
Keikaku Doori

[Host has leveled up]

Mankey dropped to the ground, even unconscious one could see its angry expression... it really needs to chill out otherwise the only time it would get peace is with death.

"Winner, Hoppip."

Not giving Arbok a chance to run me, I flew towards Medusa slowly... can't wait to evolve.

"Good jobsss,"

"Good night," I replied landing, I closed my eyes planning to use Rest.


"What?" Can't you see I want to sleep?

"Next timesss win fastersss,"


"Pay attentionsss, nextsss opponnentsss,"

"True, who's it exactly," Let's see Bracket 3 was who again... f*ck!


"Don't disappointsss,"

Easier said than done. I rolled my mind and called out my status.

[Name: Hoppip D Beri

Age: 5 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon Hoppip

Type: Grass, Flying

Lvl: 6

Innate Ability: Instinct, Senken

Ability: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll

Racial Ability: Light Weight, Wind Sense

Talent Grade: Shallow Green

Nature: Bold

Move set:

Beginner: Tailwind, Absorb, Amnesia, Tail Whip, Take Down, Laser Focus, Double Edge, Return, Counter, Cotton Guard

Intermediate: Last Resort, Splash, Focus Energy, Gust, Screech, Rest, Sleep Talk, Synthesis

Advance: Quick Attack, Protect]

Spearow at level 8 had shown Leer, Growl, and Peck, if not for the level difference I might've considered fighting Spearow up close but it's faster and can deal more damage than me. I got 3 ways to heal but I most likely will faint before getting the desired effect from it.


If only I was faster... if I'm not faster make him slower? If I knew Stun Spore... or better yet Cotton Spore. I'm a grass type with more talent than that crummy emo, I refuse to believe I can't learn Cotton Spore before my turn

Assuming each fight last 10 minutes and we're halfway through the 5th Bracket then I have 75 minutes to learn Cotton Guard. Short yes, but I had already seen it been used and as a possessor of the Sharingan, I got perfect memory.

Standing up, I got ready to find a corner to train.

"Medusa can you call me before my match begins,"

Medusa's response was to move towards my head and... pat it.


I know I should feel touched here, but was it just me who heard 'suck seeds'?


My plan for learning Cotton Spore was quite simple, shoot cotton onto a tree and hope it sticks. Of course, there's much more to it than that but that's all you need to know. Half an hour into it I finally realized something very important, stamina. To stop this issue I used Synthesis occasionally, just like most recovery moves it's not instant recovery however this one not only heals you but also recovers one stamina and provides some food.

Making Synthesis is one of the least liked recovery moves in combat because without Sunny Day the speed of health recovery is too slow. This doesn't stop others from using it though.

Half an hour later, I had successfully learned Cotton Spore. My body, excluding my leaves, slowly grew cotton before shooting out into the air, the cotton would float for a bit before hitting the ground. Perfect.

"Turnsss, startsss, soonsss" Medusa said slithering towards me, the cotton on the ground that touched her body melted.

[Acid Armor]

Huh, it only looked like she came out of the shower, wait no way, her body has liquefied? Why name it Acid Armor when you become the armor? Guess it sounds better than Acid Body.


"Let'sss go," My IQ is going to drop if you keep smacking my head.

Following behind Medusa who had already disused Acid Armor, we quickly arrived back to see Wooper fighting Weedle. The only battlefield was raining making me easily guess Wooper knows Rain Dance. This wasn't good for Weedle, it looked shocked as Poison Sting was blown away from the Rain Dance improved Water Gun that hit her.

Wooper didn't stop and continued to spray the water hose all over Weedle's body. Weedle was soon unable to resist and fainted.

"Winner Wooper," If nothing changes my next fight would be against Wooper.

"Bracket 3 and Bracket 4's winner enter the stage," Should I win asap or take my time.


"Win quicklysss,"

Smack this, smack that, why don't you go and smack your mother? I grumbled making my way towards the battlefield, stopping halfway there to get into the air before continuing forward. By the time I had arrived Spearow was already there, flapping its wings to stay at a certain height in the air. Show off, the bastard is clearly mocking me.

Glaring at the Spearow, it looked at me cautiously and... confused? Confused? he knows damn well he's mocking my inability to properly fly.


Absorb. I started siphoning his health as I watched Spearow fly towards me.


It used Growl canceling my Absorb, no pressure, I used Gust. Spearow once more showed off, dodging my attack by soaring into the sky.

"F*ck you!" I shouted. Flying energy generated in my already spinning leaves to use the move Tailwind. Carried by the wind, I flew up towards Spearow who was flying in one spot up there.

Watching me get close to him, Spearow dived down at me, blinding me with Leer and going for the Peck.

"Keikaku Doori," Before Spearow could reach me, I became a ball of cotton and began to fall. Using Senken, I confirmed Spearow was still chasing me and waited for the perfect chance.

Spearow beak pierce through the cotton but as expected was unable to reach me. Taking advantage of Spearow's closeness I used Cotton Spore. Spearow sensing some danger pulled out its beak planning to fly away, but it was too late.

Cotton Guard burst into small portions in all directions, some of which landed and stuck onto Spearow's body. The front of Spearow's body was covered with Cotton Spore. Light they may be, but movement becomes difficult when enough is stock to you, trust me, I know from experience.

Spearow's attempt at flying made those that were floating to the ground next to his stick to Spearow as he fell from the sky. As for myself, I'm light as a feather and was soon flying once more while leeching Spearow's health. Seeing Spearow about to hit the ground, I felt it was time to end this.

Using the energy of Double Edge, I was able to dive down at high speed. By the time Spearow collided on the ground, I was only seconds away from joining him.


Slamming into him, I use Splash to go back up into the air, not high sadly, but good enough and dropped right back down on Spearow with Last Resort.

[Host has leveled up]

I love it when a plan comes together.


1st Bracket vs 2nd Bracket: Wooper (LVL 7) vs Weedle (LVL 7) - Winner Wooper (LVL 7)

3rd Bracket vs 4th Bracket: Spearow (LVL 8) vs Hoppip (LVL 6) - Winner Hoppip (LVL 7)

5th Bracket vs 6th Bracket: NidoranM (LVL 7) vs Pidgey (LVL 7) - Winner Pidgey (LVL 8)

7th Bracket vs 8th Bracket: Hoothoot (LVL 6) vs Wooper (LVL 8) - Winner Wooper (LVL 8)

9th Bracket vs 10th Bracket: NidoranF (LVL 7) vs Sandshrew (LVL 6) - Winner Sandshrew (LVL 7)

11th Bracket vs 12th Bracket: Rattata (LVL 8) vs Spearow (LVL 9) - Winner Spearow (LVL 9)

Mankey (LVL 9) & Mareep (LVL 7) to be decided next chapter.