
Pokemon:Stone and earth borne

A office worker from outside, following a monotonous mundane routine, stuck between the endless cycle of 9-5 and an ardent enthusiast of pokemons from inside. Ryan even though in his mid 40s always loved pokemon anime and games,it always tingled the child sitting dormant inside him. He followed every pokemon game and series and his enthusiasm was so high. He even rote the whole bulbapedia once,learning every thing about pokemon. His greatest single most wish was to have a adventurous journey around the pokemon world. But alas,at the end all of this was fiction or atleast what he though. He had to come to terms with reality and accepted thing as they are with infinite disappointment. His monotonous routine has turned him into a zombie,Even death would be better for him instead of work. His word seemed to struck the bulls eye. On a faithfully day,lying over bed, his tensed eyes,with black holes like back spot ,his face expressing disappointment as its saying "tomorrow the cycle will resume". But it seems end has Come to embrace him. But is it really te End.....

THENthNARRATOR · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Team 7

in the training ground

naruto:that sasuke no yaro he always comes late.

useless trash: mo where is sasuke kun from last week he always comes late could it be he is dating someone behind my back.

no not possible sasuke kun is mine

kakashi: yo guys I am sorry I am late I just got lost in the path of life

BTW where is sasuke could it be he also got lost.

10min later

we can see sasuke walking towards the ground

sasuke:yo sorry I am late again.

naruto:put that sorry in your ass.

you are always late

sasuke:shut up loser I was busy training my pokemon.

as soon he said the three's face was shocked 😲

naruto: omai do you have I only know them but don't know ehsr to get them.

can you tell me where can I get them

sasuke: and why should I tell you

naruto: hey are you scared that if I get a pokemon I will defeat you

and for your information your thinking is true

sakura : Kora naruto how dare you talk to sasuke kun like that

naruto : shut up you garbage dump

(a/n I made some changes in naruto personality for sakura)

sasuke: in you dreams I can defeat you with the even with the weakest pokemon and no training

naruto: then why don't give me the location

fine : tomorrow we will have pokemon match and study the guide book he will give it will help you even so you will lose

sakura: ah I will also go

kakashi: I will also go if there is anything dangerous

can anyone guess naruto's pokemon

4hours later

we can see naruto,sakra and kakashi walking in a road and sasuke walking in front.

69 minutes and 69 second later

as they stood in front of a wooden building

naruto : are you sure this is the

right place

sasuke: you will know once you get inside

as they said they got inside.

sasuke: konichiwa

oh sasyke you even bought friends.

naruto: oy ossa you are not scamming us right .

sato: who are you calling Ossa brat.

sasuke: one pokeball and one.hour for three person. BTW they are paying

sato: OK that will be total 30 thousand ryo

as I said I can see kakashi sweating a river.

naruto: hmm kakashi sensei is paying.

kakashi: sir can't you give a discount


ok 😢

as they said I gave one ball each they got inside Gen 1 door

and sasuke was staying in the hall.

sasu: sato San why are seven more doors.

oh they are Gen door after reaching a customer limit Gen 2 door will open every Gen contains new type of pokemon.

as I said sasuke's eye flashed either excitement

as we were talking about other thing naruto came out

sato:what you came out so early

naruto: I caught one I caught one

what type

naruto: it's a lizard with fire on its tail

as he said I patted naruto with my both hand

you caught best fire type pokemon it can evolve into a dragon in it's last form.

hearing that sasuke twiched.

you hear that sasuke hahaha.

after that both kakashi and garbage dump came out.

so what pokemon did you two catch naruto asked excitedly.

kakashi: ahh I got a floating pokemon who was sleeping.

that is Abra a physics pokemon I said as I handed him guide book

and what did you caught

sakura:I got a green colored frog with leaf on its back

that is bulbasaur

as I said I also handed her over a guide book.

as they took they walked out of the hall.

as they walked out of hall




[Get five or more custome

[reward: unlock mid and full evolved pokemon Gen 1 safari zone]

[penalty: none]

yossha! ho hooh!

1day later

in the team 7 training hall

a blonde haired kid and a blacked haired kid standing in front of each other with two beast staring each other

and kakshi being judge and sakura being audience

(a/n really sakura is useless even in fanfi )

you ready chramender


you vulpix!



naruto: charmender tackle

sasuke: dodge than flamethrower

dodge it you use scratch

vulpix doged it

naruto: flamethrower

it hit vulpix

stand up vulpix

vulpix stoop up

good use ember

it hit chramender he also got injured

naruto: now is my last attack flame kick

sasuke: so you were hiding your move after all but don't underestimate me go vulpix flame wheel

as they both rush to each other and clashed


kakashi:vulpix,charmender both are not able to battle its a draw.