
EPISODE 184: Your Mission, Should you Choose to Accept?

Glacevelt city, a place covered with snow and sheer cold. A place with a mysterious aroma in the air, and a place hidden from the outside world. Thick walls surround the city, no one is allowed inside except for citizens and trainers.

Glacevelt city is known to be one of the most protected cities in Laurenburg, but the question still remains, who really protects the city? The department or something far greater? Something more powerful perhaps?

A black Limousine stops by at the toll gate of the city. Two men wearing police outfits walk by with their Pokemons ready to attack if necessary. The windows of this car were tinted and stained, the owner slowly rolled down the window the car to talk with the police officers.

"Code: Emerald." Lunar, the owner of the Limousine whispered to one of the grunts.

"Welcome back commander Lunar." One of the grunts smiled and ordered the other grunt to let the car pass.

Lunar continued to drive through the city's thick walls. It was so thick, that in order to reach the main city, you have to pass through a tunnel measuring approximately one kilometer. Yes, the walls of this city are one kilometer thick, in every corner, police and officers stood by while glancing strictly at the passing vehicles, citizens, and Pokemons.

In order to know if one is a visitor or a citizen, a color-coded ID is given in order to determine which is which. Citizens must wear a green ID when leaving or entering the city, while those without IDs when entering the city will be considered as visitors and will be given red IDs to enter.

Lunar continued to drive through the city. The Wipers swept off the snowflakes blocking and irritating Lunar's windshield. She passed by two more tolls before reaching her own gym. Police are very strict even though they realize the commander's face. Sometimes, it could be an imposter trying to sneak in.

The Glacevelt gym is located at the very end of the city. The gym leans on a frosty mountain, it looks like an old command center converted into a Pokemon Gym.

Even if the place is mysterious, Glacevelt gym is officially registered in the Laurenburg archives. The doors of the gym can be only operated either through the key card which the gym leader bears, or through the help of a person. The door of the gym has a Pokeball symbol, which is proof of register.

A CCTV is placed on the upper corner of the entrance, while a small speaker and doorbell lies on the side of the door. If a trainer wishes to battle the gym leader, he or she must ring the doorbell first. He or she will be scanned by the person operating the CCTV. Through the speaker, the person operating the CCTV could communicate with the trainer.

Gym Leader Emerald, or her real name Lunar, parked her car in front of the gym. She swiped the key card on the card terminal. A green light flashed and verified the gym leader as the doors of the gym slowly opened.

"Commander, your here today? There are no challengers coming." One of the police officers came in contact with the gym leader after seeing her when the doors opened.

"Obviously. I am here to prepare for a challenger coming either next week or in two days time. The boss has a mission for me." Lunar explained and clarified while walking to the battlefield.

The officer allowed Lunar to pass through the doors of the battlefield. Doors made out of steel, which only the guards or officers could open through their key cards.

The battlefield is enormous. The floor is made out of slippery blue ice which irritates the challenger's Pokemon. It gives the gym leader an opportunity to win right away.

On the back of the battlefield is a long balcony wherein citizens or other trainers could watch the match between the challenger and the gym leader. On the sides of the gyms were large ice sculptures of the gym leader. On the front of the gym lies a large Frost Badge. The symbol of triumph over the Glacevelt gym.

Lunar continued to walk through the battlefield while looking at her ice sculptures.

"Abomasnow. You know what to do. Knock him dead." Lunar uttered softly while talking to Abomasnow's Pokeball. She looked confident and optimistic about the mission taking place soon.


Back at the remote island of the regime. At the Science and Technology Department to be exact, lies Elanor explaining the details about the mission to the clone. It seems interested about Arville's ambition to become a God, the mission felt enthusiastic and interesting for the clone.

"Your mission is simple and easy. All you have to do is to lead the daughter away from her friends. Once the daughter is in a far location, that is your chance to grab and trap her on any building, room, or anything you could improvise.

Once the girl has been trapped, this is your opportunity to replace her. Return to her friends and bring Kalem to the gym. The person operating the CCTV will only allow the trainer and one of his friends to enter the gym. That will be you and Kalem. Act eager and volunteer right away before one of his friends named Glade takes the opportunity and comes with Kalem instead.

Once you and Kalem have entered the city, our grunts will deal with the other friend. Lead the boy to the battlefield and there, the gym challenge will occur. Once the gym challenge occurs, I'll be expecting you to cheer and act like you admire the trainer. The king's daughter admires him so much.

This is where the mission gets interesting. Win or lose, Lunar will do her part. Your job during that time is to help Lunar and to make sure that the boy does not escape. Do you have any questions?" Elanor explained and elaborated.

"What will Lunar do to the kid?" Camellia questioned.

"Her mission is separate from yours. You do not need to know her duty there. Do your part and everything will go according to plan.

If the mission fails because of you, the king will burn your metal scraps, so better do it properly, understood!" Elanor warned.

"Leave it to me. I won't fail this mission for a price of course."

"A price? You want something in return?"

"Of course... In exchange for doing my job, I want to return to my real master." Camellia bargained.

"IF! you do your job, and if the mission succeeds. Now go do whatever you want, we'll be sending you to the city once the boy has arrived. Your mission, should you choose to accept?" Elanor dismissed the clone while shining her glasses.

"Mission accepted Executive Elanor. This will be an easy task." Camellia giggled and boasted. One two routes remain before me and my friends reach the city. Only time will tell what dangers lie ahead as the journey shall continue...