
Humanity Strikes Back Part 9

"Zygarde's?" Blue asks curiously.

Yveltal's current status could only imply Zygarde's death, the world's end.

Before Blue was able to get an answer, the answer came to him. The sky, the sea, and the land had a drastic change, becoming a duller color than usual.

What was terrifying was the occasional glitching occurring across Earth. An ominous feeling that brought shivered across Blue's spine, killing away all the exhilaration he had for his upcoming battle.


The roars of Yveltal quieted down, and his body floated midair silently as the cocoon of destruction silently wraps around him. Instinctually, Blue, Cain, and AZ distanced themselves from Yveltal cautiously.


Another roar came as the cocoon of destruction had fully wrapped Yveltal, one brought upon by Mike who was still being bombarded by Consecutive Gamma Rays.

Dealing with these consecutive shots, he finally saw his Destructive energy losing a battle, the overall battle that is.

Unlike Eternatus' Eternabeam where he can spread apart the attack due to its humongous range, effectively preventing the attack from contacting him with just the palm of a hand, Gamma Rays were far more difficult.

Its quality may still lose to Destructive energy, however, Mike's total release of Destructive energy is not enough to properly block this concentrated shot. Having to further block the radiation that was thickened with each shot, Mike's disadvantage was increasing at every blast.

To resist these attacks, his body had chosen the most optimal method, in the long run, hack and slash. Angel's and Devil's blades would slash above his head just as a Gamma Ray comes down, the collision would lead to his hands pulling back in recoil followed by his arms suffering from 3rd-degree burns to the bone. More radiation would spread onto his hands and the environment around him, without his Destructive Coat, he would've likely been infected.

A quick healing would solve this, and his hands would slash forward once more repeating the process.

Maybe he could break this lock, however, it would surely provide an opportunity Cain is waiting on. However, waiting too long is going to cause the radiation to stack up to a level where it would eventually affect his hands faster than he can heal from it.

His hands would move too slowly for the next Gamma Ray which would lead to his death.

Unfortunately, he currently can't think of a way that he can turn things around without waiting. Once he moves, he likely is thrown at a disadvantage worse than it is currently, that's what he can instinctually feel at least.

Suddenly, the sound of tearing paper occurred instantaneously. Despite how quick it may have been that didn't mean these Pokemons and humans here would ignore this.

Mike's enemies turn in the direction they heard the voice, the location of Yveltal in his cocoo...


Alarmed to see Yveltal awake once more, they frown as they noticed the extra 2 pairs of wings he has along with a change in soul aura.

"ERROR!" Cain warns.

#Nihility Wing#

6 beams of energy shot forth from Yveltal's wings, heading toward the trio before him.

"I'll..." Blue quickly enters Bond Evolution state with his Blastoise, despite it still being in his Pokeball.


Space-Time beside Yveltal broke revealing a Cereberus gazing at them in hostility.

"Spear blessed by Victory, kill thy enemies before me," Cain chants throwing his spear into the sky.

"Stab forth, Gae Dearg,"


It was at this moment, Mike knew Gamma Ray wasn't what Cain proclaimed as the strongest attack, rather it was just a setup for it.

Hearing the words 'Gae Dearg' the first thoughts Mike had was...

'Oh sh*t, anti-energy,' Devil and Angel once more came to use as it quickly came forth to block the spear despite being aware perfectly that...

'Not fast enough,'

The Gamma Ray shot was mostly to build up speed, Gae Dearg's threat would come from kinetic energy and its anti-energy properties. None of Mike's energy-based attacks and defense would matter if this made contact with him.

All he has with him now is the two blades (gun) in hand and that would be frames away from stopping the attack he's certain that if he doesn't die from this attack, the radiation will; he'll no longer be able to defend himself causing the radiation to finish him off.

#Light Speed#

A figure appeared above him, a beautiful yet familiar face holding a shield above her to intercept the attack and a short yet remarkable sword in hand.


Proving once more to be the most solid defense, the spear bounces off the shield after failing to penetrate and Mike quickly Destructive Steps forward to grab it.

'F*cking Raven, even in death he still finds ways to piss me off,' Fully believing that Raven had an agreement with Cain/Daniel in the past for Cain to gain the idea to make this, Mike was more than pissed. Vowing to wipe out all Ravens across all timelines.

"Thanks," Still he made sure to thank to his knight in shining armor, Necrozma.

"With pleasure," Gold said. "Sei asks why can't you fight without someone worrying you'll die in the process? How many times have you nearly died today already?"

"3 I think?" Mike said unsure.

Their conversation would have to end there as they both quickly head forward to fight their enemies.

"The 2 newcomers aren't an ally,"

"I know, berserkers," Mike said tactically understanding what Gold meant.

"Gold Ketchum by the way," Gold said.


So current battlefields.

In the sky - MIke, Gold vs AZ, Cain, Blue vs 2 ERRORs

Unova - Arceus vs Hoenn's legendaries, Hoopa, Dialga, etc.

Team Rocket's Headquarters

- Gaia vs etc.

- Glitch vs Regigigas

- Giovanni vs Medusa

Location N/A - Mewtwo (will join X battlefield)

So about 4-5 more fights.