
EPISODE 24: Sleepy Lullaby!

We finally passed the route one toll and finally made it to route two. We helped officer Jenny, a member of the Pokemon Police Department in controlling the Mankeys which devastated route two. One thing's for sure, is that she warned us about a cute and cuddly Pokemon, a cute but terrible one.

"I can't wait to catch the cute Pokemon officer Jenny was talking about." Zhery burst with excitement as she was eager to see the cute Pokemon that officer Jenny was talking about.

"But didn't officer Jenny also warned that the cute Pokemon could be terrible?" Glade queried as he tried to let Zhery recalled.

"Of course that's not true! Impossible! All cute Pokemons are not terrible, because if they are terrible, how could they be cute?" Zhery wondered.

"Well... You have a point Zhery." I complimented her because she was right. I've never seen a cute Pokemon looking terrible.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask... Irys mind telling us what's next after route two?" I puzzled.

"After route two we will be arriving at Covelry town" Irys answered.

" we will soon reach Covelry town, then route three, four, and five... Afterward you can have your first gym battle at Norva City!" Irys added.

"Uhhh... I thought we were close to Norva city! It's going to take weeks for us to reach there!" I said in disappointment.

"You have to be patient Kalem, a journey must be savored! So we could make memorable experiences together!" Glade instructed.

"Glade's right! Patience is the key when traveling around regions!" Zhery added.

"I guess there's no rushing in a journey huh?" I queried in my mind.

"Hey, it's almost post-meridian, let's take a rest underneath the leaves of the pine trees." Glade figured out.

"Yup, my stomach is starving, even Riolu and Zorua looks hungry." I agreed.

"Roselia and Eevee doesn't have energy anymore, Glade's right! Let's take a nice little snack!" Zhery agreed.

We stopped by a tall pine tree to rest for a moment. We planned to eat lunch there as well. We'll be relying on Pansear's searing recipe until we arrive at the Pokemon mart in Covelry town. Just like before, Pansear climbed up the tree, grabbed the berries then roasted it with a spew of ember.

"Thank you for the food!" We shouted as we began to eat our lunch.

"Pansear's roasted berries are the best!" I enunciated as I savored every bite.

"I agree, even Roselia and Eevee loves the food right guys?" Zhery smiled.

*Roselia and Eevee smiles back*

"I'll go fetch some water near the stream..." I told them, as I stood up from the mat.

"Alright, don't go too far!" Glade reminded.

"Be back quickly!" Zhery instructed.

Riolu joined me to fetch some water on a nearby stream. As we walked towards the stream, everything got blurred as the fog started to thicken.

"Huh? The fog thickens all of a sudden?" I wondered.

It reminded me of the Emerald Woods back in the orphanage Citrus home for the lost.

"Riolu, tell me if you see a stream, my eyes are getting blurred."

"I can't see as well because of the thick fog" Riolu complained.

"I can hear the stream but I can't see it" I said listlessly as I was getting tired of finding the stream.

"K... Kalem! Look!" Riolu pointed in surprise.

"Huh... What kind of Pokemon is that?" I queried.

"If only Irys was here to help" Riolu hoped.

We went closer to the Pokemon, it had a round pink body with cute eyes.

"This must be the cute Pokemon, officer Jenny was talking about." I wondered at my mind.

The cute Pokemon with a pinkish round body went closer. It was holding a mic as it smiled at me.

"Oh hey there little Pokemon!" I greeted.

"It doesn't look terrible at all!" Riolu baffled.

As I went closer to the Pokemon, the Pokemon tried to sing.





The song was so relaxing to hear, me and Riolu could listen to the song for days!

"Wh... What a cute voice you have." I said to the Pokemon as I and Riolu began to feel sleepy. Sometime later, I and Riolu's eyes began to close slowly by slowly as we listened to the soothing music of the Pokemon. Me and Riolu tried to fight the song, but it was too late.

"Hey... hey... Stop singing, your making me and Riolu sleepy." I told the cute Pokemon groggily. But the Pokemon wouldn't stop singing. It continued to sing for minutes until finally, and Riolu gave in to the song and fell asleep.

"Kalem's taking a long time to return again" Glade noticed.

"Yeah your right, its been thirty minutes and he hasn't returned yet what could be going on?" Zhery wondered.

Glade and Zhery were getting worried because of my disappearance.

"I think we should look for Kalem," Glade suggested.

"Yeah, he's been gone for too long. He must have gone too far." Zhery hunched.

"Hey Zorua! Zorua! Your trainer's missing!" Eevee tried to wake Zorua up from her sleepy slumber.

"Missing? What do you mean missing?" Zorua wondered.

"Kalem! He hasn't returned yet with Riolu!" Eevee warned.

Zorua sprawled up and asked for a favor, "Eevee, please help me find Kalem."

"But my trainer might scold me if she figured out that I got lost." Eevee consoled.

"It's for a good purpose Eevee! Please help me!" Zorua begged.


"Please Eevee! Please!"

"Fine, but we must go back quick before my trainer notices that I'm missing."

Eevee and Zorua left and looked for me through the pine woods, while Zhery and Glade were also looking but only near our rest area.

"Kalem!" Eevee and Zorua called.

"The fog is getting thicker, I think we should return." Eevee suggested.

"No! I have to find Riolu and Kalem, they might be in trouble!" Zorua said as she neglected Eevee's suggestion.

They went deeper into the foggy pine forest.

Meanwhile back in the resting area, Zhery and Glade still shouted my name.

"He can't hear us, he must have gone too far!" Glade guessed.

"Then we must find him!" Zhery instructed as another woman around twenty years old approached them.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Can you please help me the both of you?" The woman pleaded.

"Is there anything wrong Miss?" Zhery asked.

"Please, my Pokemon has gone missing! You have to help me find my Jigglypuff!" the woman pleaded.

"Hey Irys, please tell us data about Jigglypuff," Glade begged.

"If you wish trainer Glade."

[Jigglypuff! The Balloon Pokemon! A normal and fairy type. If it inflates to SING a lullaby, it can perform longer and cause sure drowsiness in its audience.]

"So that's how a Jigglypuff looks like." Glade concurred.

"It looks so cute!" Zhery complemented.

"That cute Pokemon is my Pokemon, it might look cute but when you go near it, it can make you sleep with its enchanting voice. That's what happened to me. Jigglypuff sang to me and I fell asleep... When I woke up, Jigglypuff went missing!" The woman explained.

"Maybe that's why Kalem hasn't returned!" Glade hunched.

"It could be that Jigglypuff made Kalem and Riolu sleep!" Zhery added.

"Alright Miss, we'll help you find your Jigglypuff, our friend must have fallen asleep because of your Pokemon's song." Glade hunched.

"Thank you so much to the both of you!" The woman greeted.

Zhery and Glade went back to the resting area only to find Eevee and Zorua missing.

"Oh no... Eevee and Zorua must have looked for Kalem!" Zhery guessed.

"We'll have to find them, come on hurry! The woman's waiting for us!"

Glade and Zhery together with the woman rushed towards the foggy pine forest to look for me, Zorua, Eevee, and Jigglypuff.

"Zorua! I found Kalem and Riolu's body!" Eevee called.

"Really Eevee! Wait for me, I'm coming!" Zorua rushed towards Eevee and saw my body. Zorua and Eevee tried to wake me and Riolu up, but we were in a deep deep slumber.

"Alright I'll use tackle on Kalem, you tackle Riolu!" Zorua commanded.

In a blast, their tackles woke me and Riolu up.

I opened my eyes just to find Zorua licking my face.

"Hey Zorua! I must have fallen asleep because of that circle Pokemon." I greeted.

"Thanks for waking me up Eevee!" Riolu thanked.

Things were getting clear and the disappeared. I was finally able to get water for the three of us.

"Come on guys, Zhery and Glade must have been worried sick, let's go back!" I smiled.

We walked towards the resting area while Glade and Zhery was looking for us.

"Kalem!?" Zhery and Glade called. While they were calling my name, they saw a circle Pokemon approaching them.

"Jigglypuff!" the woman called as Jigglypuff walked closer to the woman.

Jigglypuff began to sing her enchanted Pokemon song, she made everyone sleep and Jigglypuff ran again.

While I was walking towards the resting area, I saw Zhery, Glade, and the woman.

"Jigglypuff must have made them sleep! Zorua and Eevee you know what to do!"

The both of them did tackle and woke everybody up.

"Huh? Eevee!" Zhery shouted in happiness as Eevee jumped on her.

"Glade, Zhery are you alright?" I queried.

"Yeah... We have to help the woman catch her Jigglypuff before it turns any people or Pokemon to sleep." Glade explained.

"So... Its name is Jigglypuff" I concurred. All of rushed to find Jigglypuff but we couldn't find it. Sometime later, a Pokemon came, it had a circular body just like Jigglypuff. It was about to sleep when I asked Riolu to use Force Palm on Jigglypuff. Well... Jigglypuff fainted but was easily healed with Zhery's potions.

"Don't you run off again!" The woman told her Jigglypuff while she returned her to her Pokeball.

"Thank you to all of you!" The woman greeted.

"No problem miss!" The three of us shouted. From there on, we waved goodbye to each other as the woman parted ways with us.

"I guess it's off to Covelry town!" Zhery said.

"Yup, was one step closer to Norva City," Glade added.

"Then what are we waiting for! Covelry town is waiting for us!" I beamed with excitement as we reached the town proper.

As the journey continues...