
EPISODE 213: Elder vs Trainer (Part two)

"This match of ours is getting feisty don't you think? Let's impress those friends of yours shall we?"

"I, Kalem fight not for the impression and goal of gaining popularity but to strengthen the bond between me and my Pokemon!"

"I see? So, you're not one of those trainers who pursue on strength eigh? Alright then, show me what you've go-" The Dragon Elder's words were suddenly interrupted by a woman who approached her with ferocious pupils. She bit her lips tightly and her blood boiled to the point its own body cannot handle the heat.

My friends were also in shock to see the woman. One, this is their first time to meet her and two she does seem suspicious at first glance. She is no other than the dragon master, a woman with cunning white silvery hair, Khaidra.

"Grandmother?! You're challenging trainers again? I thought we talked about this?" She sighs.

"Oh, dear. What are you doing here in such a fine day like this? Shouldn't you be in your gym?"

"Ah! Khaidra, long time no see!" I beam with exuberance, rushing towards her in a very unruly manner because of my excitement.

"Khaidra? I've head Kalem mention that name before." Camellia says, trying to recall her memory as hard as possible.

"Khaidra is the gym leader of Dracovolt city. She is also known to be the strongest of the eight. Her skills are as those of Cynthia. You've heard her right? The famous champion of the Sinnoh Region. Khaidra and Cynthia have been friends for a long time already, and I've heard they trained together thus their strengths are equal.

Basically, Kalem and I will be challenging Cynthia except for the fact she has different looks." Kira explains.

"Is Cynthia and Khaidra somehow related?" Glade queries.

"No. Um, they're just friends according to the bulbapedia. Seeing her now makes me scared. Not to mention I will be challenging her soon. As for Kalem, he probably has no idea on how powerful this gym leader is." Kira answers, watching me and Khaidra talk.

"Khaidra! I have obtained all seven badges. Now it is time for me to defeat you." I beam with determination.

"Oh ho! Kalem, you're looking as confident as ever. I will be willing to- Oh my?! Did Riolu evolve?!" Khaidra's attention is grabbed by Lucario who was resting in a nearby tree with Liligant.

"Yes, and look at this! Dragonite, come out now!"

<Drag! Dragonite!>Upon leaving its Pokeball, Dragonite rushed to the woman who've trained her and hugged her tightly. The two dearly missed each other. It seems to me Khaidra misses Dragonite as well, especially for the fact that she is the very same woman who've evolved Dratini into Dragonair for me.

"Ah! Dragonite has grown, I can see it from its eyes. Very lovely indeed. Very lovely. Your bond with your trainer is profound and just like the roots of the tree tucked into the fertile soil of Earth, I hope your bond with Kalem grows deeper." Khaidra says, massaging Dragonite's chin as she emits cooing noises.

"Oh my, I never knew you've met my granddaughter before. Pardon me." The Elder apologizes.

"Wait? You're her grandmother?!" With a perplexed mind I question her.

"Indeed I am. I was bored so I randomly made trials and stuff. Haha! Anyways, it was fun battling you Kalem but I believe we must end this. You've proven to me how strong you are and that you pursue in bond rather than power. Through bond is where we can harness the true power of Pokemon. That is, if the train himself knows how to.

Our world is diverse with creatures, much superior to us. This has been proven many times already. Men will never meet the standards of the Pokemon around us but we can gain their trust for the common good." She quotes and starts to play a music from the Pokeflute.

The music was heart-warming indeed. It is those kinds of music which can make one's soul filled with ecstasy and joy. It has the power to heal scars forged by arguments and debates. I for one, alongside with my friends dearly loves the music. As for the Snorlax, it finally left. The music annoys it, therefore he stood up and cleared the path.

"We can head to the Valley of Dragons now!" I beam with excitement, waving at my friends who were sitting down in the bush. In response they waved back at me.

"Valley of Dragons?! Well well, I was heading there too." Khaidra announces.

"Wait? Really? Why don't you tag along for now. Like they say, the more the merrier!" I offer.

"Oh Kalem, you're such a rambunctious child. Fine, I will be coming with the four of you for now."

"And I will return to Meteor Town. It has been a long day, and my legs are worn out already." The elder says as she stretches her arms to the sky, yawning deeply afterward.

"Alright then! Vamos!" With maximum enthusiasm, I leap to the sky, pointing my arm towards it and clenching the golden gleaming disk of the sun. A whole new adventure awaits us in the Valley of Dragons!