeting the eyes of Bruno from the sheer pressure that they felt. Every word from the man was like a death sentence waiting to happen. However, if they had the audacity to do this kind of thing, they surely had something behind their sleeves to help them get out of such situations like this.

As though their confidence was starting to return. Cassidy's lips curved upwards. "Heh, it's nice to see the League is proactive enough to keep track of what's going on in their jurisdiction. We would be flattered if you hadn't just botched our operation." Despite everything, she put her arms to her chest and performed a mock bow. "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Bruno, The Typhoon Brawler of Indigo."

Cinder had always loved Bruno's moniker, an unfathomable nickname that he had voluntarily called himself as to the public before even winning the conference. But hearing such a horrific woman snarling at it through her teeth with the seething hatred of a provoked Gyarados made his stomach churn.

One of Bruno's pokemon standing beside him glared at the woman as Cassidy righted herself, eyes not leaving the Hitmonchan that was currently crossing his arms like his trainer nearby.

"It's over, you two. Your scheme has been thwarted, you and your pokemon will be behind bars before you can blink."

Bruno's glare would have terrified Cinder if he was facing him. "Especially, once we are done getting whatever information that we can out of you, we'll ensure you will never see the light of day again."

Butch's teeth grinded with livid ferocity as he glared lasers into Bruno's eyes, as though he was trying to kill him with his own gaze as the sweat throughout his body drenched him.

Beside him, Cassidy, although she has acted cocky, was faring even worse.

They knew this wasn't a fight they could win, any victory that they may have hoped for was immediately dashed when one of Indigo's Elite Four had come knocking.

"Umm... Butch, are you ready yet?" Cassidy nudged Butch with her shoulder, prompting the man to focus.

'Shit!' Butch swore, he knew every movement they make would alert the man standing in front of them. "Quiet, Cassidy!"

Like he expected, Bruno narrowed his eyes at them as Hitmonchan made a motion in response to their voices.

"Enough, Rockets." Bruno said sternly, His tone of voice was inspiring, Cinder's eyes and ears enamored on how he carried himself, and how he spoke to such criminals. "You're coming with us." He gestured to Hitmonchan, who sneered demandingly at the Rockets. "Now, stand down."

Relief continued to wash over Cinder for the briefest of moments, only to abruptly be replaced in apprehension as Butch began to chuckle.

Suddenly, a dozen of pokeballs were in the hands of both Cassidy and Butch.

"Sorry, Typhoon Brawler of Indigo." Butch snarled in defiance as he raised the balls in front of his face. "But there are ways out of situations, even like this!"

Suddenly, before they can chuck the orbs into the air. Bruno and his team moved.

Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee and Machamp dashed towards the two criminals at astonishing speeds. They sprung into action as they used their respective moves, the former two aimed to detain the two humans, while the latter kept Aggron company.

"What!?" Cassidy and Butch most likely underestimated the pokemon of Bruno, as they couldn't even register what happened after as they were now gazing at the skies with the ground behind their backs, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee were pressing them down towards the ground with pressure like a mountain. They couldn't move even if they resist.

Unfortunately, two of the dozen pokeballs were dropped to the ground near where Aggron and Machamp were, releasing two pokeball like pokemon from its confines.

Bruno almost lost his composure as he saw the two Electrodes appear from his view. He quickly reacted. "Get away from there, Champ!"

Machamp already was retreating from his place, with his teammates following behind with Butch and Cassidy on their arms.



In quick succession, the two Electrodes exploded. The explosion was so immensely terrible that the ground began to shake, Cinder and his team were having difficulties maintaining their balance on the ground.

With his knees and hands covering his pokemon, Cinder was shaking from panic as he paled. Realizing that if the dozen of pokeballs Cassidy and Butch had with them were all Electrode, he and his team would be the ones not seeing the light of day along with the team rocket goons.

Pebbles and blades of grass fly out of the center of the explosion. Fortunately, the pokemon that were caged up weren't at all harmed from it, however, they did begin to squeak and chatter noisily in terror from the sudden huge explosions.

Standing tall, Bruno looked unperturbed and normal, but one would notice a drop of sweat from his forehead, obviously, even the Elite Member couldn't help but thank Mew he reacted swiftly enough.

He glared fiercely at the duo Rockets, who were in complete shock from the ordeal.

Butch was coughing up dust and dirt as he struggle to stutter the words out. "W-what k-kind o-of monster are you..." He was apparently not yet sobered from how quick Bruno's pokemon were.

"Sorry shit heads, better luck next time." He declared coldly. "If there's a next time that is."

As the two stunned team rocket members were detained by his pokemon helplessly in misery. Cinder inwardly declared Bruno from now on, is second only to Samuel Oak of the list in his mind of the most amazing person he had ever met.

*Has decided the pokemon Cinder would catch next from the voting, it isn't the most voted, but it does have valid and convincing reason behind it that I can't ignore.*

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