
Whack a Rattata

Finally, I finished digging. Entering the bag I grabbed the Super Potion with my mouth and carried it out of the bag. Resting it down, I held it with my paw and attempted to squeeze it, sadly this thing was designed for humans to use.

I put the tip of the handle into my mouth before pressing down with my tongue. Feeling the bitter liquid entering my mouth, I reluctantly swallowed it.

(AN: What did I just write ( ̄^ ̄) )

[Host has been poisoned]


Then how am I supposed to use this?

[Answer: Spray onto the body]

You could've warned me.

[I'm not your responsibility]

Tsk. Reentering the bag I took out an antidote and with great difficulty sprayed it onto my body.

[Status Condition, 'poisoned', has been removed]

Using the Super Potion on me, I prepared to quickly leave. Once Sneasel is healed it would be sent over and this time I won't necessarily win.


Earthquake! I quickly use Protect to block the attack as well as the dirt that fell from the tunnel collapsing. Earthquake ended and all parts previously created have collapsed, not wanting to die from suffocation, and being aware that Piloswine would use Earthquake soon enough, I use Dig to burst out from underground.

Piloswine body appeared above me, using Body Slam. Using Protect would only delay the enviable so I chose to counterattack with Double Edge. Jumping upwards our bodies collided, pushing me back into the hole and sending Piloswine into the air.

Sense Smell.

I had only picked up Variant Noctowl's smell who was about to attack if not for my lucky escape. Using Dig, I recreated my tunnel as I attempt to leave the area.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

What the heck is going on up there?

My tunnel once more was on the verge to collapse f*ck!

Shooting out of the ground once more, I could see Delibird throwing out Bomberman's bombs from his bag letting them explode into a crater.


Piloswine landed right in front of me. F*ck!

Seeing Piloswine open his mouth, I charged over with Quick Attack and punched his eye with Sucker Punch. Delibird threw a bomb my way, I quickly dug back into the ground.



I don't get paid enough to be going through this sh*t.

Seeing the ground shaking once more, I sighed again. Earthquake. Time to go back up again. Using Protect while waiting out Earthquake, the tunnel once more collapsed. Once more I dug my way to the surface only to see a Dewgong riding a wave towards me.

"Hey, aren't you worried about friendly fire?"

Using Quick Attack I rushed towards the wave before diving right back down and going up behind the wave. Quick Attack on once more, I ran towards the Delibird in front of me. Delibird began to throw out tons of bombs towards me. Where did it get so many items?

[Answer: The move Present throws out either a healing attack or a damaging attack. Once reached Advance proficiency one can freely choose which one they prefer]

That's broken.

Avoiding the Presents I arrived in front of Delibird and punched it with Sucker Punch. At this time Jynx teleported in front of me and pushed me away with Psychic.

[The damage done by Present isn't as good as most powerful attacks and the healing effects are slower and weaker than a Potion]

Once I reached behind Delibird thanks to Psychic, I broke out by using Pursuit. My fist slammed into the back of Delibird shooting him away. My gaze fell on the ice trainer who was eating a sandwich with Noctowl and Sneasel standing beside him. Arrogant.

I used Screech at the ice trainer. Jynx teleported in front of the trainer and user Light Screen blocking my attack.

"So are you willing to join me?" The Ice trainer asked.

"I refuse," Shaking my head to indicate my refusal.

"Don't think your Run Away ability will save you this time,"


Piloswine roared restarting the hail.

"Knock him out,"

Sneasel appeared in front of me using Night Slash, I attempted to dodge but a Psychic immobilized me. Night Slash hit pushing me backward, instinctively I tried to turn around to use Protect but I was immobilized again by Psychic.


Delibird's Present exploding in my back propelling me forward. In front of me wasn't Sneasel but Piloswine, charging towards me using Take Down. I tried to use Protect again but Psychic immobilized me.

I fainted.

Or so I thought.

Opening my eyes I saw the hail disappear and all the Pokemons around me blown off.

"Leave quickly," Looking up I saw Fearly in the sky moving towards a Skarmory. Activating Run Away, I quickly ran off, barely hearing Bull's Warcry.

"Let's the f*cking do this!" I heard him shout.


The real battle had only just begun, sadly I'm too weak to enter. 5 minutes later, Run Away ran out of steam. I lay down under a tree and took a short break.

That short break I mentioned earlier had turned into an hour, though this had helped my health fully recover. Soon I heard footsteps coming my way and lazily stood to see who it was.

"It's you two!" I cried out surprised.

"Amazing, judging by this Rattatas fur color it's not even a year old and yet it's already a Senior Pokemon," Samuel Oak said astound.

"The Rattata that rode the Variant Fearow," Zane's eyes flickered momentarily, an Old Ball appearing in his hand.

"Hey Zane, let me catch him,"

"Don't bother, this Rattata would never accept you," Zane replied, noticing my hostility. "You should go on ahead Samuel, this fight will take a while"

"But I want to-okay, I'll go," Samuel hurriedly left after being glared at.

Soon after Samuel Oak left my instinct gave me my final warning.


Guess that's not a warning but a declaration. Challenge accepted.


Next Chapter, Final Battle