
Long Awaited Evolution

[Host has killed Rattata]

[Host has leveled up]

[Host can now evolve into Skiploom]

Hey, don't judge me, I am 100% sure that Medusa can last until I arrived and besides with my low health, I'll end up being useless. So recovering a good bit of my health and stamina from Absorb as well as evolving, would be the better choice. Now then, it's time to evolve.

A large amount of grass and flying type energy pulled towards me, but from anyone else perspective, I doubt they can see this unless they have one of my two types. The two energies were fully absorbed by me and my body began to shine uncontrollably. My body is expanding and transforming into something new. The expansion stopped, now my shining skin began to break off into tiny particles revealing my new form.

[Name: Hoppip D Beri

Age: 7 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon: Skiploom

Type: Grass, Flying

Lvl: 18

Innate Ability: Instinct, Senken

Ability: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll

Racial Ability: Light Weight, Wind Sense, Sunlight Absorbing Petals, Thermo Blooming Flower

Talent Grade: Shallow Green

Nature: Bold

Move set:

Beginner: Sleep Powder, Stun Powder,  Powder, Dig, Tail Whip, Take Down, Fairy Wind, Laser Focus, Return, Leafage, Brave Bird, Counter, Absorb, Cotton Spore

Intermediate: Double Edge, Tailwind, Cotton Guard, Last Resort, Splash, Focus Energy, Gust, Screech, Rest, Sleep Talk,  Amnesia

Advance: Quick Attack, Synthesis, Protect]

[Sunlight Absorbing Petals uses the petals of Skiploom's bloomed flower to absorb sunlight and convert it to food]

[Thermo Blooming Flower: The flower on Skiploom's head will only bloom when Host's body is at a comfortable temperature]

[Evolution has promoted Synthesis to the Advance stage. The host can now use Synthesis passively]

"Haha, this isn't even my final form," I said trying to admire my floating self, I couldn't help but noticed that my flower hadn't bloomed.

"Get your *ss over here and help us!" Fluffs shouted angrily.

"Oh? you're still awake," Flying over at lovely speed that was now able to be boosted properly with Quick Attack and Tailwind, I quickly arrived.

Of course, while moving I was using Synthesis and even if it's slow without the sun it's better than nothing. Fluffs is now playing supportive, shooting Thunder Shocks occasionally and building up Cotton Walls. Medusa on the other hand was just shooting out Acid and Acid Spray...

"Why are you holding back?" All it would take is Glare for Medusa to win any battle.

"Over relysss," Over relying on Glare? You have often beat me without it.

"You can do that during our spars. However, this wasn't the time nor the place for this! I hadn't used Senken since we started combat, who knows if a Pokemon had taken this as an opportunity to ambush us?" Come on, you are normally the smart one here, you're supposed to stop me from doing foolishness, not the other way around.

"My badsss," she said. "You can use himsss to test yourselfsss,"

I don't think you feel guilty.

"Heh, do you all think I'm so weak!" He shouted.

"Oh quiet mini-boss, we still have a boss fight later," I complained. This world's a b*tch, I doubt it's going to let my fight against Stantler be easy.

"All of you can burn to death!" he shouted angrily.

As expected of a fire type, I think my personality would fit swimmingly as one.

Quilava shoots out a ball of fire from his mouth that shot into the air, stopping midway at tree height. Strong hot light came out from it, raising the temperature sharply.

[Sunny Day]

So comfortable. I had to stop myself from floating towards it after getting drunk on absorbing sunlight from my bloomed flower's petals.

"Blaze + Sunny Day. One Fire type move and that's it for any of you. Normally I would've killed you here, but now I'm lacking subordinates. Surrender or die choose."

I see one could create an artificial sun if needed, but the stamina consumption must be incredible. Regardless, this sun benefits me more than it benefits him. Chlorophyll + Leaf Guard + Synthesis, thanks to this I'm now even faster and would have almost infinite stamina and health if I don't start losing it faster than I gain it.

[Incorrect, if host constantly used Synthesis the mental strain would be too much for host leading to host fainting]

All right, good to know.

"Last chance, surrender or die,"

"You talk too much," Quick Attack + active Chlorophyll + active Tailwind and you get one hell of a speed.

Flying towards him I used Leafage, which he opens his mouth to use a Fire type move. Going higher up, I fly right past him and let Sleep Powder fall in his direction. By this time his Flame Burst has been shot out and was moving towards my Leafage, the Sleep Powder that landed close to Quilava burned away from the flames covering his body.

"Powder moves are a little too easily countered," I muttered. Flying types have been shown to just blow it away, fire types can burn it and electric types can do the same.

Taking in a deep breath I blast a Gust at Quilava and flew in another direction and flapped my large ears I called upon the mystic winds, also known as Fairy Wind. Quilava dodges both by using Flame Charge.

Deactivating Chlorophyll and canceling Synthesis, I continue to spam moves at Quilava while adjusting myself to my new form. I could say for certain that this form is better. My speed isn't worst than a Pidgey at the same level, and the actions of my body are more fluid, but...

"Still not good enough," My fighting style would best work within a humanoid Pokemon. I want to be Lucario, Blaziken, Gallade, or any humanoid fighting type Pokemon. Maybe I would be able to try humancest when that time comes.

"Quilava faintedsss,"

[Quilava has fainted]

"What? How?" Huh? even the artificial sun is gone, Nooo! my flower, my happiness.


"Weak," Hold up, did I get experience from that?

[Answer: Yes]

That's a relief.

"Hey, NO Medusa don't..." and she swallowed his head... my experience.

"Fluffsss, eatsss,"

"Yes, master,"

"Leavesss, no longer safesss, a place to sleepsss," true the battle here might have drawn in those with ill intent.

"Grab your food and let's bounce Fluffs," I'm starting to hate the cold, but at least I finally evolved into a proper flying type Pokemon.