
Preparations For War Part 2

A small group of Pokemons gathered together within the forest of ??? with multiple different expressions.

Yet all that changed when they saw Mike's arrival.

"Alright, let's get started," Mike said. His tone, expression, and actions clearly showed just how bad the situation was.

Staring at them he didn't feel like going through the effort of explaining everything and instead sent the information directly through Spiritualist.

A small ball of light appeared in front of him before multiple rays came out hitting each Pokemon here's forehead (or whatever they consider one).

"Now that you know, what do we do?" Mike asks.

"I think..." As Sparkacus was about to speak, he along with a large portion of Pokemons were teleported out.

"Again, what do we do?" Mike repeats. The Pokemons he had asked Palkia to hiatus didn't seem to understand their situation.

"You shouldn't have gone," Leona, Mike's daughter muttered.

"Agreed," Anderson (Aegislash) agrees.

"Far too late to regret now, it's what we should do now," Gaia said.


"Never would've thought I did like Nick's help," Mike murmured. Indeed he can think but it's not his specialty, this is why he had trained Leona for this.

"Checkmate," Leona sighed sensing her father's gaze at her.

"Medusa won't come, will she?" Glitch asks.

"Based on how things look, she'll surely be delayed," Phenex (Ho-oh) explained.

"In that case, we'll play along. We'll play his game and win it," Mike said. "But before that... who's side are you on?" Mike asks as he stared at Phenex.

"..." No answer was as good as an answer. Anyone can guess Mike's reaction if she continued to keep silent.

"Yours," Phenex spoke.

"Then, do you know Calyrex?" Mike asks.

"With us both caring for humans of course I did know him. However, we don't have time to get reinforcements," Phenex states.



With Mike leaving his timeline so did his Instinct's effects there. It meant, anyone can start planning against him and he won't realize it until he returned.

With Mike having already guessed that these actions of 'Daniel' not being 'Daniel' he believed that Arceus orchestrated this whole scene. Meaning, that he also knew Mike left the timeline and possibly even the reason why he did.

Risa and possibly 'Daniel' had been taken away and he used 'Daniel's' forces to checkmate the Ouroboros faction.


With the information given to Mike earlier by Palkia, he knew 'Daniel' has already begun the process of fusing Rataya back into the Universe. He needs to kill 'Daniel' before that happens and use Rataya's information to find Risa.

Once found he could get Necrozma to keep Arceus at bay and rescue Risa.

Of course, this battle surely won't be easy. Who knows what support Arceus left for this 'Daniel' or what plans he has to break Ouroboro's Faction?

Arceus has already slapped Daniel's possible win out the window, Giovanni shouldn't have met Calyrex this young and if he did Arceus would get rid of him.

That just leaves the unknown variable Mike, Eternatus, and Necrozma.

Daniel's defeat means Eternatus won't be released and Mike doesn't have time to release Eternatus.

He seriously doubts whether or not Arceus actually wants the Universe's Consciousness reconnected with its core. His Instincts have been telling him Arceus intends to destroy it before it fully reconnects, but that did mean he would have no chance.

And the fact that his Instincts that haven't been much use have been able to tell him this, means Arceus has another plan within that. He's being forced to enter this battle.

Of course, he could choose to not go. But that's not possible, it's the reason why Leona never suggests abandoning Risa.

Mike's a simp to the bone.


"And that's why he'll lose," Arceus said staring at the vastness of space.

"Do you think I won't interfere?" Necrozma mocks.

"Why would stop someone who's breaking your dearest Lillipup?" Arceus retorts. "This is also why you would lose," he added.

"This sign of weakness is a form of strength to others," Necrozma retorts.

"Regardless, this game should break him down, even if failed he won't be able to participate in our battle,"

"Good," Necrozma hummed.

"Just like the mes before, I'll leave Adam to you," Arceus said.

"So you chose that branch," Necrozma mutters. "Starting over from zero,"

"Humanity was the biggest mistake I allowed to happen. I'll make sure they never appear in the new world," Arceus declared.

"Tsk, you haven't won yet," Necrozma snorts.

"Reminder, do not provide any aid to your Lillipup, no matter how much it squeals," Arceus reminded.

"Please, don't make it sound like this was your plan. All you did was fix it to suit," Necrozma states.

Since she had first reunited with Mike, back when he was reborn in Ultra Space she had been working hard on how to get her puppy back to her in the 'best' of condition. Eventually, she realized this wasn't something she can handle on her own, and luckily, her rival can't stand ERRORs. That's why he died not long after their first meeting.

The only way for Mike to uncheck himself from this is to abandon Risa and a feat more impossible than Arceus being a good leader. Even if he somehow gains Origin in the upcoming war, he did still be within Arceus' paw one where there's no escape.

Until his princess charming, her, comes to save the day.

All she needs to do once Risa dies is to help awaken the avenger side in Mike and then she did get the puppy she loved when she had first seen him back in that world.


This seems like it did go into the 'Dark' route really fast.

Assuming this plan works, he did become the lovely tool of Necrozma, assuming she wins.

If the plan fails halfway, meaning, he defeats 'Daniel' and has the world on his side then he would still be toyed with by Arceus until he dies or finds a way out of this situation.

As for complete failure... that's just not possible. What can I say? He's a simp. *shrugs*

More likely to go down the second possibility rather than the first but still not impossible to occur.

Obviously, I'll not explain the full plan and you already heard a short explanation.

Next Chapter I explain a bit about Rataya, clearing out the remaining fog left around her.