
EPISODE 176: More Heat, More Power!

"Kalem, why do you look like your hiding something from us?" Kira suspised while we walked towards the adoption dome.

"Hiding, um... of course not. Why would I be hiding something?" I uttered with worry and fuss. Ms.Vergendy's instructions were loud and clear, I must not tell my friends about the attack, or in this case, holographic attack.

"You sure? Cause it's obvious to me that you're hiding something." Camellia giggled and uttered with suspicion towards me.

"I promise, I'm not trying to hide anything from the both of you. Right Riolu?"

<Rio! Rio!>Riolu nodded his head while a small sweat tear oozed from his face.

The small hall, which connects the interviewing room from the adoption dome is one of the greatest structures ever built in Laurenburg. This isn't only a hall, but it is also a bridge as well. It is known as the most secured bridge which connects two buildings. The pillars which support the hall halfway through is said to be earthquake-proof. It was able to withstand a magnitude of 8.4 three years ago.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Adoption Dome. Please register your name on this iPad." The guard standing beside the doors of the dome gave us a warm and pleasant smile. She handed us an iPad to type our names in.

"Thank you for registering your name. Please follow these instructions in order to maintain the orderliness inside the dome.

-Do not force the Pokemon to come if it doesn't want to.

-Do not hurt any Pokemons, nor destroy their artificial habitat.

-Once you have chosen a Pokemon, please proceed to the counter which is located on the far west of the dome. They will give the Pokemon's Pokeball, and tell you more information about it. Such as the food it likes, the color, the ability, and the moves.

-Please do not fight over a Pokemon. Especially if that Pokemon is a rare or cute one.

-Next, please refrain from teasing the Pokemon, or even mocking it.

-If the rules are violated, you will automatically be kicked out of the dome.

Are there any questions?" The guard explained thoroughly.

"Yes. Can I adopt two Pokemons?" I questioned.

"Two Pokemons? What for?" Camellia questioned.

"One Pokemon for me, and one Pokemon for Glade. It's kinda sad if he doesn't have an adopted Pokemon right?" I explained.

"Sure, you can adopt one for your friend as well. If everyone is ready, please step inside." The guard agreed and opened the two translucent doors leading to the dome.

The large adoption dome is filled with four terrains.

-Grass and Water terrain

(Types: Grass, Water, Normal, Bug, Electric, Psychic.)

-Jagged terrain

(Types: Rock, Ground, Poison, Dark, Ghost, Fighting.)

-Volcanic terrain

(Types: Fire)

-Icy terrain.

(Types: Ice and Fairy.)

Each terrain makes the dome diverse with hundreds of abandoned and left alone Pokemons. Large artificial trees, shrubs, and plants make up the dome's area's green color, while the artificial streams and ponds give a touch of blue. Red and orange colors can be found on volcanic terrains filled with ash, smoke, and lava plumes while other colors are diverse on jagged and icy terrains.

After stepping inside the adoption dome we could see Pidgeys, Fearows, and other flying-type Pokemons soaring through the large dome. Exeggutors and Oddishes caught our attention from the very start, until we saw Lapras swimming across the streams, Gyarados squirming under the streams, and Poliwags floating around.

Trainers coming from different parts of the world came by to adopt a new Pokemon. For some, it was the Pokemons who choose them, while for others, it was the trainers who choose the Pokemons.

"Hmm, what Pokemon would suit Glade?" I thought to my mind while looking around the dome.

"Let's see, if I'm not mistaken, the Pokemon I am looking for is in an Icy terrain. Let's head there first." Kira beamed with excitement.

"Can we head to the grass and water terrain first? Please, I want to see the Pokemons around this diverse dome." Camellia's eyes sparkled and begged.

"Oh fine. You can find your Pokemon first, afterward, my turn ok?"

"Sure no problem Kira!" Camellia beamed with excitement while looking at the cute and cuddly Pokemons.

From a cute Oddish to a Bellsprout, Camellia tried to look for the perfect Pokemon. A pokemon which suits her attitude, style, and behavior. Believe it or not, this would finish quicker if it wasn't for Camellia's thirst for an extremely cuddly Pokemon.

"Ah! I found the perfect one." Camellia beamed with excitement and pointed at a cute yellow Pokemon with a heart-shaped tail on its back. This Pokemon had red cheeks, and a black pigment on the upper parts of its ears.

"A Pikachu? You came all this way just to find a Pikachu." I sighed. Laurenburg is famous for the numerous amount of Pikachu sightings everywhere.

"Yes, it's a female Pikachu since the tail is shaped like a heart. I want it!" Camellia beamed with eagerness and enthusiasm.

<Pika? Pika pi!>The Pokemon saw Camellia looking at her. She ran towards her and sniffed her leg and body.

"Hi Pikachu, my name is Camellia. Hopefully we could soon become best buddies." Camellia knelt and rubbed Pikachu's yellow cuddly fur.

<Pika! Pi!>Pikachu smiled at Camellia and climbed her shoulder. She licked her new trainer's face and clung upon Camellia's shoulder.

"What a lucky trainer you are. It looks to me that Pikachu already has a strong liking to you." Kira giggled while rubbing Pikachu's head.

"Really!? Will you come with me Pikachu? I promise to take care of you." Camellia grabbed Pikachu and hugged her tightly.

<Pika! Pika!>Pikachu smiled and nodded her head. She agreed to choose Camellia as her new Pokemon partner.

"Great now that Pikachu is yours, I think we should head to the icy terrain so that Kira could choose her Pokemon."

"About you Kalem, aren't you going to choose one as well?" Kira questioned.

"I'll roam around for now. When I find the perfect one, I'll beg that it'll choose me. Right Riolu?" I giggled while rubbing Riolu's blue chin. Shaymin on the other hand, was too playful with the surrounding Pokemons. Shaymin and Pikachu talked and played with each other while we head to the icy terrain.

"So Kira, you're probably looking for an Ice-type Pokemon right?" I questioned with certainty.

"Yup. I want to adopt a Pokemon called Swinub. Swinub is covered in dense, brown, striped hair to keep it warm. The hair is so shaggy that it often covers its tuft-like small legs, making it appear like a legless lump. 

When Swinub evolves? It becomes a powerful tyrant behemoth. A Pokemon which I could use to defeat you!" Kira teased.

"Defeat me? Then, I'll choose a Pokemon which could defeat your Swinub in the future." I beamed with determination and resolution.

"That's if you can. Mamoswines are powerful stomping behemoths. No fast Pokemons could stop it. Its thick fur can protect it from fire and other far contact attacks." Kira boasted.

The icy terrain of the adoption dome wasn't too harsh and cold like the weather outside. It looked like a winter wonderland. Frozen trees, white snowflakes, beautiful ice shards made this artificial winter to a winter wonderland.

The Ice was too fluffy. It was tempting to play and throw the snow at each other. Pikachu and Shaymin played at the snow together while the three of us searched for a Swinub. Along the way, there were times where we would throw snowballs at each other. Due to our childish behaviors on the icy terrain, we accidently caught a Swinub's attention.

<Swi! Swinub!>The Pokemon went out of its snowy gap and squirmed to the three of us.

"Ah! There's a Swinub." Kira beamed with excitement and enthusiasm which startles Swinub.

Kira's enthusiasm accidently frightened the cute Swinub. A Swinub's eyes appear as if they are perpetually closed. Swinub uses its pink, pig-like nose to dig through mud and snow, looking for anything edible. Occasionally, it will come across hot springs while scouring the ground. Its favorite food is a type of mushroom that grows beneath dead grass, though it also eats Berries. When a Swinub finds an attractive smell, it will run desperately to find out the source of the aroma. It inhabits cold places, such as icy caves, mountainous regions, and frozen tundra.

"I guess I may have overdone things a bit. Swinub, I'm sorry that I startled you." Kira knelt and apologized.

<Swi? Swinub? Swi?>Swinub got curious about Kira. It sniffed Kira's body and circled around her.

"My name is Kira, and I was wondering if you would like to come with me." Kira introduced while watching the Swinub sniff her.

<Swi! Swinub!>Swinub stopped for a moment and thought about the decision. I was playing with Shaymin and Riolu while Camellia played with her Pikachu during that time.

"Please Swinub, please join me. I promise to raise you well with all that I can." Kira's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm while begging Swinub to join her team.

<Swi! Swinub... Swinub!>Swinub leaped with joy and agreed to come with Kira.

"Thank you Swinub! I'll always cherish you forever." Kira grabbed Swinub's body and hugged it tightly. She squinted her eyes with joy while beaming with gratitude and bliss.

"I guess that leaves us to Kalem's Pokemon left. You still have two Pokemons to adopt remember?" Camellia reminded.

"Yup. First, let's go to the jagged terrain. I'm planning to give Glade a fighting type Pokemon. While scrolling to my Pokedex, a light yellow Pokemon with red velvet limbs caught my attention. It's name is Mienfoo, and I was wondering maybe it would be best to find a Mienfoo for Glade." I suggested while showing Camellia and Kira Mienfoo through Irys the Pokedex.

[Mienfoo is a yellow, bipedal, mustelid-like Pokémon, with round ears, red eyes, and a pink nose with a whisker on each side. Its red arms look similar to flared sleeves, and the paws are yellow. Mienfoo's chest has a small red band, and its pelt piles around its thighs resembling a tunic or robe. Its legs are red, and its yellow tail is also tipped red.

Mienfoo specializes in flowing, speedy, continuous attacks, becoming more precise as it concentrates. Though not very powerful, it can make this up with quantity. It also has sharp claws it can use to cut foes. Packs of Mienfoo seclude themselves to mountains to focus on their training. Each pack differs in their kick and chop form.] Irys the Pokedex elaborated.

For the past hour, we went to the jagged terrain to look for a Pokemon called Mienfoo. At first, it seemed impossible to find one, since all we saw was Machops, Nidorans, Geodudes, and their evolutionary lines. I was starting to figure out that not a single Mienfoo was abandoned by a trainer.

When all hoped seemed lost, I saw a Mienfoo training on the edge of the cliff. It practiced its punches and kicks, while boosting up its own stamina. I felt relief to see Mienfoo, Glade's team could finally be completed.

I did my best to pursuade Mienfoo to come with me. At first, Mienfoo disagreed and even kicked my face once. It looks like Mienfoo became stubborn due to the actions of his former trainer. I handed him a piece of Pokefood in hopes that he'll like it.

Mienfoo sniffed the brown piece of Pokefood. He slowly nibbled the Pokefood. Once the food reached his mouth, he felt an array of flavors exploding inside. His tongue craved for more, while saliva drooled out of his mouth.

<Mien! Mienfoo!>Mienfoo smiled at me and agreed to join temporarily. I told him that he'll be joining my friend's team and not mine. Mienfoo thought of the decision deeply and agreed to come with us momentarily. He agreed that Glade will be his official trainer. I even showed a picture of Glade.

Now, one Pokemon remains, and that is to find one for me. I already have grass, Psychic, and even a dark type Pokemon. I also have a fairy, steel, and a bug type Pokemon alongside with ice type Pokemons. I figured that it'll be best to find a Fire-type Pokemon. One which has a fiery burning spirit.

We moved to the third terrain which is filled with fiery lava plumes. Charmanders, Charmeleons, Magmars, and Mugcargos could be seen throughout the terrain. A shy looking Torkoal was also spotted hiding near a red blazing cave. This terrain irritated Shaymin, since she is a grass type after all.

"Kalem, please choose right away since my body is getting irritated from all of this heat." Kira implored while trying to withstand the fiery terrain.

I walked around the terrain to find the perfect Pokemon which would suit my type and behavior. A Pokemon with a fiery passion, and a determined spirit.

Something caught my attention, to fire type Pokemons fighting against each other. One of them was a Magmar, but the one which I liked was his opponent which was a Heatmor.

Heatmor is a bipedal, anteater-like Pokémon. It has a beige face while the rest of its fur is red with yellow stripes sharing the appearance of molten lava. On its lower abdomen, back, and underside are raised, beige-colored bands which resemble pipes, leading to its tail. Its claws, on both its feet and hands, are a dull yellow and on its wrists are raised, dented bands; both the wrists and feet are beige-colored. Its tail is dented upward and has a hole in it, similar in appearance to a muffler. It also seems to serve the same purpose as a muffler, being able to expel gases.

Its power was incredible. It knocked out Magmar in a pinch. Heatmor truly is the fire type I've been yearning for. After the battle, I rushed to Heatmor and complimented his gruesome power and attack.

<Heat! Heatmor!>Heatmor glared and stared at me. Me, Shaymin and Riolu got intimidated. We weren't expecting to make Heatmor angry.

"Kalem, are you alright?" Camellia and Kira rushed to me with worry. Heatmor continued to glare and stare at us while our souls froze with fear.

"Please don't kill me..." I begged softly while trying to keep my confidence up. Heatmor continued to glare as his two yellow claws suddenly heated up. It was like Heatmor was planning to use an attack against me.

"Heatmor, calm down. Kalem isn't here to hurt you." Camellia beamed loudly while the two of them rushed to me.

"Cousin, did Heatmor hurt you?" Kira questioned.

"I'm fine... Heatmor looks intimidating and deterring." I uttered with a trembling voice while slowly trying to step back.

<Heat... Heat...>Heatmor suddenly cooled down and sniffed my hair. He even took a strand of hair and sniffed it closer to his mouth.

"Heatmor... So I-"

<HEAT! HEATMOR!>The Pokemon interrupted with a raging spirit as it burns down the strand of hair he took and sniffed.

<Shay! Shaymin!>Shaymin reacted quickly and attacked Heatmor with Energy Ball. She glared at Heatmor while blocking and protecting me.

"Shaymin, it's illegal to battle any Pokemon remember?" I reminded.

"It's not illegal as long as no one sees it." Shaymin smiled and attacked Heatmor again with Energy Ball.

<Heat! Heat!>Heatmor beamed with frustration while trying to hurt Shaymin with his large claws. Shaymin dodged the Pokemon's claws swiftly and with ease.

<Shaymin! Shaymin!>A pink haze succumbed Heatmor. This pink haze is also known as Dazzling Gleam, a fairy type Pokemon move.

<Heat... Heat...>Heatmor calmed down and decided not to attack anymore. He sniffed me and Shaymin once more, but Shaymin kept a fighting stance in case Heatmor tries to use tricks up his sleeves.

"Heatmor, calm down. I was not planning to attact in the first place, all I wanted to do was to ask you to join my team." I uttered with a sweet voice while rubbing Heatmor's chin.

<Heat! Heatmor! Heat!>Heatmor's cheeks blushed and nodded his head. He hugged me while sticking out its long tongue.

"I guess Heatmor has a soft side as well." Camellia giggled.

Finally, it was time to move to the counter. I can finally learn more about Heatmor's moves and abilities. On the counter, I could also claim Heatmor's Pokeball.


Kira-Swinub (Bench)

Camellia-Pikachu (Bench)

Kalem-Heatmor (Bench)

"Let's start with Pikachu shall we? Pikachu is also known as the mouse Pokemon. Its ability is known as Static. It could paralyze the foe if it uses any close-contact moves such as Cross Chop, and Dynamic Punch.

It knows four moves:

-Iron Tail

-Electro ball

-Quick Attack

-Thundershock" The cashier lady explained and handed out Pikachu's Pokeball.

"Pikachu, your new life begins with me! Now into your Pokeball." Camellia squinted and beamed with joy.

<Pika pi!>Pikachu smiled and entered her Pokeball.

"Swinub's ability is called Oblivious. Gender manipulating moves such as attract wouldn't affect Swinub. This Pokemon currently knows:


-Powder Snow


-Ice Shard" The cashier lady explained and handed over Swinub's Pokeball.

"That's great Swinub. From now on, you'll be adventuring with me! Please return to your Pokeball." Kira beamed with joy and returned her newly adopted Pokemon to its Pokeball.

"This Mienfoo's ability is known as Inner Focus. it avoids the foe from flinching. It currently knows four moves:

-Drain Punch


-Double Slap

-Swift" The cashier lady explained and handed over Mienfoo's Pokeball.

"Great, Mienfoo, I'll be giving you to Glade later. For now, stay in your Pokeball." I smiled and instructed.

<Mien! Mienfoo!>Mienfoo smiled and entered his Pokeball.

"Lastly, this Heatmor's ability is known as Flash Fire. It converts any fire type attacks into energy which could be released through attacking back. It knows four moves which is:



-Focus Blast

-Fire Blast." The cashier lady explained and handed over Heatmor's Pokeball.

"Heatmor, we'll grow closer together! Welcome to the team. Return to your Pokeball!" I beamed with exuberance and determination.

<Heatmor! Heat!>Heatmor's soft side showed again while hugging me tightly. He returned back to his Pokeball afterward.

Suddenly, Pikachu, Heatmor, and Swinub's Pokeball teleported to their respective dome, depending on our official professor. Me and Camellia's official professor is Professor Bellice, so we're certain that our Pokemons are safe and secured.

Mienfoo on the other hand, stayed since it was registered to Glade and not to me. I can hold and transport Mienfoo to Glade, but I can't train nor battle with it.

Before we left, we switched out our Pokemons for our newly adopted Pokemons. I switched out Banette for Heatmor, while Camellia switched out Floette for Pikachu. Kira on the other hand, switched out her Bayleef for her Swinub.

"Now... since we're done here. We can finally battle Kalem!" Kira beamed with determination.

"Sure! I'll be willing to battle with my newly adopted Heatmor!" I beamed back with excitement and determination.

"We have to return quickly before Glade freaks out again. He's probably looking for us, you both can battle once we arrive at the camp." Camellia suggested.

"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's head back now." I beamed with a fiery passion and spirit.

"Stop rushing too much cousin. Our battle can wait anyways." Kira sighed.

More heat more power! That is my definition for Heatmor's ability called Flash Fire. My fourth bench member is finally with me, which leaves two Pokemons left. Now, it's time to test the strengths of our Pokemons through battling! Prepare Kira, cause I won't be holding back hehe!