
EPISODE 152: One Door Closes, Another One Opens!

"Mother! Mother!" Zhery rushed with panic and entered her mother's confinement room. Zhery was feeling apprehensive and anxious. Even after knowing the truth behind his father, Zhery still cared and loved her mother.

Inside the room, her mother's heart rate monitor was normal. Her blood pressure was normal as so as her heart rate. "Mother... Mother, can you hear me?" Zhery questioned as she hugged her mother tightly. Tears fell flowed through her eyes, as she moaned for her mother.

Nurse Joy, me, and my friends, followed Zhery to her mother's confinement room. We saw her Zhery in pain as she moaned for her mother. It reminded me of the time Riolu was in a critical condition. We had nothing to do, but to comfort Zhery.

"The impact, coming from the move called Extreme Thunder Blast caused an electric shock on your mother. Her heart rate and beating was weakened due to this." Nurse Joy explained.

"Nurse Joy, who is MissingNo?" Glade questioned.

"MissingNo, so that's the Pokemon which knocked out the champion. MissingNo is a corrupted Pokemon, or a glitch in the matrix. No one knows how it formed, it just poofed out of nowhere one day." Nurse Joy explained.

"So that means, there might be new Pokemons lurking around, that we haven't seen yet," Camellia concluded.

"Yes, you are correct, thousands of regions lie far from here, bearing multiple Pokemons Japanese like us haven't seen before." Nurse Joy explained.

"What happened!?" The elite four entered the room with worry and shock. Zhery was able to contact them while Officer Jenny drove us to the city. Even Thalia the gym leader came to see the champion. Thalia wore a white gown, just like a gown belonging to a princess. On her head was a small tiara, and her hands were covered with gloves.

"Thalia and the Elite four are here!" Camellia uttered with shock as they rushed towards the champion.

"Zhery, who did this to the champion!?" Melody infuriated.

"It... It was the work of Arville, and my father." Zhery uttered with rage as she clenched her fists tightly.

"Cerberus... you knew about him?" Draco uttered with shock.

"Y..Yes. Mom told me everything about him." Zhery uttered solemnly.

"That Arville really doesn't care about anyone except his ambitions. His ambitious attitudes controlled his mind. We must stop the Chaos Regime right away!" Thalia infuriated and suggested.

"We don't even know where their secret island can be found," Alice uttered softly while holding the champion's arm.

"The daughter will lead us," Draco suggested and looked Camellia.

"Sorry, but I cannot tell you where my father's headquarters are. Even if I am angry at him, I won't let anyone hurt him." Camellia spoke loudly with conviction.

"Won't let anyone hurt him!? Look at my mother Camellia!" Zhery shouted and infuriated.

"Zhery tone down your voice, you're usually not like this." Glade tried to calm.

"Look, even if he is your father Camellia, I won't allow Laurenburg to fall under crisis again! It's either your father or the whole region who's gonna suffer." Melody uttered loudly.

"No! I am sorry, but I won't allow anyone to harm my father, even if I am mad at him, he's still my father."

"Let your father pay for my mother then!" Zhery infuriated.

"Zhery, I'm sorry about what my father did to your mother."

"Sorry!? Do you think sorry is going to make my mother feel well!?" Zhery angered as she tried to control her temper.

"Camellia, your father killed dozens. We're not talking about any random evil organizations here, we're talking about Team Chaos, a regime who begets greatness through darkness. I know how you feel because my father was once a criminal, but it is either him or the whole region who will suffer. We've seen how team Chaos caused a devastating crisis, we can't let that happen again. Please tell us Camellia." Alice begged.

"Hmph! No matter how much you force me, I won't tell where the headquarters are." Camellia began infuriate.

"Then why did you betray your father and mother if you love them?" Draco questioned.

"I didn't want to follow their works, that's why I escaped. I didn't believe that my father could become God-"

"But what if he does, you're putting your life in danger, even Kalem." Draco interrupted.

"M...Me!?" I beamed with awe and shock.

"Your pendant, you probably know what happens if it falls to the hands of evil. You are lucky that Arville didn't see that pendant. What if he did!?" Melody pointed and uttered loudly.

"Your purpose in the mountain is far greater than you imagine. You are the button to the last events. That pendant is important, if it falls to the hands of evil, Arville will use the prophecy as an opportunity to harness the power of the Gods, but if we capture him now, the crisis will not befall Laurenburg again." Melody added.

"So Kalem, that is your name. Are you here to challenge me?" Thalia questioned.

"Well, that is my purpose in the city. I want to become a Pokemon Master someday." I explained.

"Camellia, we'll need to take legal actions, since after all you are part of the Chaos Regime," Alice warned.

"Legal actions!?" Camellia uttered with shock.

"We can arrest you, or force you to tell us where your father is. It is better to tell us now rather than forcing you." Thalia warned.

"I am the princess of the city, I can ask my guards or my father's guards to arrest you. The Elite Four is right." Thalia added and warned.

"Look, Camellia left team Chaos so she's no longer part of it. How would you feel if your parents are to be arrested?" I blocked Camellia and infuriated.

"Fine... do not tell us then, we'll find the headquarters," Melody uttered loudly.

"Good luck finding it, it is nowhere near this region," Camellia uttered sarcastically.

Suddenly, Ms.Beatrice's eyes began to open. Her consciousness returned, as she tilted her head. "Mother!" Zhery uttered with relief and hugged her mother. Everybody's attention was caught. Nurse Joy felt relief after seeing the champion awakening, but she noticed her heart rate getting slower gradually.

"Mother, are you alright?" Zhery questioned with worry as tears flowed through her eyes.

"Zhery... don't cry," Ms.Beatrice uttered softly as she wiped off Zhery's tears.

"How can I not cry? My so-called father and his king almost ended your life." Zhery uttered solemnly.

"Zhery, listen to me..." Ms.Beatrice uttered with a weak body and a hoarse throat.

"Yes mother?" Zhery questioned.

"I... I am sorry, that I lied to you. I am sorry that I hid the truth from you for almost a decade."

"No mother, it's alright. I'm not mad, I was just shocked back then. Even if Cerberus is my father, he doesn't deserve me, right mother?"

"I want you... to travel with your friends, find your father and pull him by the ear. Say to him, I am Zhery, your daughter, you will come with me and return to the light."

"Mother... I don't want to see him again, after what he did to us."

"There is still hope, on saving him. I do not have much time now..." Ms.Beatrice uttered softly.

"Mother, what are you talking about!?" Zhery began to panic.

"Please bring Cerberus back, do it for me. Return him to the light... I tried, and it is your turn to try. My body is feeble, and I may no longer battle." Ms.Beatrice uttered softly.

"What do you mean mother!? Are you quitting your job as a champion?" I questioned.

"I do not choose what happens next, life does. Whatever fate has been sealed, we have to live with it." Ms.Beatrice uttered with a hoarse throat.

"K... Kalem," Ms.Beatrice uttered softly.

"Y...Yes, headmaster?" I questioned and walked forwards.

"You have your mother's talents and your father's looks. Do not waste it. The first time I saw you, I knew that you have a great potential to take your mother's place. I want you to find your potential, I might not battle you, from here on out... I am sorry that I wasn't able to keep my promise."

"...Headmaster, champion or not, I'll still be willing to battle."

"Mother, why are you saying all of this? Don't tell me..." Zhery started to worry.

"My heart can no longer fight, and the clock has ticked to my final moments. Melody, you'll be my successor... Be the next champion of the Laurenburg region." Ms.Beatrice uttered softly as everybody started to flow with tears.

"No mother, you can't do this... you can't leave me, I'm just ten years old. Please, I know you can still fight, please don't." Zhery started to cry and beg. She held her mother's hand tightly.

"Beatrice... I am just an Elite Four, I do not deserve to become a champion." Melody uttered solemnly as tears fell off from her eyes.

"You deserve to be one, I defeated you but this time... It's different, it is written in the laws of this region, that the leading elite shall take the champion's place. Do that for me, and defend it. Since there will be three left on the team, someone will soon take the leading elite category."

"Who, Ms.Beatrice?" Thalia questioned.

"When the time is right, you'll see... An elite four will rise, and take Melody's current place." Ms.Beatrice uttered with a hoarse throat.

"Mother... please, don't. Mother!" Zhery begged and cried deeply. Glade was trying to comfort her, as Ms.Beatrice felt weaker.

"A...At least, I get to see my daughter's beautiful face one more time. I am now signing off as a mother, a champion, a master, and a trainer. I am glad to be part of this world, and I shall leave this world with no regrets. My door has closed, and another one shall open." Ms.Beatrice held Zhery's face as her eyes slowly closed. Zhery couldn't let go of her mother's hand.

<__________________________>The monitor turned flat. Nurse Joy and Audino grabbed the CPR right away, and pumped the champion's heart, in hopes of reviving her.

<Pzzz...>The CPR zapped Ms.Beatrice once, her heart didn't pump.

"Audino, make the volts higher than usual!" Nurse Joy instructed with worry.

"Mother... please don't leave me, mother... I, I'm still ten. I still need you mother." Zhery begged.

<Pzzz...>The CPR zapped Beatrice again, her heart didn't pump. Everyone was hoping that the CPR would revive and awaken the champion's heart and mind. Everybody was in tears while Nurse Joy tried her best to revive the champion.

"Audino, full power now!" Nurse Joy instructed.

<Aud! Audino!>Audino flipped the switches to the maximum power voltage.

"If this doesn't work, I'm sorry to say but the champion has passed away." Nurse Joy uttered with worry and placed the CPR on Beatrice's chest.

<Pzzz!>The CPR pumped Beatrice's heart. Everybody was silent at first... People were wishing that the last CPR could awaken the champion once more.

"I... I am sorry to say, but the champion has passed away." Nurse Joy uttered solemnly.

"What!? No, this can't be. There must be some other way nurse Joy!" Zhery begged as tears fell off her eyes.

"I've tried everything, not a single one worked. I am sorry..." Nurse Joy uttered solemnly.

"Mother... Mother!" Zhery shouted and moaned for her mother.

"Zh...Zhery. Take a deep breath, take a deep breath." Alice comforted.

"K... Kalem, I'm going to wait outside." Camellia uttered solemnly.

"C...Camellia, why?"

"Zhery probably doesn't want to see me anymore, after my father killed her mother." Camellia started to cry and rushed out of the room.

"Mother! Mother... please wake up. Please!" Zhery begged.

Everyone tried to comfort Zhery as the champion's lips and body turned pale. Her ninth symphony is finally finished, she lived a good and happy life. Even me and Riolu were in shock and sorrows. I never witnessed a champion die in front of my eyes before.

"This is all of Camellia's fault!" Zhery beamed with anger and rage. She shouted loudly while clenching her fist.

"Zhery... It's not her fault, it was his father." I comforted.

"Don't worry mother, I will take my revenge. Camellia and her father, including the whole regime... will regret their very existence." Zhery uttered softly.

"Zhery, do you think this is what your mother wants? Vengeance over your friends?" Glade questioned.

"From now on, Camellia is no longer my friend. She is an enemy, she is a foe, she doesn't deserve my trust anymore." Zhery uttered softly while clenching her fist.

"What should we do Melody? Should the public hear about her death?" Thalia questioned.

"I... I'll try to tell the public tomorrow. For now, there will be three elites and one champion. Just like what the former champion has said, a new elite will rise." Melody uttered solemnly while hugging the deceased body of Ms.Beatrice.

"Glade, I will try to find Camellia. Go and comfort Zhery. I cannot let our friendship be ruined." I uttered and instructed.

"Alright Kalem... this city is huge, so be careful," Glade warned as I left the room.

Now, the time has come for a champion's end. Ties between Zhery and Camellia intensifies, as a new champion shall soon be crowned. A door has finally closed, as another one opens. How will Laurenburg adapt to the loss of their champion? The answer is soon to come, as the journey continues...