

I am Kalem, I had a common dream, a dream to become a Pokemon master, a dream to travel and adventure out through different regions. But that dream was crushed and destroyed... After hearing the news about the death of my parents, I started to lose interest on becoming a Pokemon Master. I was adopted by an orphanage, there I met two persons who would soon become my best friend. Them, together with the headmaster helped restored my dream to become a Pokemon Master, and that was when I knew that my Parents were alive. So me, together with my two friends travelled across the land finding clues and mysteries about my parents. As I travelled to seek for my parents, me and my friends saw something we would never forget... A prophecy, a prophecy that was about to be full filled, that prophecy had something to do with my parents.

NotUse · アニメ·コミックス
217 Chs

EPISODE 82: Pedal to the Medal!

Enkephalos town, a town filled with deep history, and is the site of the great Lake Knowledge! This city bears the history of our region, from the very start to the very end. Ancient writings? Ancient structures?

There were many legends about how this town was formed. One of them was the product of the oldest kingdom in history. After the selfish emperor's defeat, he was placed on a circular lamp by Arceus. He has been known to trick people with his visions to unleash him back to the Pokemon world, but some say he repented for his sins, and Arceus made him the messenger of the Gods. The people wonder, could this be true? Could this be right?

After the kingdom's fall, the citizens were divided into two groups. The Azures and Ceruleans. Now these two groups, are very different from each other. One of them pursues the goal of leadership while the other pursues the goal of education. The Azures would prefer to focus on leadership while the Ceruleans focused on education.

Due to this fight, the Azures and the Ceruleans decided to split, wherein one went to the west and the other to the east. From the far west were the Azures who constructed their very own kingdom which led to the rise of the first king of this region. From the far east were the ceruleans who established their own town called Enkephalos town.

For years, the Azures turned into an indestructible empire until the fall of the first king. The Ceruleans stayed silent and humble as they lived beside the lake. During the first super crescent moon, the people were in awe as they saw a pink Pokemon descend from the heavenly skies. This pink Pokemon granted the ceruleans with knowledge, and every three hundred years, the Pokemon would descend back into the lake to give blessings to the people.

From that day on, the town's people prospered while the Azures faced dominations and revolutions, but that's a story for another time. History is a chain of reactions, what started badly can turn worst if we don't learn from our actions. What started from selfishness became domination and division. The vast history of this region began from the moment Niurs became the bearer of the seven rings.

"Hey Camellia, what are you writing at your notebook?" Zhery queried with humor as she took a little peek at what Camellia was doing. We were in a small hotel, the girls had their own room but me and Glade has a bigger one... hehe!

"Me!? I'm just writing my schedule for today... you know? Like what professors do?" Camellia explained swiftly and closed her notebook.

"You think I'll believe that? Come on... I know that's your diary." Zhery waggled her eyebrows.

"Diary!? I don't do or make diaries. I feel weird when I talk to myself." Camellia explained.

"Gotcha!" Zhery quickly grabbed Camellia's notebook and opened it.

"Hey give it back!" Camellia tried to reach for the notebook but failed.

"Equilibrium? Anaxagoras? Theories? Are you planning to make a Pokemon?" Zhery queried sarcastically while reading all of Camellia's knowledge written in her notebook.

"Do you even know who Anaxagoras is? Give it back!" Camellia tried to grab the notebook but failed.

"Pokemon Atomic weight and mass? Aren't you too young to be learning all these college stuff?" Zhery queried sarcastically.

"If I want to become a professor, then I must study harder than before!" Camellia explained as she reached out for her notebook.

"These notes and terms are making my headache! Let's see what's behind your notebook." Zhery squints her eyes as Camellia tries to reach for her notebook.

"Please, anything but not that!"Camellia begged.

"What the!? What's project 47C?"Zhery queried as she looked closer at Camellia's notes.

"Gotcha!" Camellia grabbed her notebook back.

"Hey, are you hiding something from us?" Zhery queried with suspiciousness towards Camellia.

"I'm not hiding anything! Project 47C is a complete failure!" Camellia uttered as she remembered something from her past.

"Complete failure? What in the world is Project 47C!?" Zhery queried.

"Alright... I'll tell you but you can't tell Glade nor Kalem, promise?" Camellia uttered with a serious face as she sat down on the bed.

"Your secret's safe with me!" Zhery winked.

"Alright, here's the truth... I tried to make a Pokemon out of scraps when I was nine years old. I named the Pokemon Metalbur, or the Large Claw Pokemon. It had a black body with one rectangular eye. On Metalbur's other hand, it had a large claw which could pierce through anything in a single blow, may it be gold or diamond, Metalbur was supposed to be my partner Pokemon. The Pokemon, turned against me and almost killed me. Good thing dad was there to destroy it." Camellia explained solemnly.

"You? Create a Pokemon? But, aren't you too young to do that?" Zhery queried.

"I love Physics, and Biology... mother thought me how to combine those two together to form a Pokemon. Mother said, by combining those two fields... the product would be a Pokemon, that's how Mewtwo and Genesect were formed." Camellia explained.

*Knocking sounds*

"Zhery! Camellia! Me and Glade are going out for a walk." I shouted through their door.

"Alright, just come back early!" Zhery uttered through the door.

Me and Glade were planning to do some sight-seeing at the lake before the festival in two days time. I missed jetskiing with my parents, so it's time to try Jet Skiing at Lake Knowledge.

"Me and Riolu are the best at Jet Skiing! Right Riolu?" I boasted while we walked through the town.

"Of course we are! When it comes to jet skiing, I and Kalem are unbeatable." Riolu beamed with excitement.

"Oh really? Why don't we race then!" Glade squints and challenges me.

"Sure Glade, but don't cry when you lose!" I teased and boasted.

"No prob! Just don't cry when I take the throne." Glade teased and boasted back as both of us squinted our eyes directly to each other.

We rented two Jetskis from the Lakefront owner, $40 for every two hours!

Grizz... Grizz...

Me and Glade booted up the Rotom Jet Ski! A brand new type of Jet Ski invented by no other than Ms.Avery at Macropolis City.

"Are you ready Glade and Squirtle!?" Me and Riolu smiled at Glade and Squirtle.

"Of course we are!" Glade smiled back.

"Alright then! Three! Two! One! Let the race begin!" I counted while placing on my goggles.

The race began! Me and Glade pumped up the engine and rushed through the other side of the lake. Water was splashing everywhere as I and Glade tried to reach the finish line.

A race against a friend!? Who will win? The water followed our backs as the clouds began to cheer!

"There can only be one winner Riolu!" I beamed with joy.

"Copy that! Let's zoom in!" Riolu beamed with excitement as we put the pedal to the metal!

Glade was catching up behind me as sweat fell off his face, in a Jet Ski race? Pokemons can help to speed up the jet ski.

"Squirtle use water gun behind now!"

<Squirtle! Squirt!>Squirtle uttered as he used his water gun as a booster!

"Oh ho!? Challenging us eigh? Riolu use force palm on the water!"

"Heh heh!" Riolu beamed with determination as his force palm caused a large water ripple! The ripple caused our jet ski to surpass Glade and Squirtle!

The goal was in sight!



"Keep it up Riolu! We're about to win this match!" I beamed with encouragement and passed through the goal!

"Haha! Nice game Kalem!" Glade congratulated me.

"Thanks, it's been fun playing with you and Squirtle!" I beamed with excitement and shook Glade's hand.

We drove back to the lakefront and returned the jet skis to the rightful owner, Enkephalos is a fun town, I wonder what other competitions this town has to offer.

"Come on Glade! Let's go explore Enkephalos town!" I beamed with excitement.

"You bet we will! Come on Kalem!" Glade beamed with excitement as he rushed outside the lakefront.

"Wait for me Glade!" I tried to catch up with Glade while beaming with excitement.

We rushed through the old houses made out of stone bricks until something caught our eye! There was a carnival being held so I and Glade decided to take a break from all those training.

"Step right up folks! Welcome to the Blaze Ball!" A man wearing a magician outfit uttered.

"Blaze Ball? What kind of game is that?" Glade queried in excitement..

"Simple, all you need to do is to find find a partner! Then, both of you must hit all these tin cans! Whoever hits the most before the timer ends, wins a prize!" the man explained.

"Alright then, let's play!" I uttered with excitement.

"You bet I'll play!" Glade beamed with determination.

We tried to hit as many tin cans as we can by throwing the so-called Blaze Ball.

Glade(40 tin cans)

Kalem(34 tin cans)

The timer ran out and Glade won the game! The price varies depending on how many tin cans Glade knocked down.

Pokeball 0-30

Great ball 31-50

Ultra ball 51-80

"You've just won a great ball!" The magician beamed as he gave a blue Pokeball with two red stripes on the sides.

"Cool! Now I have a Great ball!" Glade beamed with excitement.

"I'm not giving up yet! Let's play more games Glade!" I beamed with excitement.

We played for hours in the carnival. We tried rollercoasters and went inside spooky houses but what caught me and Glade's eye was a Pokemon Tournament poster!

"Glade look at this poster! Let's participate!" I beamed with excitement.

"Mini Pokemon Tournament to be held tomorrow for the upcoming Super Crescent Moon Festival. Whoever wins will be awarded with a Cerulean plate?" Glade read the poster.

"What's a Cerulean plate?" I queried with excitement.

"I don't know but I'm going to compete! We should register Zhery and Camellia as well!" Glade suggested.

"Great! Where can we register?" I queried.

"Let's see... Registration booth can be found near the lakefront." Glade read the posters.

"Then, come on Glade!" I pulled Glade's hand and rushed to the registration booth.

"Excuse me... Excuse me! We want to register for the Pokemon Battle Cup!" I beamed with excitement. Yes, the name of the tournament is the *Pokemon Battle Cup* There will be loads of trainers for sure! I'm going to get that Cerulean plate!

"Alright then, just you?" The cashier lady queried.

"Nope! Me too, along with two other friends!" Glade explained.

"If that's the case, please write all your names in this paper." The cashier lady instructed.

We wrote down our names including Zhery and Camellia's name... Tomorrow? All of us are rivals! Now I get to experience what a Pokemon League feels like!

We went back to the hotel to tell the girls our exciting day! I wonder what those two did while we were gone?

"There was this big Pikachu balloon! With all these fun stuffed toys and big houses like this huge!" I acted and explained with excitement.

"We can't understand you Kalem, can you speak slower?" Zhery begged.

"What Kalem is trying to say is... We had a great time together! We played games in the carnival and earned numerous prizes!" Glade explained briefly.

"You and Kalem were able to play in the carnival?" Camellia reassured with slight frustration.

"Looks like someone's getting jealous!" Zhery teased and waggled her eyes.

"That was supposed to be me," Camellia uttered on her mind.

"That's not all! I and Glade together with the two of you are participating in the Pokemon Battle Cup!" I explained.

"Pokemon Battle Cup!? Yes!" Zhery beamed with excitement.

"So that means, tomorrow we're all rivals right?" Camellia reassured.

"Of course, I'm not going in easy on all of yah!" I beamed with excitement.

"Alright then! We won't go easy too!" Zhery uttered with excitement.

Heads up! Body low! It's time for the Pokemon Battle Cup! Who will receive the Cerulean Plate? Only time will tell as the journey continues!