
Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime

Pokemon world, An land of fantasy, Adventure, Fun right? Wrong! Pokemon world is a ruthless vengeful world which is a trap in which many fall into. Come lets explore what exactly this world is with Ryan. Inspired by Pokemon: Master of tactics

Studious_Author · アニメ·コミックス
85 Chs

Pokemon Saga: Journey of a Lifetime Ch51

After Ryan finished his work with the rogue trainers he resumed his journey towards Cerulean city. Ryan soon started to encounter few rock type and steel type pokemons. They were all C rank and D rank. All the rock and Steel type pokemon became food for Metang. Being from a carnivores line he can pretty much eat an pokemon raw.

Ryan soon came into the main tunnel which lead to Cerulean city. The Tunnels connect to different exits. There are three main exits. One of them leads to the forest behind Mt. Moon other two lead to Cerulean city. One of them lead to Cerulean Cave. The same Cerulean Cave where you can find Mewtwo in the games which is accessible post game.

Beside these 3 tunnels there are multiple branching tunnels which leads to different places of Mt. Moon. Some of them lead towards other mountains in the Crescent Moon Mountain Range. There are also multiple unexplored tunnels which have resources which are very rare.

The problem with these tunnels are that they are not guaranteed to lead towards Cerulean city or connected to the main tunnel. They branch again and again. They are interconnected and have magnetic field because of which Compasses don't work. Some times there are also unexplainable electromagnetic pulses which destroys electronic devices.

Because of these people tend to get lost often. The Council had issued an order that people are not allowed to go into them due to the high death toll. Unfortunately no one heeded the order. The Council left the greedy people be since they have no control over them.

Ryan's suspicion is that they want to explore the tunnels and use the recourses for their own motives.

Ryan decided that the risk is not worth even if he has pokemon who have detection capabilities. They may encounter Elite pokemons easily in these intervening tunnels.

Ryan may have a Elite pokemon and pokemons above Level 30 but when high level Elite pokemon appears his pokemon wouldn't hold a candle against it. Ryan went towards the main tunnel and started his journey towards Cerulean City.

Soon after an hour and a half Ryan saw a bright light. It was the exit of the Mt. Moon. As soon as he exited Mt. Moon he saw a City in the distance. The city had many Rivers flowing beside it. Ryan now understood how the city got its name. The river makes the city one of the desirable place for Pokefishers who fish pokemon.

The rivers are bright Cerulean blue thus, giving the City its name. It was big and vibrant. Any way he has to go to the pokemon center and heal up his pokemon. After that he has to give an update to Prof. Oak about his findings in the upper parts of Mt. Moon. He has also prepared a new thesis needs to be verified by Prof. Oak.

Ryan started to follow the path main path that leads you to the Cerulean city. There were no pokemon which were above Lv20. Since pokemon trainers often come here pokemon rarely appear.

He saw that the it will soon be sundown and rushed towards the City. After one hour he reached the city entrance. He went straight towards the pokecenter due to the fact he and his pokemon need to rest. He went towards nurse joy.

"Excuse me nurse Joy I want to heal my pokemon" Ryan said.

"Of course, please lend me your pokeball for 2 minutes." Nurse joy said as she took the Pokeballs and healed the pokemon inside them.

"Would you be staying here?" she asked

"Why do you ask that?" Ryan replied her with his own question.

"Prof. Oak had informed me that a young man would be arriving for conducting research in Cerulean city" said Nurse Joy.

"Yes that young man would be me" said Ryan and started to fish out money from his wallet.

Nurse Joy then said "No need to pay. Professors need not to pay for staying in the Pokemon Center"

Ryan was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect this. After all he was just an assistant professor not an full fledged one.

Nurse Joy who understood what Ryan was thinking said "even if you are Assistant Professor that doesn't change the fact you are still a professor. Not only that you have your celebrity status as winner of YKRT(Yearly Kanto Rookie Tournament) being a YKRC (Yearly Kanto Rookie Champion) also helps a lot" Nurse Joy explained.

Ryan could only nod his head as he took the room key from Nurse Joy. He went towards his room and fell on the bed. He released his pokemon and gave them their food except Metang as he had his food during the journey through Mt. Moon and was full.

Soon he heard a bell. He went outside with his aura and Psychic energy active. When he opened the door he saw a Courier. He was a little suspicious of it and sent aura sight to see what it was. It was a Smart Phone like machine?

He opened it and took the item. As he held it he could feel a groove. The groove was 'TR'!. He opened it. Soon a message displayed on the screen. It was from Giovanni. It read:

"Hello Ryan,

It seems like you have gotten this parcel safely. The device you are currently holding is also a pokemon known as Porygon which was created artificially using computer programming codes. It can change into any device as it wishes. Make it turn it into a pokemon and let it occupy your current Team Rocket Machine. It will soon be upgraded . From now onwards you are officially a member of TRSF (Team Rocket Shadow Force)


Ryan immediately took his TRM (Team Rocket Machine) and showed it towards the device he had gotten. Immediately a pokemon materialized. It has a pink, polyhedral head that ends in a blue beak and has hexagonal eyes, and it has a pink polyhedral body with a blue front, blue triangular prism feet, and a blue rectangular prism tail.

This was a Porygon. It soon attached itself towards TRM and got upgraded to SFSM.

[System Booting. . .]

[Data downloading. . .]

[Booting Successful! Loading Successful! Smart Phone is ready to use!]