
I'm A Pet, So What?

Waking up, I yawned, enjoying the warmth the sun provided. I was beside my broken egg which surprisingly was eaten yet.

"So I'm a prisoner again?" I mumbled.

"Nosss," Ekans dropped to the ground in front of me. "You're my petsss," Ekans explained patting my head with her tail.

"Oh?" I became a pet, that's... new. I had thought I would've been angry and attacked her, especially with my Bold nature but I only felt disappointed in myself. Weak. Yes, I'm weak and I should in fact be happy that I didn't outrightly get killed.

"You're alsosss my emergency foodsss,"

"Make sense," Turning around I began to eat my eggshell. Eggshells carried the nutrients needed for quick growth, enabling them to reach their max size earlier, for Rattatas that's a month.

How much is Hoppip's own exactly?

Not answering? Have you started back this crap already? I don't think this is as important s telling me Pokemon's racial ability.

[Answer: System can decide whether or not to answer. System advice Host to not rely on the System because the tutorial mode has ended]

At least that explains the difficulty.

"Beri follow messs,"

[Host new name has been recorded]

[Name: Hoppip D Beri]

Hey, what gives?

[This is the first name given to Host recorded since Host has reincarnated as Hoppip. If you don't wish for this to occur again it's recommended to give yourself a name after hatching]

Doesn't this count as useful?


"followsss," Ekans said after smacking my head.


It has been 4 months since I became Ekans' pet. 2 months ago I could finally start training, by training I mean move mastery. The experience through exercise isn't worth the time and improving my move proficiency would make sure whatever level I reached stabilized with whatever amount of Advance skills needed at that level.

Funnily, I survived longer while weaker in this life.

[Name: Hoppip D Beri

Age: 4 months

Gender: Male

Pokemon Hoppip

Type: Grass, Flying

Lvl: 5

Innate Ability: Instinct, Senken

Ability: Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll

Racial Ability: Light Weight, Wind Sense

Talent Grade: Shallow Green

Nature: Bold

Move set:

Beginner: Splash, Absorb, Cotton Guard, Amnesia, Tail Whip, Take Down, Laser Focus, Double Edge, Return, Counter

Intermediate: Last Resort, Focus Energy, Screech, Rest, Sleep Talk, Synthesis

Advance: Quick Attack, Protect]

It took me a whole month and a half to get Protect to Advance, making me believe that certain moves require more time to master than others. I also trained Rest, Sleep Talk, and my new move Synthesis to Intermediate.

The intelligence of the Arbok family is surprisingly high, was one of them previously tamed? It wasn't just this that shock me, but the amount of other low leveled Pokemons they tamed. The Pokemons are only allowed to train their move proficiency and aren't allowed to train. The highest level one is 10, though I hadn't seen it since yesterday.

The 4 levels I had gained were from training my moves but I guess the experience provided by that isn't much. Anyways my goal right now is to learn Sleep Powder and Tailwind, get them to the Advance stage, and skit dattle out of here. This group of Arboks having been oozing out that ominous aura, metaphorically. Also, did I mention that I finally become bigger, I'm a little bit taller than I was as Rattata.

"dodgesss," My owner Ekans, or what I named her Medusa, is continuing her training... on me.

I used Protect to block the Poison Stings coming towards me while simultaneously running towards her. Sadly, my speed sucks even while using Quick Attack, I really need to learn Tailwind so I can soar through the sky.

Medusa used Glare at me, then spat out a Smokescreen, something I didn't expect an Ekans could learn. Thanks to her Innate Ability, Unconcealed Concealment, my Senken can't find her and I could only rely on Instinct. Sadly, with the smoke enshrouding me, my Leaf Guard couldn't absorb any sunlight to activate.

The attack came from behind, but sadly my body was not only unable to react in time but can't do anything about it. Holding on tightly to me, she slammed me onto the ground before wrapping around me.

"My winsss," Of course, it's your win, I can't do sh*t without being able to fly and even then I move too slowly.

Is this how all the flying types felt when I abused them? Huh, sucks to be them.

"Yes, I surrender," I said. We can fight, but we can't faint each other, especially me otherwise I would die. For whatever reason, low-level Pokemon aren't allowed to level up, and truthfully I don't ever want to find out.

The feeling of suffocation quickly stopped as Medusa slithered off me.

"So what is your family planning?" It's better I find out now than seeing personally.

"Don't knowsss," Ekans said, surprising me. The Arbok family isn't the Overlord and can only be said to be a small family. Having only 1 Junior Elite Pokemon. "Don'tsss want to findsss out,"

"How won't you know? Aren't you all family?" While I was weak in the Raticate family I still could easily know what's going on.

"Yes, butsss I'msss weak,"

"I get it, the weak don't have the privilege to know, but shouldn't you be pampered as the talent of your family?"

"Don'tsss know,"


"This conversation isn't going anywhere, let's continue to train Medusa,"
