
Pokemon: The Advent

An unsuspecting young man crosses into the body of a teen in a parallel World. This world has just world has just welcomed the advent of Pokemon for thirty years. Join our young trainer as he explores the new world and see if Humans can survive during these dangerous times. Disclamer: I don't own Pokemon or the cover art.

PkmnTrainer · ゲーム
21 Chs

First Pokemon

Roy notices that two of the eggs will soon hatch and decides to get things ready. Taking out two bottles left over from his parents, he fills them with water.

Removing two rainbow blocks from the case, he places them in the bottles and shakes them up. As the blocks dissolve, it turns the water into a rainbow-colored slush.

"This is basically a smoothie, right? Concentrated fruit and water." Smiling at his own joke he sees the timer on the two eggs counting down.

A few seconds later, the two eggs glow in a bright white light that fills the entire room. Covering his eyes for a moment, the light soon begins to fade and is replaced by two pokemon.

A small blue humanoid dog blinks his red eyes towards Roy. Across from it is an even smaller humanoid doll with a white body and blue bowl-shaped hair topped with orange fins sticking out.

"Riolu, Ralts welcome to the world." A broad smile appears on his face as he reaches out with both hands and rubs their heads. Riolu's soft fur and Ralts silky smooth hair feel different but comfortable in his hands.

"Rio rio?" "Raal" The two look at Roy as they feel the heat from his hand.

Grabbing them both, he places them on his lap and puts the bottles into their mouth.

Riolu's eyes light up but Ralts's eyes are hidden underneath her hair so he can't see her expression. Based on the fact she is drinking with relish he can tell that she likes it as well.

Seeing his first two pokemon, he supports their backs with his hands so they don't fall and tries to restrain his smile.

Glancing between the two little guys he remembers his system. Opening the moves tab he turns his attention to Riolu first. Seeing all the moves he can learn he decides to teach it the Fighting move Bulk Up.

After confirming his choice, he can see a slightly red aura surround Riolu's body and disappears. Next, he looks at Ralts and selects the psychic move Calm Mind.

A small blue aura surrounds Ralts before quickly fading. Looking at them both he can see that the moves have been added to their list of skills.

After a few minutes, they finish drinking the smoothie and fall asleep. Carefully, he places them on the bed and begins to think. 

"According to what I saw online, Pokemon will enter the growth phase soon after their birth. The new month starts in seven days, I have to prepare."

Seeing the two sleeping pokemon, he holds out both palms and two pokeballs appear. Tapping both of their heads lightly, they change into red lights and sucked into the ball. The ball doesn't even shake before immediately clicking.

Taking out a spare belt he got from his parent's closet, he places it around his waist and attaches the two Pokeballs. After returning the two bottles to his system backpack he grabs the Ditto egg. Opening a rift, he enters his Secret Realm.

Placing the egg down on the bed, he throws both pokeballs and releases the sleeping Ralts and Riolu. The pokeballs drop on the bed and he pauses. "The ball doesn't automatically return to my hand? Do I need to practice this?"

walking over and picking them up, he attaches them to his belt and shakes his head.

Moving towards the center of the Realm, he begins digging into the ground with his hands.

A few hours of hard work pass until a sound breaks him from his concentration.

"Rio rio!" Riolu runs over towards Roy who's dug a shallow ring over a large area.

"Riolu?" Turning his head he sees Riolu who's awoken from his nap. Realizing that a few hours have passed he looks at Riolu with a smile. "Hey little guy, how are you feeling?"

"Rio rio rio!" Riolu can sense Roy's concern for him and begins waving his arms around and turning in circles.

"You feel good?" Seeing the strange expressions he tilts his head to the side and thinks for a moment. "Let's go and wake up Ralts, you two can play together." Rising to his feet, he begins walking towards the bed.

"Rioo" Riolu looks at Roy in confusion but follows him.

Roy smiles after seeing the simple character of Pokemon. "It seems like they can't understand me, but both Riolu and Ralts can sense feelings." Rubbing his chin he thinks for a moment.

"Without an older Pokemon to teach younger ones it makes getting started difficult." Arriving at the bed he looks at Ralts sleeping face.

Whipping his hands on his pants, he reaches out and pokes Ralts in the face.

Ralts squirms on the bed before she slowly opens her eyes and looks around. Pushing herself up, she rises to her feet and looks at Roy. 

Seeing the little Ralts stand up he pauses for a moment. "Did you have a nice nap Ralts?"

Ralts thinks before nodding her head.

Seeing this causes Roy's brows to rise. "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

"Ral." Ralts nods her head again as she smiles slightly. Covering her mouth with her hand she looks at Roy curiously.

Seeing the Telepathy ability he instantly understands. She can't understand his words, but she can know their meaning.

"You and Riolu can play together." Reaching out he picks up Ralts and places her down next to Riolu.

Riolu looks at Ralts with wide eyes, even though he saw her briefly before this is the first time they have truly met.

"Rio rio!" Riolu walks in front of Ralts and begins gesturing with his arms.

"Ralt ral" Ralts tilts her head to the side and looks confused.

Riolu grabs her hand and begins running around to play.

Roy shakes his head and moves back to the hole to continue digging. Ten minutes later, Riolu is sprawled out on the ground with his tongue hanging out and Ralts poking him in the face.

"Riolu's stamina is currently weak and Ralts doesn't run much." Taking out a cup of water from his backpack he picks up Riolu and helps him drink.

"Rio rio!" Riolu jumps down and continues running around.

Seeing him recover, he watches both of them playing and thinks for a moment. Glancing towards the side, he sees the TV he brought from his room.

Walking over he turns on the TV and begins playing a pokemon battle he has recorded on his phone. "Ralts, Riolu come watch this."

Hearing his voice, both Pokemon run over and look at Roy before noticing the movement on the TV.

"Rio?" Riolu looks at the TV with shining eyes.

Roy picks them both up and puts them on the bed to watch.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the finals of the fifth annual Senior Trainer Cup! On one side we have Rafael and the other side is Nina!" The crowd begins yelling at the announcement of the names.

Rafael walks to the field and throws his Pokeball. The ball opens in the air and Magmar appears on the field in a flash of red light.

"Magmar!!" Tilting his head into the air he blows out a fan of fire.

The ball flies back to Rafael's hand from the recoil, at the same time Nina throws out her ball.

Golduck appears on the field opposite Magmar. It crosses its arms across its chest while looking at Magmar with disdain.

"Begin!" The referee chops his hand down violently on the side of the field.

When his voice falls, Rafael thrust his arm forward. "Flamethrower!"

Magmar takes a step forward while taking a deep breath. A pillar of fire erupts from his mouth and flies towards Golduck.

"Don't back down! Hydro Pump!" Nina yells when she sees the flames.

Without hesitation, Golduck fires a column of water that collides head-on with the flames. The two attacks explode into a shroud of steam that covers the field.

"Golduck don't panic! Feel the Magmar with your mind and hit it with confusion." Nina's eyes shift about as she tries to find Magmar's shadow.

Golduck closes its eyes and tries its best to feel around.

Rafael smirks as he shakes his head. "This steam is nothing for us! Finish it Magmar! The strongest Fire Punch!"

A black shadow rushes to the side of Golduck with its fist covered in flames. The intense heat disperses the steam just in time for Nina to see the fist connect with Golduck's side.

Golduck shoots through the air like a cannonball and rolls a few times on the ground.

"Hurry Golduck! Get up!"

"Useless! Finish it!"

The trainer's shouts come nearly at the same time. Golduck struggles to push itself off the ground just in time for a pillar of fire to wash over his body.


"Golduck!!" Nina yells as Golduck is pushed back to the ground by the force of the flames.

Red burns cover his entire body but hearing his trainers shout makes him push the pain down. "Duuuuuuck!!" His eyes turn blue and a psychic wave erupts towards Magmar.

The remaining steam is blasted away as a blue veil envelops Magmar's body. 

Magmar struggles to move and tries to break free of the psychic control.

"Magmar just one more hit!"

"Golduck now! Hydro Pump!"

Standing heavily on his feet, Golduck opens his mouth and sprays another column of water.

Due to lack of concentration, the confusion breaks, but before Magmar can move he is bombarded by a cannon of water.

Magmar flies out and skids across the ground.

"Magmar you can't lose! Get up!" Rafael panics as he sees Magmar down on the ground.

The referee looks at the Golduck who is struggling to stand and the Magmar down on the ground and raises his hand. "Magmar is unable to battle, Golduck wins!"

While listening to the cheers of the crowd, Roy glances towards Riolu and Ralts. Seeing them engrossed in the battle the corners of his lips curl.